p90x vs Gym!

gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey guys! What do you think its harder p90x or a 2 hours routine in the gym?...i used to go the gym before i started p90x, i used to do 30-40 min in the stationary bycicle at high intensity (like spinning), and 1 hour of weight lifting, moderate effort, 4-5 days/week. i wanted to know which one would be harder and if you have experience, which would give you better results?


  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    Having done both, I will say that the answer depends solely upon how much effort you put into either.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    i can only speak for myself and for my husband. P90X gives the best results hands down. I've been a gym rat for years and was fighting a three year plateau. P90X brings on the intensity that going to the gym does not offer. You're focused and you're knocking out those lifts in a shorter amount of time. I go to the gym now in order to get in extra cardio and see people talking, chatting on the cell phone, walking at 2.0 mph on the treadmill. Wasting their time and wasting their gas. P90X rocks.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    i can only speak for myself and for my husband. P90X gives the best results hands down. I've been a gym rat for years and was fighting a three year plateau. P90X brings on the intensity that going to the gym does not offer. You're focused and you're knocking out those lifts in a shorter amount of time. I go to the gym now in order to get in extra cardio and see people talking, chatting on the cell phone, walking at 2.0 mph on the treadmill. Wasting their time and wasting their gas. P90X rocks.

    P90X is a great program. No doubt about it. As I said though, or at least implied, the "better" one is the one that you put the most effort into. You can really "bring it" with P90X or you can really "bring it" in the gym with a well-designed program and get great results either way. I get better results from the gym than I did P90X. The reason for that is because I'm more consistent and put more effort into my gym workouts than I did with P90X (primarily because I got bored with P90X).

    Granted, if you spend most of your time in the gym chatting on the cell phone and walking on the treadmill at 2 mph then you're not going to make much progress. The same can be said for P90X if you do it halfheartedly. It's all about effort.

  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    After 25+ years experience training bodybuilders, powerlifters, athletes, etc and training in a gym most of my life I honestly gotta go with P90X. I've done just about every routine on the planet and I haven't received near the results I've gotten from P90X. It's just a much more structured "idiot proof" routine.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    depends on motivation levels of average gym goer.

    I have had better results for strength gains with regular gym stuff than P90x but it was definitely beneficial still.
  • I'm interested in this program. Can someone please tell me what I have to buy? Does the set only come with the dvd's? What do I need in terms of weights, etc?
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    I will agree with ShaneT99. No matter what program your doing or if your at a gym or in your garage, if you dont put forth the intensity, you will not see the same results. P90X , like Insanity, has someone coaching you along in timed intervals at a moderate intensity(P90) to a higher intensity(Insanity). Both are structured well, you dont have to plan any exercises yourself, just push play and follow along! You can get the same intensity at a gym, you have to pre-plan your routine, which to match P90 or Insanity, would need to revolve around circuit training. Short rest intervals combined with multiple exercises. The easier route, DVD's at home.
    But you want results....again, depends on your intensity and effort into whatever your doing. Funny thing about DVD's, you can stop moving if you want, no one but you will know! Tony Horton or Sean T will not yell at you, it's not the military! You dont feel it today, push stop, workout over. Same as the gym , todays workout sucked, drove home.
    Oh you still want results huh.....then no matter where you workout, push yourself, yes it will hurt, it is supposed to, if it didnt you would have stuck with it! Know that you will get sore, know that you will recover, and through all the soreness what do you notice.....extra energy! Wow......and your feeling good about yourself and your results! Whats that...why yes I have lost some weight, thanks for asking! How...I have been doing (insert workout here)____________ and I love it! Now another reason comes out as to which workout you need to do- you found one you love doing! A workout that makes you want to get back in the next day and do more, push harder, lift more, run further! Thats the best kind of workout no matter what it is labeled or how it is packaged...if you love doing it, then keep doing it, it will reward you as you push yourself!
    Maybe you are the sadistic type....you enjoy the workout that kicks your *kitten*, your dog tired afterwards, drenched in sweat,lucky to be standing and breathing, or maybe your still lying on the floor after,forearm across your head, hoping you can get back up! So you pick yourself up, and within the hour you feel your accomplishment! you thought you were going to die during that workout, but you didn't! You stuck it out and now what a great internal feeling you have, wow,can it be..... it.....it's pride again! Your proud of yourself , and you should be! That workout was brutal and you finished it! You kicked *kitten*!
    So.....find a workout your happy with no matter how it is packaged, or be sadistic and find a kick *kitten* workout.....remember workouts are like vegetables for kids....while they might not look or taste great, they are good for our bodies and our hearts, and at our age, its kinda nice to feel like a kid again!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    It's just a much more structured "idiot proof" routine.

    Absolutely, I think that is what makes the difference for me. I can be motivated as hell when I get to the gym, but a lot of time my focus disappears. Other people are on the weights that i want to use and I have to go to another machine. A lot of time the free weights are all over the floor and not racked right. Sweat left on the machines and mats. It's frustrating to go to the gym nowadays.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    It's just a much more structured "idiot proof" routine.

    Absolutely, I think that is what makes the difference for me. I can be motivated as hell when I get to the gym, but a lot of time my focus disappears. Other people are on the weights that i want to use and I have to go to another machine. A lot of time the free weights are all over the floor and not racked right. Sweat left on the machines and mats. It's frustrating to go to the gym nowadays.

    That's why I have a $30000 commercial gym in my garage. :tongue:
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    BR - my dream is to build a gym onto the house or eventually convert my kids playroom into our gym. Then put those P90X posters on the wall along with The Expendables movie poster. LOL
  • Imichie
    Imichie Posts: 2
    I got the dvd's off of craig's list-if I did it again I'd ensure I got the calendars and nutrition stuff so I'd either buy it off the web or ensure my craig's list dude had it all.
    Nonetheless, I got all of that off the web and the web research was good as I got to see a lot of ins and outs with regard to exercise and nutrition. p90x is just one way to go-albeit well packaged etc. but you need to have a well rounded view of nutrition and exercise to continue to grow. you're in it for the long run so one package probably won't it. The p90x package will give you the whole 9 WRT what to buy to take advantage of the DVDs. You don't need too much: mat, weights, pull-up bar, heart rate monitor. This will get you started and you can grow over time.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    BR - my dream is to build a gym onto the house or eventually convert my kids playroom into our gym. Then put those P90X posters on the wall along with The Expendables movie poster. LOL

    I have it all....Smith Machine, leg press, pec dec, PowerBlocks that go up to 130's, etc...can't beat it.

    Funny thing is, now that I own all of this equipment, all that I use are my PowerBlocks, my pullup tree and my curl bar and some free weights (when I put the bar with weights on my lap during dips between benches).
  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    Well, the reason why i wrote this topic was because i have been going to the gym since 3-4 years 4-5 times a week, for 1-2 hours. I put a lot of effort, and did a lot of exercises including cardiovascular workout like spinning for 30 min and weight lifting. Of course i got a tonner body, and i saw good results. But seriously doing p90x i feel more soreness than with my typical routines at the gym. Also i fell more tired, despite I used to spend more time at the gym than doing p90x. That's why like others users said, i think p90x works better. I don't know if it's because of the muscle confussion that Tony says or what but it really works. Let me tell you that p90x is hard and not for everybody, you must have a good fitness condition for doing p90x.
    In my case i think i already have it, and since the beggining I could finish all the workouts, except for the push ups, I can't even do one, i have commented this in other post, but i think it's for my breast implants, so i prefer to do other exercise instead of them...
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You can still do the push ups even with implants. It is important to have balanced strength and having implant should not hinder your progress.

    A couple of times during my first round of P90X I was exhausted. There was one weekend I took a three hour nap in the middle of the day. That was P90X working it's magic!
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    Gym is way harder! Would take more effort to get the same results you could get with P90x, which does the thinking for you and is "idiot proof".
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    P90X is good, but I still don't think it's better (or worse) than a well-designed routine at the gym. As I said before, it's all about effort. Regardless of which routine someone chooses to do, you will only get out of it what you put into it. I would say that P90X definitely gets the nod for people that don't really know how to put together a good workout program, but it's not the end all be all. :smile:

    That being said, I still do the Plyometrics, Yoga, Cardio X and Ab Ripper workouts on occasion just to change things up. Kenpo X, I feel, is pretty useless and I get better results from my gym workouts than I did from the P90X resistance workouts.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I am the same. I still do yoga and stretch from time to time as these are just good things to do to compliment strength training and mma that I do. Never really liked Kenpo for some reason. Ab ripper is definitely a challenging workout. However, after doing some more research I can see how you could build your ab muscles with less reps of weighted exercises (just like any other muscle)

    At the end of the day, you can make gym or p90x as hard (effective) as you want to by choosing lighter weights/bands and increasing/decreasing intensity. Try both :) Also, you didn't here it from me but check torrents out for p90x :P
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    P90X is good, but I still don't think it's better (or worse) than a well-designed routine at the gym.

    And there lies the rub.

    Most people don't have the intelligence or knowledge to put together a truly taxing workout that is going to push them to their limits. You may very well be one of the exceptions but when I went to a commercial gym I saw a lot of people standing around talking, gawking at the girls or taking way too much time between sets.

    For someone who is knowledgeable, I agree that the gym can have serious benefits but most laymen don't have that knowledge.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    Knowledge is power. :wink:
  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    You can improvise a p90x like routine in the gym just by doing circuit or inteval training with some core movement between. However, sometimes we tend to take longer rest periods due to the distractions of other folks. Another point is the fact that by doing the same routine, our bodies tend to adjust so our gains will start to diminish overtime so as long as we challange ourselves as if when were being pushed by a coach, will can achieve p90x results at the gym.
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