what do you eat?

mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
What is your meal plan? Do you plan it day to day or do you wing it?

AM snack
Pm Snack

I personally wing it- I'm lucky if I can plan what we are eating for dinner let alone my meals/snacks for the day. So let me know


  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    What is your meal plan? Do you plan it day to day or do you wing it?

    AM snack
    Pm Snack

    I personally wing it- I'm lucky if I can plan what we are eating for dinner let alone my meals/snacks for the day. So let me know
  • gnicolecan
    gnicolecan Posts: 293 Member
    I eat a lot of the same stuff. That makes the planning easier.

    545 coffee w/ milk
    745 1 hardboiled egg plus 1 more white only, coffee w/ more skim
    945 Kashi go lean cereal, skim milk, teaspoon almonds
    1230 Sandwich (turkey w/ cheese or pb & j on double fiber wheat bread) baked chips or pretzels
    330 Almonds or 1 scoop muscle milk plus 1 cup skim
    530 lean meat plus vegs
    730 100 calorie ice cream or 60 calorie jello pudding

    I do make occaisional changes on the fly. Sometimes I have egg white omlettes for bfast, sometimes i have chicken on a salad for lunch. This is what I like to eat and it seems to have a good balance of protien & carbs for me. I do throw in a piece of fruit here and there occaisionally.
  • I also plan it and eat a lot of similar stuff.

    -Workout first thing in the morning
    -Breakfast after I've gotten to work and settled in a bit (generally 9:45ish) - usually either cereal or oatmeal w/ skim milk or non-fat yogurt with granola and a cup of coffee
    -Lunch (1ish) - salad - either mixed greens or baby spinach with onion and two other vegetables (snow peas and grape tomatoes, or green beans and cucumber slices, etc.) and 2 tablespoons of a low calorie dressing
    -Afternoon snack (4ish) - piece of fruit (really whatever looked good that morning at the fruit stand - plum, peach, 30 grapes, 10 strawberries, container of raspberries, etc.)
    -Right before I leave work snack (6ish) - 100 calorie pack - I have a tried a variety of them - Reese's snacksters, Kudos, special K 90 calorie snack bars, Quaker mini delights, etc....
    -Dinner whenever I get home from work (7 or 8ish) - small bowl of greens with a teaspoon of olive oil and a little freshly cracked black pepper. Then I choose from a variety of meals I have put together that are in the 400 or less calorie range - grilled cheese (w/ low cal bread and fat free cheese), pasta with a protein and vegetable and low cal pesto (just remember to measure portion sizes), frozen meals such as lean cuisine or amy's frozen meals that are lower in calories, etc...
    Dessert whenever I'm done dinner - depends on how many calories I have left that day, but I love skinny cow ice cream cones, Edy's dibs bags, jello pudding packs, vitamuffins, and other 100 calorie packs that are chocolatey or cookies.

    Hope that helps!
  • raincloud
    raincloud Posts: 405 Member
    I NEVER wing it, that's how people go over. I always plan out at least a day ahead.


    Cheerios/milk/ and 1/2 a banana
    cottage cheese
    Apple/peanut butter/carrots
    String cheese and grapes
    Baked chicken/carrots/broccoli/cauliflower/green beans
    String cheese (lol, I am obsessed) and either a little piece of chocolate or 100 calorie popcorn
  • purplepanda
    purplepanda Posts: 30 Member
    I try to plan my meals/snacks. I find I do better at eating healthier foods and am less likely to go over my calories if I plan ahead. Of course, I don't always stick to my plan and that is when I get into trouble.

    Generally my plan is

    3 oz juice with vitamins when I get up

    homemade sandwich with egg whites, low fat provolone and canadian bacon when I get to work

    some type of fruit for snack

    tuna salad (sm amt lowfat mayo, mustard, broccoli slaw, tuna), whole grain tortilla chips, fruit for lunch

    banana and milk on days I work out, otherwise I skip this snack time

    protein with 2 veggies for dinner
  • msujdak
    msujdak Posts: 141
    I think about meals ahead of time, but that can change. But I try to log my meals before I eat them so I have a sense of where I'm at as far as calories. And I try to work out hard every day because I like to eat so I want the extra calories!
  • marshall153
    marshall153 Posts: 150 Member
    I awlays wing it and screw up. Its 2.11pm here and I have 179 calories left and we're having pizza for dinner. I'm not too smart.... :explode: oh well..... I have all day to workout..... so i guess I'll make it a good one!
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I have my food diary set up like this

    8-11 am
    11 am-2 pm
    2-5 pm
    5-8 pm

    8-11 am I usually have a bowl of multigrain Cheerios with skim milk and a banana; sometimes when I have time I make oatmeal or an egg white omelette

    11-2 I have lunch...either a can of Campbell's Select Harvest Light soup or a low calorie frozen meal (when I'm at work...when I'm home I have a Morningstar Farm chicken patty or a salmon burger or something like that)

    2-5 I have a small snack to get me through the afternoon slump...some almonds, or some fruit, or a Fiber One bar or something like that

    5-8 I have dinner

    8-11 I have a small bedtime snack...a sugar free pudding or animal crackers or some low cal ice cream

    I don't typically plan out my entire day...but I have a rough idea of how many calories I have to eat and when...and that really helps

    Edit: toward the end of the day when I'm getting ready to have dinner, I typically log my dinner foods so I can see what size portions I can have, if I can have seconds, if I can make changes to make my calories count more, etc.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    dinner is always my biggest meal so I always start by planning that. Then I add in a small lunch and a small breakfast. I take what's leftf (usually 2-500 calories) and add in snacks. If I excercise that day, I simply adjust meal and snack sizes as I go.:flowerforyou:
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