jayv85 Member


  • Unless you're basically an olympic athlete that's sweating hard for hours, you don't need gatorade after working out. I ran track from 8-18 years old and I've been in the army since then. I'm 32 now. I don't drink gatorade after working out (except very rare occasions because I wanted to drink it). And I've been in full…
  • Yes. I set my goal to 1400 calories and sometimes go ove by 100 and I've still been losing weight. It's not supposed to restrict you so much that you're hungry and hating life so much that afterwards when you lose all the weight you go back into old habits and gain all the weight back again. This site should also make you…
  • You will find out that you can literally run while you sleep. Lol... J/k. But, yes, you'll get there. If you're needing an app to help I found one called apptiv that's $10/mo and it's personal trainers that have built training programs to guide you on your workouts (voice guidance and it's got music. So no videos). I…
  • BTW, you'll probably run so much that the 2 mile run feels like 10 ft. And I have an apft Saturday. So yay
  • I'm in the army reserve. 9 years this July. Ask me any questions
  • Congrats on the C! My husband is dealing with an awful professor right now, and add that he thinks the guy has something against him. He worked on a lab with his friend, they basically had the same answers, but his friend go an 89 and my husband got a 57 (and that was for getting 1 thing not completely right). He's got his…
  • There's nothing. If you're needing a smoothie for a meal replacement as something quick to grab, they're easy. I don't have much time in the mornings so I make one that I drink on my long drive to work, plus I'll eat maybe so fruit later at work. But mine are usually the same thing 8oz water 1tsp bee pollen 1tbsp chia…
  • Love those classes. When I was getting my BA I took what my school called finite math that was basically a computer program. It was awful and almost every student (including me) walked out with a D in the course. Thankfully I could take the D since I was a history major. I think they may have finally gotten rid of the…
  • Looking at your schedule. Fit in an hour walk after work Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. If you're on a safe track (or the treadmill) use the time to read for school as well (multitasking lol). You don't have to walk fast. The cockpot has been my friend in getting dinner cooked as well. Which will help all those…
  • Wake up early and get it done. I'm on the same scale almost. I'm up at 4am for work, 90 minute drive, work until 5pm and home by 6:30pm. That's 4 days a week. I get right on the treadmill as soon as I get home. Add in drill weekends, any time I go away for training (which has been a lot this year), a lot of teleconferences…
  • Meal prep isn't too bad. Get a small cooler and keep your food in there. Water is easy (I literally take a gallon jug to work every day, or get a camelback and fill it). I bought one of those food containers with the 3 slots, the bigger one, then the 2 smaller parts. I can cut up romaine lettuce, a hard boiled egg, grilled…
  • I use aaptiv. It's trainers that record programs. It has categories in treadmill, strength, core, elliptical, outside running, bike, and training programs, etc. It's $10/month but totally worth it to me if you don't want to do a video but want something to help you at the gym/outside/home. They make training programs with…
  • I'm not all that busy. I work only 40/hrs a week, but I'm also working on my graduate degree, and one weekend a month I go to drill (plus all the added teleconferences during the week). I only work my full-time job from 6:30am-5pm, but it's a 90 minute drive. So I'm up at 4am and don't get home until about 6:30pm. I found…
  • The bad professors are the worst. I had one and ended up dropping the class (which almost made me lose my scholarship). Don't get depressed about it and take it one step at a time. If anything you know how that teacher is and can avoid any class they teach in the future.
  • I had a bad day today. I'm just going to get at it again tomorrow. One bad day doesn't mean they all have to be like that.
  • I normally run before a meal. Most of the time it's before dinner, sometimes before breakfast. I'm always hungry after
    in Running? Comment by jayv85 April 2017
  • Yep, I need to go back to the Dr. I haven't had mine looked at since before having kids. But even with my mild scoliosis, last night I ran and then before bed did some push-ups and I was in so much pain I had to take Motrin, which helped but didn't work completely. I was debating taking the pain meds I had left from when I…
  • My husband is overweight. He's 5'9" and somewhere around 215lbs. He wants to lose weight and get in shape, but with work, school, and taking care of the kids it's a lot for him right now. So he does what he can when he can. I'm either away from home a lot this year or my full time job I work 4 days, but I leave home at 5am…
  • I was tired of yoyoing. I'm still in the army and we have to meet weight standards or body fat. I got to where I'd be 5lbs over the max weight, do right before a weigh in I would crash diet to lose it, then just make it, and then not watch what I ate again. I never used to do that until after my 2ND child (who just turned…
  • Any time I would go to a Dr they would just say there's nothing I can do about it. Of course that was army drs. I haven't seen a civilian Dr about it. I probably should because I seem to have more bad days than good lately. And it feels like it's starting to affect my running too. I probably just need to stretch better…
  • I have scoliosis. I'm assuming it's not bad, but it's a 12 degree curve. I know it causes my back to really hurt at times to the point that I couldn't sit up unsupported before.
  • Bad days happen. My son's birthday was yesterday so we baked cupcakes Sunday and I pigged out that day. No big deal. It's going to happen.
  • Build I would say is genetic. Weight isn't. Don't use genetics as an excuse as to why you're over weight and can't lose it. It won't help you on your journey. Now health issues is a different story. I have a nephew with a rare metabolic disorder and he has to drink special formula every day,which is high in calories, and…
  • OMG you get a year? The army gives us 6 months to make height and weight. Ugh! That was a struggle both times.
  • I wouldn't say it's so much baby weight anymore since my "baby" will be 3 on Monday, but I never really worked at getting the last 20lbs off after having my second child. Now I'm trying to get after it 3 years later. It's never too late!
  • Ha! Definitely me. Seriously, though, I've been doing pretty good lately.
  • If you're getting 7-8 hrs of sleep already you're just going to have to set an alarm for when you want to get up and just get up. It'll suck for the first week or 2 until you adjust, but you have to be consistent. There's not really any trick to it. You just have to learn to roll out of bed and stay out of bed after your…
  • The only time I eat "organic" is when we grow it ourselves. Because our kids like to pull carrots out of the ground, rinse them off, and eat them so we don't use pesticides. Except all the storms the past 2 weeks pretty much drowned a good chunk of our garden, so I doubt we'll get much this year.
  • Anywhere from 3/4 to a whole gallon or more. I drink based on how I feel. I don't believe in forcing yourself to choke down water. But, you still need it so if you're barely drinking any then maybe you need to start. I think it helps in the sense you'll feel less sluggish so you're more likely to workout and push yourself