Anyone else have strange food aversions?



  • i cant at sour cream and onion potato chips...actually I don't like eating most things that I feel are going to make my breath smell bad but I absolutely won't eat those things (which really isn't so bad because they're not very good for you anyways). also, maple syrup bugs me out.
  • oh! and also capers. what is going on with those things? they taste like the potpourri of vegetables gross
  • In terms of taste, there are things I don't like but I wouldn't call then an aversion as I don't get stressed around them etc. I don't like garden peas and once cried at a family dinner in a restaurant because I had asked for "no peas" and it came with them on it. I was only 12 at the time though :)

    Not keen on parsnips, sweet potato, butternut squash etc, just toooo sweet for me but if they are in a soup I like it :)

    Sometimes the sight of a whole raw chicken about to go in the oven makes me gag, I think it makes it too "real"
    When I had my first son, he was about 3 days old and I was marinading chicken portions in spices etc, but when I came to cook them, I couldn't do it, it felt like I was about to roast my baby.... I know how whacko that sounds but I guess it was the hormones, haha

    haha this reminds me of a poetry professor that I had in college who said he bought a plant to put on his dining room table. one night he made his own salad with a "head of lettuce" and as he sat down to eat it, he couldn't because his table plant was staring him in the face. He apologized and "buried" the head of lettuce in the trash.
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    anything that's still moving - like that one sea creature they serve at some sushi places that kind of looks like a shrimp but has these little feelers all moving about. Everytime I've seen it its made me want to get the check immediately.
  • Wild Game Meat -- my church has a "wild night" right before thanksgiving and they hang up all the dead animal heads and everyone cooks wild game....i hate it!!! The smell, taste, and thought makes me sick! I'm not a vegan but if that was the only meat I could have I would go vegan tomorrow lol!

    Mushrooms -- I can't even stand the smells! Once they accidentally put mushrooms on my pizza and before i even opened the box i could smell them and got sick.

    Raw Tomatoes -- I like the flavor but they make me get horrible burns on my lips....huge blisters, its disgusting!

    Pork -- Any kind...(although i do like deli ham lol) I hate pork loin, pork chops....anything pork...gross!
  • EmmyBee
    EmmyBee Posts: 54 Member
    Hard-boiled eggs. EWWW so gross! I can't stand the smell, look, taste, texture. Just thinking about it is actually creeping me out right now.
  • oh hard boiled eggs is another - ewww food for me- as are avacados and tomatoes.....
  • shivah
    shivah Posts: 6
    my boyfriend is australian but not from the coast seafood was a relatively new thing for him ..and though he loves most seafood ..he cant stand eating things with tentacles ..the lil suction cups on octopus freak him out.

    me? i cant eat aperitif (spelling?) its an italian drink like soda ..delicious im told me it literally tastes like dishsoap ewww someone told me it has to do with some recessive gene for that particular taste PCT i think ..most people dont taste it (70%) but to the people that can ..ewwww taste so bitter its awful

    OHH -edit- i forgot to add

    warm tomato ..i hate those ..horrible things, cooked or roasted or in soup is fine but warm?? like what happens when they add tomato to a warm burger ? that makes me gag - same for lettuce specially iceberg - raw and crispy is fine but warm ..its disgusting .
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I don't have an aversion to foods, but there are some that I dislike a lot including:

    Liver--my mom used to cook this all the time for my dad-made the house smell real bad (actually they would eat tounge and flaczki (Pig Intestine soup), beef tartar (raw beef) too, meat gelatin salads). No thank you!

    Leg of lamb-tried it for the first time at a nice restaurant (sabor do brazil) and didn't really care for it-too dry for my liking

    Never have been a porkchop gal--my husband loves them I don't at all--still too dry , but I do like pulled pork.

    Apples hurt my teeth so I stay away from them unless its applesauce.

    Over the years I have started to like and eat foods that I didn't like when I was younger like shrimp, scallops, tilapia and other seafoods, onions (I prefer mine sauteed not fresh unless diced up real small), avacados...
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    Mushrooms are just plain revolting. I hate the way they taste, feel, and even look like. Even the thought makes me gag and think of mold.

    Also I got fed up with yogurt when I was little so, even thou I don't really dislike it, I very rarely eat it.
  • alantin
    alantin Posts: 621 Member
    I forgot to put Tuna on my list too. Simply cannot tolerate even the smell. It looks and smells JUST like cat food...eww..ewwwww....EW!

    Ever tried fresh tuna on sushi?
    It is heaven on earth! True ambrosia!
    Nothing like the grey smashed stuff with half of it being the guts of the fish..
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Oh boy, food aversions - My husband says mine are strange, but maybe I'm not alone in the world!

    Meat on the bone. Can't eat meat on the bone. As an adult now, I can take a chicken breast and tear the meat off, throw away the bones, and eat the meat - but as a kid - no way.

    I don't like my food to touch - when I was a kid, I was extreme about it, would only eat one thing at a time, and then turn my plate clockwise to eat the next thing - and always save the best-tasting thing for last.

    Nothing with coconut - someone else said that it's the texture, that's gotta be it. I have had fresh coconut just cut from the tree and really liked it - but the dried flaky stuff, UGH!

    When I was a kid, I remember not being allowed to leave the table because I refused to try a spoonful of acorn squash - I remember falling asleep at the table and waking up in my bed the next morning. Guess I won that battle, LOL! Silly, because I love squash now, yum!
  • smiles04
    smiles04 Posts: 44
    i totally know what you mean. most of the foods I don't like are because of the texture and when I try to eat them I just don't like the way they feel in my mouth. this includes:
    -peanut butter
    -cottage cheese
    -avocados/ guacamole
    my family thinks I'm weird cause they think these foods are so delicious. but I just can't seem to find them appetizing... just kinda gross to me. and i don't know why. :) glad to know I'm not the only one.
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