Hitting the road after training with an elliptical?

I'm still a novice runner. 2 years ago I commited myself to a 10k six months out. Trained alone at a local walking track, but made little progress and by race day I wasn't truely prepared. Plagued by intense shin splints I was actually LAST after the first mile!! One legged people with walkers and dogs in strollers were passing me!! I almost let the ambulance.....which was 20ft behind me pick me up. But I am not a quitter! I started to jog and got into a rhythm of running the down hills and walking the uphills. I finished in 1hr 35min. But didn't continue training regularly.

So here I am now. I have an elliptical in my home. I'm doing the couch to 5k program on it. Doing a walking type pace at 45rpms followed by a jogging pace of 60-65rpms for the running part. I'm really making great progress! And yesterday completed wk5 day2!! My endurance is really improving and I am so stoked!

But here's my concern. When the weather lets up I want to take this on the road. But will I be able to keep up the pace I've established on the elliptical? Are the muscle groups used on the elliptical preparing me to actually run? Should I alternate between the road and the elliptical for awhile?

I thought maybe I would complete the Couch to 5K on the elliptical and then begin the Couch to 10K on the road. The c210k program starts off slow and is a 60min workout compared to th c25k 30min. Any thoughts and advice are very welcome!!


  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I'm not sure. I run on the treadmill or outside on my running days, and then use the elliptical on my easy days. It's a lot harder on your body to run than it is to elliptical. What I do on the elliptical far outpaces what I can do on the treadmill or outside.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    But here's my concern. When the weather lets up I want to take this on the road. But will I be able to keep up the pace I've established on the elliptical? Are the muscle groups used on the elliptical preparing me to actually run? Should I alternate between the road and the elliptical for awhile?

    I thought maybe I would complete the Couch to 5K on the elliptical and then begin the Couch to 10K on the road. The c210k program starts off slow and is a 60min workout compared to th c25k 30min. Any thoughts and advice are very welcome!!

    I don't think the elliptical will prepare you for being on the road. The muscle groups you use are completely different for the two motions, plus you don't have the bone density you gain by being on the road. You can keep doing the elliptical as a cross training device but I would do the C25K program again on the road. Maybe you don't have to start on week 1 but maybe week 3 but you want to get used to wind resistance, harder surface, not having a set pace...etc.

    Great job for working on it. Good Luck.
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    my brother is in pretty good shape and he is an elliptical guru and does 6-10 miles on it, but he can't run three miles straight without taking a walking break
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    i always ran on the treadmill, first day i ran outside, i almost died. not literally, but it was stuff. because of shin pain i had to stop and use the elliptical. right now i'm trying to strengthen my shins and learn how not to over train so i can get back to running.

    there are so many things that you deal with outside (wind, inclines, dogs,) that running inside on the treadmill/elliptical can't prepare you for. i would say take it slow and don't try to run at the same speed as you do indoors. indoors i'm a machine, outdoors i'm a slug.

    all the best and congrats on your achievements.
  • Ninachristina
    Ninachristina Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for your advice. What do you think about this........starting over with the c25k on the road and alternating with off days on the elliptical. Maybe increasing my time on the elliptical since my endurance is building so well on it. That would put me increasing workouts from 3-4days a week to more like 5-6days/wk.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Thanks for your advice. What do you think about this........starting over with the c25k on the road and alternating with off days on the elliptical. Maybe increasing my time on the elliptical since my endurance is building so well on it. That would put me increasing workouts from 3-4days a week to more like 5-6days/wk.

    Trader out one of the elliptical days with some other exercise like yoga or weight training and you have a solid plan.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I'm still a novice runner. 2 years ago I commited myself to a 10k six months out. Trained alone at a local walking track, but made little progress and by race day I wasn't truely prepared. Plagued by intense shin splints I was actually LAST after the first mile!! One legged people with walkers and dogs in strollers were passing me!! I almost let the ambulance.....which was 20ft behind me pick me up. But I am not a quitter! I started to jog and got into a rhythm of running the down hills and walking the uphills. I finished in 1hr 35min. But didn't continue training regularly.

    So here I am now. I have an elliptical in my home. I'm doing the couch to 5k program on it. Doing a walking type pace at 45rpms followed by a jogging pace of 60-65rpms for the running part. I'm really making great progress! And yesterday completed wk5 day2!! My endurance is really improving and I am so stoked!

    But here's my concern. When the weather lets up I want to take this on the road. But will I be able to keep up the pace I've established on the elliptical? Are the muscle groups used on the elliptical preparing me to actually run? Should I alternate between the road and the elliptical for awhile?

    I thought maybe I would complete the Couch to 5K on the elliptical and then begin the Couch to 10K on the road. The c210k program starts off slow and is a 60min workout compared to th c25k 30min. Any thoughts and advice are very welcome!!

    You will certainly benefit from the basic cardiovascular conditioning that comes from training on the elliptical, but it is in no way a substitute for actually running on the ground. You will not be able to switch over from the C25K schedule you are on to the same point while running outdoors.

    Exercise training is very specific to the activity. You will need to adapt your muscles and joint to the specific stressors of running on the road. You may progress more quickly because you will see the benefits of the cardio conditioning from the elliptical, but try and get out on the road ASAP and don't try to duplicate speed or endurance at first from what you are doing on the elliptical.