Do you have access to a gym? Stronglifts 5x5 is a great beginner program
Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred is a great starter DVD. I saw alot of results doing it for the 30 days AND it is only a 30 min workout
I had the Omron and I could never get a consistent reading
Thanks !
Good luck ! I have done 5 half using the Hal Higdon training plans. Working now on getting my time under the 2 hour mark (My best was just at 2 hours). I do have to say cross training does help run a better race then just running as training alone
3 months.
I am still a work in progress BUT I look better now at 130 thanks to less body fat and heavy lifting (Stronglifts 5x5) then when I was at 120 with cardio alone BEFORE AFTER
I have lifted (Stronglifts 5x5) and trained for a half marathon
What, you so need to wear that look great !!
Thanks ! How may world you say to do per exercise?
You look great ! Ok I must know where you bought the dress and them !!
Still a work in progress (especially my stomach !). I do Stronglifts 5x5 3x a week and do cardio 3x a week. Picture is same bikini which I still will not wear in public ! BEFORE NOW
Thanks everyone , I have seen so much improvement in my ab area and core from heavy lifting for the last couple month but after two kids I figure 2x a week of some extra work cannot hurt !!
I like SL because I was new to heavy lifting and it seemed like a good basic start. Plus I liked I could easily track my reps, weight, and schedule on my iphone with the SL app
I like the 35lbs shirter bar for deadlifts and OHP since I find I have more balance and control since it is shorter.
Favorite - Deadlift Least- OHP
Thanks, I agree but I hear from alot of people doing alot of "extras" will cause less progress with compound lifts
If you are doing 30 minutes then it is more interval training. Not true HITT which is only about 5 minutes
I agree !
Thanks all for the feedback
I do Stronglifts also. Have you noticed when IF and lifting a difference between lifting fasted vs during you eating window?
Amazing ! You look great. Did you follow a certain lifting program?
Check out the Dashing Dish website. All her's are really thick and yummy !
What is a low squat?
Thanks, should I keep squatting still? I have been but with bar only for now just to play it safe
Great progress ! I love lifting too. What type of HITT do you do?
Impressive, I would have been laying on the floor with the weight on my head !
Thanks, I do have an iphone and do have it with me when lifting (to track my Stonglifts app) BUT I do not have it on me during HITT