Join me in a round of P90X beginning 4/26/10



  • annalisa85
    annalisa85 Posts: 41
    Just finished Cardio and am feeling pretty good. I ran before the cardio workout today and still feel pretty good. I did manage to get my exercising in before the temp rose above 80, but it was still really hot! I'm not ready for all of this heat!!!

    Hope everyone has a great workout today!!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Did my workout over her nap and am still feeling really drained. Not sure if I am getting sick or if I am dragging due to lack of sleep/nutrition. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel more energized.

    Try 1 cup of chocolate milk after your workout. That is how I was feeling and the chocolate milk helps in a huge way :)

    I did Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps with Ab ripper today. I actually managed to do 4 complete V-ups today. First time ever :smile: I also weighed in to see how badly I did over the weekend and I am down 1.4lbs!!! I have lost 18.5lbs now in the first 6 weeks of P90x I am so pumped to see what will happen with the next 6 weeks :smile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    Wow, Plyo was quite the workout today! I wish I'd worn my HRM, because I think my heart rate was through the roof! I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I do know I am a sweaty thing!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    I actually managed to do 4 complete V-ups today. First time ever :smile: I also weighed in to see how badly I did over the weekend and I am down 1.4lbs!!! I have lost 18.5lbs now in the first 6 weeks of P90x I am so pumped to see what will happen with the next 6 weeks :smile:
    That is awesome! I never did a complete V-up until this round, and now I love doing them. I think Debbie Siebers got my abs in pretty good shape. Congrats on your amazing results, and you're not even quite halfway through. That is super. You must feel fantastic! :happy:
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member

    I did Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps with Ab ripper today. I actually managed to do 4 complete V-ups today. First time ever :smile: I also weighed in to see how badly I did over the weekend and I am down 1.4lbs!!! I have lost 18.5lbs now in the first 6 weeks of P90x I am so pumped to see what will happen with the next 6 weeks :smile:
    You are having great results so far! Way to go! :smile:
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Thank you :smile:

    Plyo was difficult today. I wonder why it seems to get harder instead of easier :sad: Oh well, I felt sick halfway through it so I had to slow down. I usually burn around 450 - 500 calories for plyo and only burned 373 calories. I think it might be because I do it when i get up in the morning. On an empty stomach etc. I wonder if on Plyo days I should do it later in the day.
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    Funny you should mention the working out in the morning thing. I just posted a separate thread about that, I never eat before I work out but I am starting to feel like I just can't "Bring It" anymore. I need to figure out a solution that isn't working out later. If I put it off, I will not get it done. :bigsmile:

    Today I did Chest, Shoulders & Triceps for the first time. SO. MANY. PUSHUPS. I am gonna be sore tomorrow!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Funny you should mention the working out in the morning thing. I just posted a separate thread about that, I never eat before I work out but I am starting to feel like I just can't "Bring It" anymore. I need to figure out a solution that isn't working out later. If I put it off, I will not get it done. :bigsmile:

    Today I did Chest, Shoulders & Triceps for the first time. SO. MANY. PUSHUPS. I am gonna be sore tomorrow!

    LOL I replied to you. Try the chocolate milk. I wonder if having a mouthful of it during the workout would help. I only have issues getting through Plyo right now but it might be worth a try the next time I do it
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    I have been doing chocolate milk for a week or two. I mix 1/2 cup fat free with 1/2 cup whole milk with 1 TBSP syrup.
  • annalisa85
    annalisa85 Posts: 41
    Just finished Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and Ab Ripper. I am a sweaty mess right now! Lots of push-ups! I switched back and forth between using the push-up bars and not. I am still trying to maintain my personal goals during ab ripper and that seems to be working for me.

    Enjoy the day!!
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    What are the benefits to the pushup bars? I don't have them.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    What are the benefits to the pushup bars? I don't have them.
    They allow you to get deeper in your push ups. I think they're also supposed to relieve some of the stress on your wrists. I've never used them, but I did try using my dumb bells as push up bars. Instead of making it easier on my wrists, it felt awkward, so I haven't done that again.

    Wow, yesterday was Back & Biceps, and my arms are really feeling it this morning. I love how that feels! I can still feel Monday's workout in my triceps. At this rate, I figure I'll look like Arnold Schwarzenegger at the end of 90 days!

    So, if it's Thursday, this must be Yoga. I am enjoying Yoga this round more than I had before, but I have to say the best part of not being in Recovery week is that I don't have to do Yoga twice!

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper done today. I need heavier weights now. It is getting easier for me now. Tomorrow is the dreaded Yoga. I will just keep pushing through it lol
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper done today. I need heavier weights now. It is getting easier for me now. Tomorrow is the dreaded Yoga. I will just keep pushing through it lol
    I think I need heavier ones too. My biggest are 15 pounds, and it's enough for most sets, but I could use a little more on others. I think 20 might be too much. I doubt I can find 17-pound ones. Maybe I should just get some 20s. Hmm.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    LOL I am only at 10's but I started with 3's so being at 10lbs is better. I went and bought 10's at the store because the 15's were a little heavier for me. I can lift them and use them but i don't think they will be good for me for reps at this point. I am certain I will be using 15's by the end of Phase 3 though. I just hope 10's will hold me for a little bit. I think I should have just bought a big set at the beginning instead of buying them seperately.

    On another note, when I went a purchased the weights the cashier struggled with the bag and I just lifted it with my new muscles and walked out of the store lol Incentive to go buy heavier ones lol
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    You can find 12 pound weights, those are my heaviest right now.

    I decided to take today as a rest day. I have been feeling sluggish all week and can't put my finger on why. Rather than stress about it, I am just going to take today off. Not sure if I will skip Yoga this week or do it tomorrow...
  • annalisa85
    annalisa85 Posts: 41
    What are the benefits to the pushup bars? I don't have them.

    I like them for some of the pushup moves we do in the chest, shoulders, and triceps but not for all of them. I know that they help me to get lower in my pushup but I bought them because of my wrists being really sore after doing pushups before.

    I ran earlier and now I'm getting ready for Yoga in a few and not looking forward to it.

    Enjoy the day!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I'm crashing this thread! :laugh:

    We started yesterday and woooooo I am feeling it! Chest & Back and Ab Ripper. I can feel it in all of those places. Plyo is today.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,737 Member
    I'm crashing this thread! :laugh:

    We started yesterday and woooooo I am feeling it! Chest & Back and Ab Ripper. I can feel it in all of those places. Plyo is today.
    Welcome, thread crasher! How did you like Plyo?

    I am definitely feeling this week's new workouts. It's awesome! Today's an old favorite, Legs & Back.

    Have a great Friday!
  • annalisa85
    annalisa85 Posts: 41
    Getting ready to do Legs & Back and Ab Ripper. Chest is still a little sore from tuesday's workout so I'm happy for the break!

    Enjoy the weekend everyone!