Parking Lot Vultures



  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I think we got that part - the part you would potentially need to clarify would more likely be how you can tell they have a sprained ankle while they are waiting for your spot?

    or even why preferring a treadmill with the tv set, a timer, a speedometer, incline adjuster, maybe even a built in fan or heart rate monitor, and of course the benefit of it being lower impact would be relevant?
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I've never encountered a PLV before, I should consider myself lucky.

    Though the fiance and I went to the grocery store yesterday and I saw some guy who was already in a spot, back out and move up 3 spaces and re-parked and finally go into the store. For only 3 parking spaces closer!! Thats just ridiculous! :laugh:
  • Tandksmommy10
    I'll admit, I can be a PLV at time (let the flaming commence). I have 2 young kids (4 and 2) and sometimes it's just easier to park because the shorter the distance to the door, the quicker I can get in and out, and not have to tackle someone. If I'm alone or even just have 1 of the kids, I usually park wherever I can get a spot. It's only on those really BAD days when I'll go up and down a few aisles looking and hoping.

    My peeve is when a car with a handi-cap sticker pulls into a handi-cap spot (which is fine and dandy) but then it's perfectly clear that the person who is handi-cap is waiting in the car, and the healthy person is waltzing into the store. Really? You couldn't have parked a few spots down and left that person in the car? What if someone who is handi-capped wanted to go into the store but couldn't because some jerk is taking up the spot.