jrnygirl Member


  • Feel free to add me. I'm starting back up again on here, so I definitely need lots of motivation to keep it going.
  • Feel free to friend me!
  • My fit test was not very good either. But I'm looking forward to the next one coming up and see where I've improved. I have to do modified exercises since I have issues with my knees, but I always keep my heart rate up and have noticed my endurance has picked up a little. Keep with it! We all start somewhere and as long as…
  • Beautiful!! You've really worked hard and it shows. Good for you! :)
  • My daughter and I just started Insanity last night and may I say that fitness test kicked my butt. It showed me just how out of shape I am. In fact, I didn't even finish all the exercises. I'm looking forward to the progress though, so we are going to keep pushing through it and make it happen. Feel free to friend me.…
  • ha-ha! Glad I'm not the only one who felt this way after the 1st fitness test. ;)
  • Same here. I was fitting into size 4 and 6. Over the past couple years, I've slacked and let the weight creep back on. My goal is going from 156 down to 125-130. So far I'm down almost 4 lbs. I know I can do it because I've done it before, but I seem to be in big lack of motivation. Seems harder this time around to get and…
  • Feel free to add me too. My goal is to lose 30 lbs and we just started a weight-loss challenge at work last week so i am very motivated to do this!
  • I'm right in the middle of that range. I want to lose 30 lbs. I'm 5'4' and weighed 156. I've lost 1.4 lbs so far, so I only have 28 more to go.... Feel free to friend me.
  • I typically try to stay within the 1200 calorie range. i have about 25-30 lbs to lose. (haven't weighed myself lately). I'm starting fresh again this coming Sunday, although today I have started tracking my food again. But on Sunday I will do weight and measurements and really stay consistent. My hubby and I are starting…
  • I'm in that age-box. feel free to add me too.....
  • What was hardest for me was giving up sodas. I occasionally have one with meals, but i don't drink them very often anymore. Whereas, I was drinking anywhere from 3-5 a day. I don't like tea, so I stick with water or a zero-calorie drink. I've dropped weight before by counting calories with minimal exercise and another time…
  • I'm hoping to lose 25 lbs by the first of June. Considering we're already into the first week of April, that's an aggressive weight-loss goal, but I'd be happy with about 18-20 lbs by June 1. What did you do when you lost your first 30lbs? Was it just calorie-counting or a combination of dieting and exercise? Feel free to…
  • Welcome to MFP... Feel free to add me!
    in New today Comment by jrnygirl April 2012
  • Good luck on your first week. Be sure to stay within your calories. Cutting down on carbs and sugars will help quite a bit. I've just started up again this week (Monday) and I'm already down 2.4 lbs. I've kept my calories under 1200 (that's my calorie allocation on here) and I've started working out for 50min each day (M,…
  • Welcome to MFP. Feel free to friend me. Our goals are similar. My starting weight is 151 and I'm hoping to get down to about 125. How tall are you? I'm 5'4", so I think that 125 would be good for my height.
  • Thanks! They have two locations here. Am thinking of going by this week to talk to them and see how the programs work and how often I can go. It looks like you have the "schedule" your workout classes every week?
  • I was sick all last week, so now I'll have to start L1D1 all over again..... On the upside, I did manage to lose a little over 1/2 inch on my waist when I first started. :)
  • VIsual Studio, Eclipse and good ole Notepad!
  • A and B should look at their bills together and determine which ones can be paid off first and work towards a common goal of eliminating all unnecessary debt in the household. Sounds like A resents B's lifestyle/career choice, etc. Marriage is a partnership and just because one person brings in more money than the other…
  • I brought a dog into the house and slowly introduced her to my two cats. I set up a baby gate so the cats could escape down the hall without the dog following. I introduced each of them to the dog with the safety of the baby gate between them. Sure, they hissed and growled at each other, but they were able to see each…
  • I skipped day 2 also, so last night was my day 2 workout. am not quite as sore today, but sure did feel it last night.
  • I skipped the video (day 2) last night too. I did make it up though by walking 2.5 miles on the treadmill before bed!
  • Finished Day 1 last night. Hardest part for me are the squats and lunges. Have problems with one of my knees so i sometimes have to modify a bit. Added 2 miles of walking on treadmill afterwards.
    in Day 1 Comment by jrnygirl January 2012
  • Find a hotel near a Metrorail station and it will make traveling much easier than taking a car. Contact your senator's office if you want to have a tour of the white house, etc. The national cathedral tour is really nice.
  • Count me in too. I'd like to give this a try. I have the DVD, but stopped after about a week due to a bad cold and never got back to it. already on week 3 of my diet, so this is a good time to start. Thx!!
  • I currently do Java and .NET
  • I'm not quite at 10 cups of water, but am proud of drinking 4-6 considering I never drank water and always had a soda in hand, which I'm proud to say, I've been caffeine free for about 3 wks now.