Going backwards and freaking out! Need a kick in the butt!

This has been by far my worst week since joining MFP and starting P90x 67 days ago. I spend the entire weekend at my daughter's cheer competition, an 8 hour drive away. Did not prepare myself with healthy snacks. Had fast food, candy, and whatever overpriced crap they were selling at the convention center. I did bring my DVDs down so I didn't miss any workouts, but the diet took a major hit. Plus, it's that TOM, so I'm feeling extra crappy and wanting to eat everything in sight.

3 pounds I've gained this week. CRAP!!! This puts me further away from my goal. Was hoping I'd reach it by my 90th day (May 8th), but now I'm gonna have to work my *kitten* off just to get back where I was a week ago. Trying to keep a positive attitude, but I'm really frustrated and disappointed in myself. Fighting the urge to give up entirely. Need to push through it. I'm not about to let 67 days of hard work and discipline go to waste.

Thanks for letting me vent.


  • worchard
    worchard Posts: 30
    I know how you feel. I really let it go this week with diet and exercise. After 12 weeks of "hitting it hard" and winning the copetition I was in, I was really lacking this week. Not really motivated. I expect to be 5 pounds up from where I was last Friday. Going to dig deep and look for a new motivation and get after it again. i'm sure you can to. Also, those 3 pounds can be from TOM so I wouldn't worry about it too much. Keep up the work.
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531

    Honestly, these things happen. The best thing is that you've realized it and are going to nip it in the bud. You're 2/3 of the way there and you're doing fantastic.

    If you felt great for 60 days, you shouldn't beat yourself up for 7. That's 90%! 90% is success in just about every thing imaginable, so get back on that horse and ride!
  • BassBoneBabe
    BassBoneBabe Posts: 226 Member
    With all the food you said you ate, a lot might just be the sodium holding on to water. Keep on going! You have made it this far :-)
  • fitandhealthy
    fitandhealthy Posts: 82 Member
    Don't let it get you down too much....remember this is a "lifestyle", not a diet. You will have precious moments such as this week with your daughter, that you will "slip". But now, with the help of this great website, we are all educated a little more about what we've been doing wrong. Whereas, before we started this journey, we slipped all the time and didn't know any better, right?

    You are already over 1/2 way there in reaching your goal, push on....you will get there! :flowerforyou: