From size 4 to size 12 and ready to cry! Need friends!

For the last few months I've been squeezing into my I finally had to give in and buy a size 12...totally depressing and my jeans feel like old lady jeans now and none of my clothes fit. I reached my goal weight 3 years ago but slowly just packed on the weight again, gaining 20 pounds and going from a size 4 to a size 12. I WANT TO FEEL GOOD IN MY CLOTHES. I'm 39, mother of 2 & I need friends to help motivate me and get me on track. My goal is to lose 20 pounds and weigh 135 and fit into size 6. (I have stacks of clothes just waiting to fit again!) Please friend me if you need a little peer pressure motivation too! Thanks!


  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    I will cheer you on. I was the same way, refused to buy bigger clothes so i decided to do something about it. It's amazing how much we overeat and the small steps we could take that make such a big difference. I'm sure you are going to do fine, just keep your eye on the prize.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Same here. I was fitting into size 4 and 6. Over the past couple years, I've slacked and let the weight creep back on. My goal is going from 156 down to 125-130. So far I'm down almost 4 lbs. I know I can do it because I've done it before, but I seem to be in big lack of motivation. Seems harder this time around to get and stay focused; and like you, I have piles of clothes just waiting for me to start wearing again.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.....