Join me in a round of P90X beginning 4/26/10



  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    I haven't completed my workout for today yet but I will be doing KenpoX and maybe throwing a short run in also.

    Last night I did legs and back and abripperX. Those pull-ups definitely are not getting any easier! I wonder if they ever will!

    I am also doing the classic version. I have a fair amount of weight to lose (15 lbs) but I'm more focused on developing strength and getting toned. I don't want to bulk up either though so I hope that doing the classic version doesn't lead to that! I'm trying to incorporate my own cardio along with the program by running and maybe swimming later on in the summer months. I too have hit a plateau with my weight loss so I'm hoping p90x will be a nice jumpstart!

    ilovekhn- i know what you mean about those wall squats! my legs were shaking so much!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Thank you everyone for your response to the program you chose. I'm starting to think that I might want to switch mine. I ran everyday, so I do not even do the cardio X or the Kenpo (I don't like that one). I'm at my goal weight and really just trying to maintain. I will continue to give lean a try but I think I might be a little more tempted for classic next time.

    I started my week on a Tuesday, so I did core synergistics, it was a good workout, but I was so bummed without my HRM, that it took me a long time to get started. And instead of the towel hopping I decided to sub jump roping instead. I only messed up once, so it was a good switch to me. Tomorrow, I plan to do my video before I go to the gym, and the ARX when I get home from work. Because right now, I don't have the strength to complete it and then go straight to ARX. I really want to work my abs so I want to have a lot of energy to push myself.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    I just finished Plyo, and I lived to tell about it!
  • cpatt
    cpatt Posts: 38 Member
    Me too! :happy: It wasn't nearly as bad as I feared. Great workout!!!
    I just finished Plyo, and I lived to tell about it!
  • alisal0113
    Well... I'm starting a day late on P90X, but I am starting the Lean program today. I'm continuing Slim in 6 in the mornings, P90X in the evenings after work, and occasionally Yoga over my lunch break. I just couldn't bring myself to start last night after 2 hours of Yoga. I'm excited to start P90X! I'm looking forward to the pain in the next few days. I am such a masochist, it is fantastic!
  • worchard
    worchard Posts: 30
    Started my program last night with the Lean program. Still want to drop 25 pounds (will be happy with dropping 15). Core X was a beating last night and I'm looking forward to being able to do all the moves the WHOLE time. Since I have training at the fire station tonight I had to get up early before work to do my Cardio X. I had already incorporated this program in my P90 regular routine last time so I was use to it, but I actually gave the Yoga a chance which I usually skipped previously. Feeling the soreness now and I'm sure it will hit me tomorrow. I believe the Beachbody recovery drink helps and keeps the soreness to a minimum. Keep up the good work everyone.
    PJilly-The Plyo isn't so bad now is it......I actually like that one, but I like that kind of workout more than lifting weights or pullups. We all have our dragons to slay.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Well no Plyo for me. I have to keep my cardio lower impact for awhile.

    Dr said I need to work on my leg strengh and my stablity to help my knees,(fluid on the knees). i also need to give my leg some time to heal and when I do workout I have to do a long warm-up before hand.

    Just means I have to subsitute something for plyo. I might put in Turbo Jam, until I feel I can handle the Cardo X. ( the only thing that worries me about Cardo X is that there is a Plyo section, otherwise I would do it.)

    Glad to hear everyone is off to a good start.

    I have a bad knee and do Plyo. I just don't make it high impact. I don't do the jumping, I run in place instead. I have to modify it or I would be out of commission with my knee. You can try it and just modify the exercises. I find the yoga is harder on my knees.

    I did P90x Classic week 3 Arms & shoulders and Ab Ripper today. Tomorrow is my dreaded Yoga day. Goodness I do NOT like Yoga. Maybe I will split it into 2 45 min workouts.

    Good job to everyone on here! Remember to keep hitting play and do your best and forget the rest :smile:
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    I went for a short (2 mile) run and then did KenpoX tonight. I like this workout. I am, however, glad I took some cardio kickboxing classes last semester at school because it definitely takes some coordination! I still fell behind a few times (especially those star blocks- I feel like i'm just flailing my arms about).

    My bum is a bit sore from yesterday's leg workout.

    Can I ask what size weights you guys use or plan on using for some of the workouts (like shoulders and arms)?
  • docjoe
    docjoe Posts: 65 Member
    Ugh, what a day. Had to give a talk at a fundraiser after work and have been poring over documents to get ready for a committee meeting early in the morning and preparing a lecture for tomorrow night. Needless to say I bagged Yoga-X and did a half hour on the elliptical while watching OKC get blown out by the Lakers. But at least I got some exercise in! Will get back on track tomorrow night.

    Can I ask what size weights you guys use or plan on using for some of the workouts (like shoulders and arms)?

    Since I'm a big burly guy (yeah right) I have a dumbbell set with a rack that ranges from 10 to 45#. Most weight I've used so far is 30# on some of the shoulder press exercises. You do so many reps with these workouts I don't expect to be pushing big weight. I struggled with form a little on some of the tricep exercises, think I'll probably need to go a little lighter.....

    Meg are you planning on working running in with this program? I'd like to do a half marathon later this summer (the Minneapolis half) but my legs have been so whipped by the workouts I don't think I can do doubles! Does the leg fatigue get better after a couple weeks?
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    Ugh, what a day. Had to give a talk at a fundraiser after work and have been poring over documents to get ready for a committee meeting early in the morning and preparing a lecture for tomorrow night. Needless to say I bagged Yoga-X and did a half hour on the elliptical while watching OKC get blown out by the Lakers. But at least I got some exercise in! Will get back on track tomorrow night.

    Can I ask what size weights you guys use or plan on using for some of the workouts (like shoulders and arms)?

    Since I'm a big burly guy (yeah right) I have a dumbbell set with a rack that ranges from 10 to 45#. Most weight I've used so far is 30# on some of the shoulder press exercises. You do so many reps with these workouts I don't expect to be pushing big weight. I struggled with form a little on some of the tricep exercises, think I'll probably need to go a little lighter.....

    Meg are you planning on working running in with this program? I'd like to do a half marathon later this summer (the Minneapolis half) but my legs have been so whipped by the workouts I don't think I can do doubles! Does the leg fatigue get better after a couple weeks?

    Well, I am going to try. I really just started to get back into running (I've got some ankle issues. stupid ankles) so I've only gone 2-3 miles twice in the last two weeks, and one of those was today. I ran Grandma's half marathon last year (in 90-some degree weather) and would like to get that running endurance back! I hate how the endurance declines so rapidly after not running much of the winter. BUT, I just bought a new pair of kicks so I have to break them in. I haven't noticed my leg muscle fatigue much but I also ran before I did the KenpoX. Last week I ran before the legs and back workout- that was a slight mistake. I will probably run on days with more strength, like chest, shoulders/arms, and Kenpo (since it's not too bad of a workout).

    I've heard good things about the Minneapolis half. Best of luck to you! I will be moving to the east coast in August so I might try to find a race out that way for the fall.
  • lindalloo
    lindalloo Posts: 47
    I purchased the P90x system two years ago and, up until last night, had worked out to only one DVD. That was last year. It was Plyometrics. Enough said! :noway: Tonight, I started over. This time I'm NOT going to get way ahead of myself, but listen to my body and honor my limits instead. It will all come in good time .. and I'll be ready for it!

    Last night it was the Chest & Back workout. I didn't do pull-ups (used resistance bands instead), and my push-ups were against a wall. It's the best I can do right now. Still, I was "feeling it" only a few hours later! :ohwell:

    I also plan on doing P90x just three days a week because it's important that I leave room for other things I enjoy doing (tonight it was an hour of Aquafit). I may have to start calling it P180x!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    Happy Hump Day, everybody!

    I am so enjoying P90X. I wake up sore but eager to do the next workout. I can't wait to do Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper X today!

    Cassie – No, Plyo wasn't as bad as I'd feared/remembered either. I think all these months of Slim in 6/Slim Series (plus being 25 pounds lighter) really helped me out there.

    Alisa – Are you SURE you want to do both Slim in 6 and P90X every day? Don't burn yourself out. Either one is awesome, but both might be overkill.

    Worchard – The Core workout gets easier. That's always been one of my favorites, though. That and Kenpo.

    Mommyhof3 – I used to dread Yoga too, but I'm looking forward to it this time! Of course, I haven't done it in months. Maybe I'll be singing a different tune tomorrow... :p

    MegKacz – I have dumbbells up to 15 pounds (8,10,12,15), but I can do 15 reps with those on some exercises, so I probably should get some heavier ones. I wish I had a workout room. My clothes closet is getting awfully full. Good thing I don't have as many shoes as lots of women do!

    docjoe – No fair skipping the Yoga! LOL. It's good that you got some time in on the eliptical. Is it wrong of me to be happy hear OKC got their butts kicked? I'm from the Seattle area, and I'm still a little bitter that we lost our beloved Sonics. :-(

    lindaloo – I'm glad you got started yesterday! I'll be interested to hear what you think of all the workouts.

    Have a great day, everybody.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Well no Plyo for me. I have to keep my cardio lower impact for awhile.

    Dr said I need to work on my leg strengh and my stablity to help my knees,(fluid on the knees). i also need to give my leg some time to heal and when I do workout I have to do a long warm-up before hand.

    Just means I have to subsitute something for plyo. I might put in Turbo Jam, until I feel I can handle the Cardo X. ( the only thing that worries me about Cardo X is that there is a Plyo section, otherwise I would do it.)

    Glad to hear everyone is off to a good start.

    I have a bad knee and do Plyo. I just don't make it high impact. I don't do the jumping, I run in place instead. I have to modify it or I would be out of commission with my knee. You can try it and just modify the exercises. I find the yoga is harder on my knees.

    I did P90x Classic week 3 Arms & shoulders and Ab Ripper today. Tomorrow is my dreaded Yoga day. Goodness I do NOT like Yoga. Maybe I will split it into 2 45 min workouts.

    Good job to everyone on here! Remember to keep hitting play and do your best and forget the rest :smile:

    Not doing the plyo is more about letting the shin splint heal, then it is about my knees. Once that is better I should be able to get back into plyo. I just have to be patient. :explode: I am also trying to take the "down time" to strengthen my legs.

    Just finished with shoulders and arms.

    Hope everyone had a great workout.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    I hope the shin splint heals soon. You're smart to take it easy until it does. Injuries suck. They take time, but ignoring them just ends up taking more time in the long run.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    robynrae_1 you do what you have to do to get better and join the Plyo when its right for you. I would hate to see your injury get worse *Yikes! Shin splints are the worst*.

    Well I didn't make it through the whole Yoga because honestly 1 1/2 hours is so long out of my morning getting kids ready for school etc. I did 60 min and will try to get the other 30 done tonight before bed. I didnt mind it so much today and I am bloated and crampy. TOM is right around the corner I am sure :mad: PMS sucks lol
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Today was supposed to be my Cardio X day, and I wanted to give it a try this evening, even though I ran in the morning. But now that I am home, I can barely walk, maybe I exaggerated that a little, but... I just received my pair of five fingers and I'm trying to get use to running in them, and right now, I must say that what everyone say is very true. You are required to get reacquainted with running and your calves are the first to take notice to the difference. Hopefully, this pain will go away soon, so I can be back to my normal routine.

    Hope everyone had a great workout today. Hopefully tomorrow, I will have a better post.
  • annalisa85
    Yoga was tough today with all the soreness but I managed to make my way through it all. My legs aren't as sore now that I'm done with it and I hope they stay that way for the rest of the day. Hope everyone has a great workout today!!

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    Headed upstairs to do Arms & Shoulders!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    And Ab Ripper X, of course.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    kenpo was for me this morning. I may like recovery week a little too much. Time to work on the eating though.

    I :heart: :heart: kenpo!:wink: