doc or watch

Ok so went to the doc today and was so HAPPY to see that I have lost 18 BIG OL POUNDS over the last 1 and a half ish...totally thrilled! Which is also the first time I have been under 200 in almost 2 years!!!! So I have totally thrown myself into learning to be healthy and trying to figure out the best ways to make my workouts count. Well I have been struggling with the calorie thing and making sure I EAT all the cals from working out..yada yada yada. So I was explaining how the MFP works and the goal calories and the workout calories. I have a polar f6 and I workout with it everyday and keep my HR at about 185 the whole workout ( my max HR is 195) and I am usually SOAKED after each workout (totally gross!) and my polar tells me I have burned generally between 8 and 900 calories. SO I tell the doc and he tells me- "There is NO way you are burning that many calories because Olympic rowers (like boat rowers) only burn 700 calories an hour and that is one of the hardest exercises to do"
NOW I AM SO CONFUSED he said I should NOT eat my workout calories because there is no way to know how many calories I am burning...isn't that the point of the stinkin watch?


  • beautifulnow
    Ok so went to the doc today and was so HAPPY to see that I have lost 18 BIG OL POUNDS over the last 1 and a half ish...totally thrilled! Which is also the first time I have been under 200 in almost 2 years!!!! So I have totally thrown myself into learning to be healthy and trying to figure out the best ways to make my workouts count. Well I have been struggling with the calorie thing and making sure I EAT all the cals from working out..yada yada yada. So I was explaining how the MFP works and the goal calories and the workout calories. I have a polar f6 and I workout with it everyday and keep my HR at about 185 the whole workout ( my max HR is 195) and I am usually SOAKED after each workout (totally gross!) and my polar tells me I have burned generally between 8 and 900 calories. SO I tell the doc and he tells me- "There is NO way you are burning that many calories because Olympic rowers (like boat rowers) only burn 700 calories an hour and that is one of the hardest exercises to do"
    NOW I AM SO CONFUSED he said I should NOT eat my workout calories because there is no way to know how many calories I am burning...isn't that the point of the stinkin watch?
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Ok so went to the doc today and was so HAPPY to see that I have lost 18 BIG OL POUNDS over the last 1 and a half ish...totally thrilled! Which is also the first time I have been under 200 in almost 2 years!!!! So I have totally thrown myself into learning to be healthy and trying to figure out the best ways to make my workouts count. Well I have been struggling with the calorie thing and making sure I EAT all the cals from working out..yada yada yada. So I was explaining how the MFP works and the goal calories and the workout calories. I have a polar f6 and I workout with it everyday and keep my HR at about 185 the whole workout ( my max HR is 195) and I am usually SOAKED after each workout (totally gross!) and my polar tells me I have burned generally between 8 and 900 calories. SO I tell the doc and he tells me- "There is NO way you are burning that many calories because Olympic rowers (like boat rowers) only burn 700 calories an hour and that is one of the hardest exercises to do"
    NOW I AM SO CONFUSED he said I should NOT eat my workout calories because there is no way to know how many calories I am burning...isn't that the point of the stinkin watch?

    when I workout I run on the treadmill and it calculates the same amount for me or hubby so I eat at least half of them and leave the rest. maybe try that if you stop losing weight but it doesn't seem like you have stopped.
  • beautifulnow
    no I haven't stopped but doesn't it ever feel like you can't win sometimes LOL your either over weight or your bmi is to high or you work out to much or not enough...either eat to many calories or not enough but then your sodium or your sugar doubles....every bone style should be the same weight which is...invisible :noway: I just feel like telling the Doc. to .....go back to school LOL
  • purplepanda
    purplepanda Posts: 30 Member
    I'm not really clear how the watch calculates calories and all of that, however I would think that since you've already lost significant weight what you have been doing is working so i wouldn't necessarily change it.

    (I just use the calculations MFP puts in for the exercises I select from the database and aim to stay within the calories that adds to my day)

    Congratulations on the weight loss and lifestyle update
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    no I haven't stopped but doesn't it ever feel like you can't win sometimes LOL your either over weight or your bmi is to high or you work out to much or not enough...either eat to many calories or not enough but then your sodium or your sugar doubles....every bone style should be the same weight which is...invisible :noway: I just feel like telling the Doc. to .....go back to school LOL
    then tell him. I have been here just since october and I always and I mean always go over sugar and sodium but I am losing like I have never lost before. 3 months I have lost 25 pounds. After 2kids in 2 years I am almost down to what I was when I met my husband at the age of 23 I'm 30 now. Do what you feel is working for you but stay at at least 1200 calories.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    no I haven't stopped but doesn't it ever feel like you can't win sometimes LOL your either over weight or your bmi is to high or you work out to much or not enough...either eat to many calories or not enough but then your sodium or your sugar doubles....every bone style should be the same weight which is...invisible :noway: I just feel like telling the Doc. to .....go back to school LOL
    then tell him. I have been here just since october and I always and I mean always go over sugar and sodium but I am losing like I have never lost before. 3 months I have lost 25 pounds. After 2kids in 2 years I am almost down to what I was when I met my husband at the age of 23 I'm 30 now. Do what you feel is working for you but stay at at least 1200 calories.

    ......and Olympic rowers are in absolutely tip-top physical condition! The longer you workout, the harder it will be to get your heartrate up into the fat-burning or aerobic heart rate range for you. You will notice that as you continue to work out. It is very possible you are burning that many calories, depending on your fitness level and your weight (BMI).
  • beautifulnow
    that is what I thought! I am a sweet cute short fat girl lol and I have alot more fat to burn than any Olimpian
    I am not however sure what anarobic means?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    post a topic on it.
    From Wik:
    Anaerobic exercise is exercise intense enough to trigger anaerobic metabolism. It is used by athletes in non-endurance sports to build power and by body builders to build muscle mass. Muscles trained under anaerobic conditions develop differently, leading to greater performance in short duration, high intensity activities, which last up to about 2 minutes.[1]

    Aerobic exercise, on the other hand, includes lower intensity activities performed for longer periods of time. Such activities like walking, running, swimming, and cycling require a great deal of oxygen to generate the energy needed for prolonged exercise.

    There are two types of anaerobic energy systems, the ATP-CP energy system, which uses creatine phosphate as the main energy source, and the lactic acid (or anaerobic glycolysis) system that uses glucose (or glycogen) in the absence of oxygen. Events or activity that last up to about thirty seconds rely primarily on the former, phosphagen, system. Beyond this time aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis begin to predominate. Anaerobic glycolysis uses glucose inefficiently, and produces by-products such as lactic acid that are thought to be detrimental to muscle function; this limits activity based predominantly on anaerobic glycolysis to about 2 minutes. The effectiveness of anaerobic activity can be improved through training.[
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Exactly! Tell your know it all doc to take a hike to the nearest physiology lab and learn that bigger people expend more energy to do the same activity as a skinnier more physically fit person does. Even I know that! Duh! :laugh: Just keep up the good work seems like you have figured out what works for you. Besides the doctors' low cal diets are obviously making people fat hello more obesity than ever struck America when the big low cal and low fat craze struck in the 80's guess they still can't get the correlation. I think we are just smarter than them or not as stuck in the mud!

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
