

  • Started my program last night with the Lean program. Still want to drop 25 pounds (will be happy with dropping 15). Core X was a beating last night and I'm looking forward to being able to do all the moves the WHOLE time. Since I have training at the fire station tonight I had to get up early before work to do my Cardio X.…
  • I'll be starting the lean program after soccer practice tonight, so I'll be doing the Core program. Wife says this is a killer but I'm still looking forward to it. On with the new adventure!!!!!
  • My suggestion is to buy the original P90 program. You don't need to go "extreme" and the P90 will get you into shape. As far as equipment, you simple need a band to do the exercises with. You can get those for under $15.
  • Keep it up Roy. I finished up P90 2 weeks ago and have been maintaining until this next Monday and I'm going up to P90X. Hopefully my elbow and shoulder can take it. I'm going for the lean program even though I have lost 38 pounds I still have a "middle" section that needs to go away.
  • Now let's not get all "Naturalist" on people here. If a 90 calorie bar filled with some not so good things is going to stop someone from going and getting a scope of ice cream or donut, then so be it. These bars aren't the most idle thing but cn certainly help someone control their cravings and making people feel like they…
  • I didn't do the "whole" Special K diet meal plans while losing weight but I did supplement in their protein bars and 90 calorie snacks. I still have a protein bar every morning on the way to work to get my body going. I think it is a great way to get in eating every couple of hours while at work and not having to "eat"…
  • Water weight can be a huge difference. Try to cut down on the "peeking" at the scale very couple of days. Take one day a week to weigh in and wear the same type of clothes (or nothing at all) and probably best in the morning each time. This will take away the yo-yo feeling.
  • Okay, I guess it's time for me to step up from my P90 (regular) to P90X. Teh wife has done a couple of rounds and with us diong different workouts we hardly ever workout together unless I'm doing the Plyo or Cardio X DVD. I have trouble with my elbow and shoulder so I'm probably going to go the lean route, but I like the…
  • I know how you feel. I really let it go this week with diet and exercise. After 12 weeks of "hitting it hard" and winning the copetition I was in, I was really lacking this week. Not really motivated. I expect to be 5 pounds up from where I was last Friday. Going to dig deep and look for a new motivation and get after it…
  • Mike - Just a heads up. Your body is adjusting right now and 18 pounds in the first couple of weeks is because of your body coming off the fast food, cola and beer. I bet that the weight lose will slow down a lot once your body gets use to the amount of calories you are taking in now. That is why I suggest you take that…
  • My wife was already in shape and did the P90X and I started the P90 (regular). I'm glad I did. Over the past 12 weeks I lost over 40 pounds doing it and the last few weeks I added some P90X workouts into the routine. So you may want to get teh P90 and then work youru way into the P90X series.
    in P90X Comment by worchard April 2010
  • For you P90X is what you are looking for. ChaLean and P90 (regular) are for those wanting to get into shape. P90X is for those what are already in shape and want to take it to the next level.
  • I too workout at night after the kids go to bed. Usually feels good to brun off the dinner before going to bed, but also I will have the BeachBody Recovery Drink that has nutrients to fill be back up until the morning.
  • Check out the Special K bars. Either the 90 calorie snack size or the 180 protein meal bar both have chocolate flavoring that feels like I'm eating a real treat than diet food.
  • Chinese food can be very healthy for you. You just have to watch out for the fried rice, egg rolls and sauces they cook with. Plus portion sizes tend to be very big so you have to watch the amount you eat while there.
    in Chinese Comment by worchard April 2010
  • You mean there isn't a Fat Fairy that comes takes it in the middle of the night??? Next thing you are going to tell me is that the Tooth Fairy isn't real....
  • Go for the recovery drink (beachbody's) right after the workout. Then go eat a sensible dinner and maybe a light snack before going to bed (which I don't eat after anything after 7pm).
  • I change up my cardio routine each day and don't get sore, except when I first started a few months back. It is okay to not be sore because you know you are working out. Just make sure not to be doing the same exercises all the time as you need to work different muscles. Now in weight training you should have soreness if…
  • Since we have a family reunion each Easter there will be all kinds of food there. I just plan on portion control and picking out what maybe "more" healthy for me than others. Plus get in some exercise while there.
  • Fo rmy weight loss I have been following the interval cardio training. It is easy to do when working out to the P90 programs because Tony Horton takes your heart rate up and down throughout DVD. However, you have to "work" at it on the eliptical but can be done easily by using the different program on the machine. I use…
  • Holton-I actually thought about this thread while I was working out today on the elliptical. I raised the incline a little more than usualy and I could tell the strain it put on my back. So it may be that your incline is too high?
  • Actually took the workout to the gym for an hour of eliptical today. It was a good change of pace to what the P90 has to offer.
  • Try a good recovery drink, like the Beach Body one. http://www.beachbody.com/product/supplements/p90x_peak_performance/p90x_peak_recovery_formula.do Its the best tasting recovery drink I have ever had. Its like have a dreamcicle at the end of your workout. I actually look forward to my workouts just to get this "treat" at…
  • This answers a question my wife and I had when watching Biggest Loser last season. I told my wife that they certainly don't stay in the "Fat Burning Zone" while doing their exercises and they are losing a lot of weight. Seems this also goes along with the P90 and P90X program of ramping up the heart rate every so often…
  • Don't be scared of the 3-4. All you do is add another rep of the same exercises. I didn't know about the 5-6 until I went to order a refill of the recovery drink (which if you aren't doing this, you need to-it's the best tasting recovery drink ever. I actually workout just so I can have this "treat" at the end). The 5-6 is…
  • I've been at the P90 for 8 weeks now and just got the new video 5&6. I do more cardio than weights as I'm trying to lose the most weight in a competition at work. I do my sculpt on 1&2 still due to arm troubles, but let me tell you. If you want a good cardio workout go to the 5&6 video. I'm also mixing in some of my wife's…