Cheese advice please?

Is hard cheddar cheese a bad fat content and is it a bad food.



  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Regular cheese has a good amount of fat (you can check the food database to just search how much it has per ounce). I suggest the Kraft 2% cheese which is a bit lighter or a different low fat cheese.
  • fletchbaby
    fletchbaby Posts: 62 Member
    Since cheese is my weakness I thought I would respond to my knowledge yes to both those questions....I eat ricotta cheese and sprinkle sharp cheeses like romano on things , romano is very flavorful and you can satisfy the cheeses craving with it without eating much.
  • fitnesscalv
    fitnesscalv Posts: 15 Member
    Cheddar Cheese has a high amount of saturated fat which is the bad kind, however it also has a good amount of protein and calcium...

    As the other two users suggested try substituting for a lower fat cheese, or just eat it in moderation.
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    Cheese is high in fat but we all need some fat just eat it in moderation. I tend to go for the stronger fuller flavour cheeses that way you dont need as much of them to flavour sauces etc. or to satisfy any cravings
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    try low fat cheeses likje cottage, mozzerella swiss
  • DancingDreamer
    you can find skim milk mozzerella which is DELICIOUS and also 2% milk cheeses taste just as good as regular cheese and are getting easier and easier to find in regular grocery stores!
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    fresh block of lowfat cheddar (the non processed kind) is only 45 calories per ounce as well! (compared to the usual 80-110)
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I personally find low fat cheese doesn't do it for me, so I end up eating more of it. Nothing beats a nice piece of sharp (regular fat) cheddar, maybe sliced onto some crackers or grated on a bowl of soup. In moderation, there technically aren't any "bad" foods (although obviously high-fat high-salt fast food is never really "good) as long as there's something to balance it... in the case of cheese, there's lots of protein and calcium to make it worth the fat.
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I personally find low fat cheese doesn't do it for me, so I end up eating more of it. Nothing beats a nice piece of sharp (regular fat) cheddar, maybe sliced onto some crackers or grated on a bowl of soup. In moderation, there technically aren't any "bad" foods (although obviously high-fat high-salt fast food is never really "good) as long as there's something to balance it... in the case of cheese, there's lots of protein and calcium to make it worth the fat.

    have you tried the fresh blocks they have at some of the trader joes like stores? i make quesadilla's out of them and they melt like normal cheese too...not talking about any of the processed cheeses you find (like kraft)

    i don't think i could tell the difference in a taste test unless I was eating it raw.
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    I've started buying Kraft's Fat Free Shredded Cheddar Cheese. It only has 45 calories per serving (1/4 cup)! I think the 2% milk cheese is twice that, and mozzarella part-skim is somewhere near twice that too. Yes, the fat free cheese does have a different texture--it's kind of rubbery--and it melts a little differently, but you can't argue with such a low calorie amount. :)
  • pickledlilly
    pickledlilly Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks everyone for your help. Since I started on this site I weigh everything and always keep under my fat count. I will have a shop around and see what we have in the UK. I do have cottage cheese but every now and then I want that really strong flavour you get from a good mature cheese.