Why am I so tired after a workout?

I use to be very energized now i'm starving and tired, I haven't really changed my eating I have upped my exercise 3 days intense, 2 days moderate, & 2 days off I upped it because I platued but now i'm exhausted and on my moderate day like today it was hard to push through it.


  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Have you tried eating a little something about 30-60 minutes before you work out? I find that I have lower energy in the afternoon and if I eat right about then and hit the gym then I feel much better and don't burn out so fast.

    I usually eat a granola bar, piece of fruit, yogurt with granola in it. Something fast and tasty that I can look forward to as my afternoon snack.
  • worchard
    worchard Posts: 30
    Try a good recovery drink, like the Beach Body one. http://www.beachbody.com/product/supplements/p90x_peak_performance/p90x_peak_recovery_formula.do
    Its the best tasting recovery drink I have ever had. Its like have a dreamcicle at the end of your workout. I actually look forward to my workouts just to get this "treat" at the end.
  • YoungJr42
    YoungJr42 Posts: 25 Member
    Try drinking a protein shake and eating some type of slow obsorbing carb about 30 minutes before your workout. The carbs will help with your energy levels and the protein will help with your recovery. You can also try some type of pre-workout supplement.
    Hope this helps a little!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You may be working too hard... try stretching afterwards.
  • Not sure what your calorie range is but you might want to try adding 100-200 cals a day 2-3 times a week along with your increased workouts. I bet the scale will move then.