purplepanda Member


  • I've been using the Wii Fit in Six program a lot lately. It is set up with a lot of jumping type moves, but I generally substitue lower impact moves that are similar because of back problems. This program doesn't monitor/compare your moves like some so there is more room for alterations in the moves to suit one's needs.…
  • Panda Express has their nutritional information posted online: http://www.pandaexpress.com/menu/nutrition.aspx
  • I've found that the individual size minute brown rice cups which take just a minute to cook in the microwave are the perfect way to fix brown rice. I have used the rice, mixed with beans and cheese to make really good burritos. I think it would go great with whatever you normally put into your burritos
  • I'd check first with both your personal physician and the people running the study for the medication you're on if exercise is good or bad, and if some exercise is ok ask if there are any things you should avoid. If it is ok with your healthcare professionals then I think you should do what feels best for you. There have…
  • I think it's good to have a variety of exercises. Sometimes you need a lighter day to allow your body to recoup from a stronger workout. A variety of exercises will also help your body not get too used to a routine which could cause a plateauing effect. I like to have some days where I get in a lot of aerobic exercises…
  • the most important thing is not to judge yourself to harshly. Whatever you've done in the past (whether 5 min ago--or 5 days, or 5 weeks, etc) is past. You cant change the past so just forget about it. Look forward to tomorrow, reset your mind with a plan to eat better and get some exercise. Eventually, you won't have to…
  • I like to cut the tenderloin into 2-bite size pieces, marinate for about 15 min in a mixture of balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, chopped fresh rosemary, salt, pepper, and brown mustard. I then place the pieces on skewers and grill on my George Foreman grill for about 2-3 minutes
  • Extra large breasts, especially if out of proportion for your body, can certainly cause not only back pain but shoulder and neck pain also. There are some women that loose weight first from their breasts and other that never loose as much from their breasts as the rest of their body when loosing weight. Breast reduction…
  • Are there any malls? Here in California my Mom goes to a mall in the morning and walks circles to get exercise without being in the sun.
  • Soy can increase the risk for breast cancer in some women with certain genetic links. I think this is because soy is chemically similar to estrogen and estrogen is a trigger for some types of breast cancer.
  • I try to "reinvent" comfort meals when I crave that type of food (like for meatloaf use super lean meat and add lots of sauteed veggies, or for macaroni and cheese I use olive oil instead of butter and whole grain pasta, and light cheese so it's not as bad). If it is snack food, I try substituting better foods like popcorn…
  • I cooked some salmon up over the weekend (cooked in a skillet with a trace of olive oil, salt and pepper) and this week I'm putting this cold on a ciabatta style roll with a slice of light provolone for a sandwich. Then I add a couple strawberries, kiwi, and some low fat chips to complete the meal.
  • I think your up and down weights shows why the general recommendation is to weigh on the same scale, at the same time of day, with the same clothes (or if weighing at home lack thereof). Using the same scale, etc can limit confusion. Of course other things can lead to just as much confusion such as water gain (either from…
  • Does your thyroid medication need to be taken when you get up? If not maybe you can change it to 2-3 hours after breakfast (then wait the additional hour before a snack or lunch). (I know some antibiotics that shouldn't be taken with food give this type of instruction--2-3 hours after eating and 1 hour before eating)
  • Congratulations on having a son who is willing to try a new healthy snack
  • as far as nuts are concerned, 1/3 cup is a lot. You should keep the portion to less than 1/4 cup per day as a snack. Nuts are high in fat and total calories, but the fat is a healthy type that is good for you. The benefits of nuts are lots of important minerals, as well as being high in fiber and protein--so they help keep…
  • I got a couple free packets of Truvia in the mail, I tried one but it had a weird tast to me. I've given the other packet to my Mom because she wants to try it (I haven't told her about the tast yet because I want her to have an open mind but I'm letting you all know that the taste might be off so you are aware before…
  • It seems odd that your protein/fat/carbs are all where they need to be but your calories are off. How are the amounts for the specifics set--preset by grams or calculated as a percentage of calories? If they aren't set as a percentage of calories I'd change that, otherwise I don't know how you can increase calories without…
  • I found some information that discusses reason for the weight gain and some things you can try to counteract it at the following site from the American Cancer Society http://www.cancer.org/docroot/SPC/content/SPC_1_Breast_Cancer_Weight_Gain.asp Good luck with your treatments and fighting your cancer
  • I've eaten sweet potatoes this way and really like them Another option for spaghetti squash--after cooking by any of the methods described by the various members above (for greater flavor I prefer cooking in oven rather than microwave, but I've done it both ways) use the "spaghettied" squash in a casserole with whatever…
  • I'm not really clear how the watch calculates calories and all of that, however I would think that since you've already lost significant weight what you have been doing is working so i wouldn't necessarily change it. (I just use the calculations MFP puts in for the exercises I select from the database and aim to stay…
  • We all have bad days. I don't drink alcohol, but looking at your "food day" I don't think the wine was as much a problem. A couple other things stand out that you can put in the back of your mind are--breakfast had a lot of calories and fat (and may not have been as filling for the rest of your day). Lunch wasn't too bad…
  • I've had back problems for years and shoulder pain all last year and a good part of this year on and off. For me walking is always an option as it doesn't aggravate either problem. If your children are old enough to walk you might try taking walks around your neighborhood otherwise if you need to push them in a stroller…
  • Since it seems like what you need are more calories, maybe try adding various nuts to your lunch bag for snacking, they're calorie dense but very healthy.
  • When drinking plain water, I find I get very bloated feeling in my stomach, and nauseous also. I don't have the same problem with flavored waters. I like Aquafina flavor splashes and the carbonated fruit flavored waters at Vons. These don't have any calories, caffeine or sodium so I feel petty good about them. Probably the…
  • At night when I get hungry like that I find either a piece of sting cheese or a wedge of laughing cow light cheese with multigrain crackers helps to eliminate the hunger feeling and isn't too high in calories. If you're not already doing this, you might try making sure to eat small amounts of something every 2-3 hours. I…
  • I try to plan my meals/snacks. I find I do better at eating healthier foods and am less likely to go over my calories if I plan ahead. Of course, I don't always stick to my plan and that is when I get into trouble. Generally my plan is 3 oz juice with vitamins when I get up homemade sandwich with egg whites, low fat…
  • I like to mix tuna with broccoli slaw (a packaged mix I get at the grocery store that is mostly shredded broccoli with a little shredded carrot and red cabbage also), chopped pickle, brown mustard and a very small amount of mayo. The end mixure is half protein and half vegetable. I mix a big batch on Sunday and it will…
  • Are you going to CA or FL? This is for the parks in CA California Adventure: The rides I really like are Soaring over California, Tower of Terror, Screaming (I think the name may be longer, it's the roller coaster that goes upside down in the Mickey ears) and Mulholland Madness. Disneyland: If you have little kids and can…
  • For the exercise it sounds like you could log it as walking at least. For a while at work we had a website where we could log food eaten and activities (not nearly as helpful as this site is) but it had a category called housework that credited about 5 calories a minute. If you think that has merit you could create a…