

  • I've done 2 full rounds of p90x and just started number 3 but I won't consider myself a grad till I can do all the routines fully with similar pace and reps as the participants on the screen. I expect I will be doing this for a year and a half before that about 6 rounds.
  • my brother is in pretty good shape and he is an elliptical guru and does 6-10 miles on it, but he can't run three miles straight without taking a walking break
  • she's right on the money - if they don't have the handout just use panera's sandwhich equivelant as a guide (altho panera's are a tad bit more calories, better safe than sorry when you don't know)
  • without getting into the specifics, you don't lose weight without consuming less calories than you expend. What you expend in a day is BMR+activity.....theres nothing saying that BMR+activity won't be less than yes you can eat below your BMR but you should be calculating how much to be in deficit based on BMR +…
  • have you tried the fresh blocks they have at some of the trader joes like stores? i make quesadilla's out of them and they melt like normal cheese too...not talking about any of the processed cheeses you find (like kraft) i don't think i could tell the difference in a taste test unless I was eating it raw.
  • anything that's still moving - like that one sea creature they serve at some sushi places that kind of looks like a shrimp but has these little feelers all moving about. Everytime I've seen it its made me want to get the check immediately.
  • fresh block of lowfat cheddar (the non processed kind) is only 45 calories per ounce as well! (compared to the usual 80-110)
  • might get more energy by adding in more whole grains, but they are one of the most calorie dense foods out there....i'd stick with just adding the right types of veggies and fruits.
  • giant ziplock bag, add 1 part soy sauce to 3 parts water, and then soak for 30+mins before grilling/roasting adds that nice salty flavor and still goes well with olive oil if you go that route
  • I think we got that part - the part you would potentially need to clarify would more likely be how you can tell they have a sprained ankle while they are waiting for your spot? or even why preferring a treadmill with the tv set, a timer, a speedometer, incline adjuster, maybe even a built in fan or heart rate monitor, and…
  • my 'no brainer' was directed at your equal efforts remark, since its obvious that more of your overall effort will be used during the actual workout with p90x than with learning everything yourself and driving to a gym 6 days a week, which of course translates into equal efforts not equalling equal results in your overall…
  • takes a hell of a lot more effort to acquire and properly apply the knowledge you are talking about, not to mention the risk of not applying it properly nor the extra time and cost of the gym. its pretty obvious that its more effort when you factor it all in. That's what you pay for when you buy the program, your paying…
  • I don't speed up to help out 'PLV's, but I certainly wouldn't want to be an @sshole either and intentionally try to anger them; why spread that type of thing? If they want to park close and are willing to wait politely to do it, what's it matter?
  • bottom line is it will take more effort to get the exact same result at the gym. ps - i also threw out kenpo x within my first round since I prefer running or something more challenging on that day. however if i were obese I would probably be doing it since it can be a great workout provided it is challenging.
  • an easy way to guesstimate sushi roll calorie consumption is to breakdown what you ate into either the fried tempura style roll, the fish/eel on top (think dragon) type roll, or the california roll - that's what i do when logging it all. If the whole role is deepfried, then why bother even logging that day though :laugh:
  • if you ever transition from the cardio routine to something more strength training oriented you will most likely get sore in the beginning and that's normal and will go away after a few weeks.
  • Gym is way harder! Would take more effort to get the same results you could get with P90x, which does the thinking for you and is "idiot proof".
  • uhhh they are doing exactly what they should be doing imo...which is to say they are learning to eat balanced & healthy meals. Its tough to learn to cook good meals at first so starting with something as easy as chicken and veggies just makes sense... Soon the menu will hopefully expand outwards from that type of eating.…
  • how do you make swimming high impact?
  • anything NiN tends to make me shave another minute off my mile.
  • when i put in my weight age and gender the treadmill I use (lifefitness) tells me that I've burned close to 900 calories in 30 mins. I know from the calculators and experience with my own calorie tracking that I really only burned about 400 above and beyond my normal BMR. So now on the machine I put my weight in at 160lbs…
  • yoga x is a great power yoga routine, but the problem is the person teaching it doesn't actually know how to teach yoga. in yoga you don't 'push it' and p90x is all about pushing it. its better to hang back in the poses and moves and gain slowly than 'push it' and not be in full control of your body and breath in a pose.…
  • What azdak said.
  • Actually it is a great strategy for weight management, although not because of the calories that the muscles allow you to burn. When you are much stronger, the perceived effort of all your activities goes way down, even though the amount of calories you burn doesn't. So burning calories becomes a lot easier and maintaining…
  • i overestimate my food calories and i underestimate my exercise calories, as well as not listing questionable activities (read housework) under my exercise - given all that, when I take a bite of my wife's meal to taste it, I do not feel the need to log it.
  • remember, when you are done you are done - the amount of exercise they are going to put you through tonight is INTENSE. Use a chair with the pullups, instead of the bands...u will be able to do pullups later without the chair. I could do like 1-3 before my first round, now I do 40 before i pull out my chair. its ok to hit…
  • lol so this would be the best thread to note that you can increase your body's efficiency in digesting/absorbing the calories from your foods by eating good probiotic yoghurts (think greek) which enhance your digestive system. So eat more yogurt, it will help your body store more of the calories from your food! Wouldn't…
  • i think saucony specializes in running shoes and they have always been best on me. I went to a running store and they fitted me up with these $200 shoes that did nothing but make my feet hurt after a while...went back and asked them for the latest generation of the saucony's. Could tell the guy didn't want to show them to…
  • i always liked hearing this tip on clean eating: don't walk down the isles at grocery stores (most of them anyway) - all the good foods tend to be on the outer perimeter: dairy, produce, bakery, deli, etc.
  • Good for you on making a great choice! I made the mistake of smoking for 12 years and haven't had a puff in over 2 years now. The important part from here on out is to just not smoke.... I wouldn't consider you 'quit' till you've gone 1 yr without a single one. That means avoiding your triggers that give you urges - you…
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