The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    Hi All,
    Here are the final poll results:
    ....and the winner and STILL most dreaded is 777 pushups!

    Im kinda surprised that ab ripper didnt get more votes.

    What is your least favorite/Most dreaded Power 90 Exercise?

    777 wide tri die, pushups 5
    chair dips 3
    two arm kickbacks 2
    side kicks 2
    run lunges 2
    ab ripper 2
    x cross hops 1
    power yoga 1
    lunge squat combos 1
    jumping jacks 1
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Jwillie, I love the ab ripper. Makes me feel like im doing something when Im done. Oh and 3-4 sucks so good. Couldn't do alot of it. But I didn't give up. Nice stufff it is. I like it. Feeling the burn.

    Good Job Everyone!!
  • worchard
    worchard Posts: 30
    I've been at the P90 for 8 weeks now and just got the new video 5&6. I do more cardio than weights as I'm trying to lose the most weight in a competition at work. I do my sculpt on 1&2 still due to arm troubles, but let me tell you. If you want a good cardio workout go to the 5&6 video. I'm also mixing in some of my wife's P90X cardio DVD for variety. I actually think the 3&4 worjout is harder than the P90X cardio. I think is is because of taking the heart rate up and keeping it there for longet time on the 3&4, where with the P90X cardio the heart rate is up and down which is good too. So if you feel "burned out" on the sweat 3&4, buy yourself the 5&6 DVD to take it up a notch.
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    I didn't even know there was a 5/6! I have been trying to get up the nerve to move from 1/2 to 3/4. Something is really keeping me from wanting to move forward. I actually went out and spent the $120 for a Polar hrm with chest strap so I could make sure my watch was giving me accurate readings. It is nice not to have to press buttons to update but it really sucks that it is showing I haven't been burning as much as I thought I was. I really shouldn't feel bad as I have lost 2 lbs this week but really in a slump today. So just had dinner or I should say breakfast for dinner. (ham and cheese omelette and one biscuit) Now I am going to go watch a little tv before I have to hit "play". Have a good one everyone!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I didn't lose any weight last week so it was time for a change in excersice for me. Plus 1-2 was getting easier. Oh and 3-4 will get ya fit quick!
  • worchard
    worchard Posts: 30
    I didn't even know there was a 5/6! I have been trying to get up the nerve to move from 1/2 to 3/4. Something is really keeping me from wanting to move forward. I actually went out and spent the $120 for a Polar hrm with chest strap so I could make sure my watch was giving me accurate readings. It is nice not to have to press buttons to update but it really sucks that it is showing I haven't been burning as much as I thought I was. I really shouldn't feel bad as I have lost 2 lbs this week but really in a slump today. So just had dinner or I should say breakfast for dinner. (ham and cheese omelette and one biscuit) Now I am going to go watch a little tv before I have to hit "play". Have a good one everyone!

    Don't be scared of the 3-4. All you do is add another rep of the same exercises. I didn't know about the 5-6 until I went to order a refill of the recovery drink (which if you aren't doing this, you need to-it's the best tasting recovery drink ever. I actually workout just so I can have this "treat" at the end). The 5-6 is done after Tony did his P90X and you can tell it's a different type of workout from teh 3-4 that works.
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    I like to eat my calories (not drink them) so I am not doing any type of recovery drink. I think I am going to get up the nerve to start 3/4 on Saturday. Enjoy the rest of today!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    WoooHoooo!!! I broke through the 40 pound loss mark today!!!(My ticker is off) Thanks TONY!!!! Thanks everone!! Halfway done with Power90!!! Come on guys where you at?
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    On Day 32 of Power 90. I did the sculpt 3/4 for the first time today. The hardest thing for me was the added push-ups and squats. After I was done, my hubby decided he wanted to go on a walk so I ended up going sweaty and all and burned an extra 180 calories. Felt great! Keep pushing play!!
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    hey guys n gals.

    congrats to those starting level 3/4! its tough I know, so many squats and lunges! You will probably feel burnt out after the first 2 or 3 days. but I started feeling better the 2nd week so keep going. remember doing something is better than nothing so you can revert back to level 1 for a few days if needed to keep you going. I have been a slacker this week... but the weather is finally getting better here in tropical nebraska so Im looking forward to some long, calorie-destroying, bike rides. also thats cool about level 5/6 dvd. i didnt know it existed maybe thats the next boost i need.
  • eyemadreamer
    eyemadreamer Posts: 41 Member
    Hey guys.. I just wanted to check in.. its been a crazy past week. i celebrated my 28th birthday. and i had like 3 days of fun. 1 day with my husband and i.. we saw alice in wonderfland and ate out at outbacks and then the other 2 days were with friends. lots of foood.. too much! haha, but this week i'm back on track and i'm scared to weigh my self so im just gonna wait til next week, ha....

    i do have a small issue. it's my 3rd week well sort of except for that one crazy birthday week.... and my foot is still killing me during my workouts. its just 1 foot, my right foot. it flares up and hurts like heck.. especially with a lot of moving/pressure on it (such as jumping jacls, run lunges, cross hops, etc....) i was told by my coach that at first it s normal but... its been 3 weeks, is that normal? should i see a doctor?

    2nd issue... i am going out of town this friday for a whole week to visit my family in another town. gonna be hard to stick to my plan (workouts and calorie diet).. any suggestions about that?
  • eyemadreamer
    eyemadreamer Posts: 41 Member
    oh btw.... congrats to your 40 lb loss mark, roylawrence! *cheers*
  • worchard
    worchard Posts: 30
    Actually took the workout to the gym for an hour of eliptical today. It was a good change of pace to what the P90 has to offer.
  • thrownaway
    I hope it's not too late to join this thread! I started P90 about 12 days ago, and I want to keep up with it. I'm actually thinking of re-starting my clock because I seriously missed a few days. Still counting calories and all, but slacked off on the workouts. It's a bit of a challenge for me because my work is on an overnight 3 days on 4 days off and I don't get the routine that would really help me stick to it.

    Still, I've got a goal, a date, and a plan, so here we go!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    never too late to join :bigsmile: and im in the same boat as u...I did good the first week and then this week I missed 3 work outs, but not a big deal just hop back on that pony and ride it! lol

    Congrats to everyone esp with the 3/4 work outs!!! :flowerforyou:

    ok so week two of power90 (with a few days missed on the work outs) but I'm already down 6 lbs and a total of 7inches :) most on my mid WOOHOO! (started at 32" waist and my hips were 39") already down to 29" and 37"...I cant wait to see the results after a few more weeks!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    WoW!!!!!! DOing great hasiangirl!!

    Thrownaway, we are going to have to get you a new name... Its never too late to get in on the fit train!! I welcome thee with arms wide open! Aswell as mind!! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to post them!! This is as much yours as it is ours!!! Welcome!!!

    Thanks everyone to continue to press play!!!!
  • eyemadreamer
    eyemadreamer Posts: 41 Member
    did everyone just completely miss my post? lol
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    oops I think I did!! Sorry dreamer!!! I don't have any suggestions about your foot. Sorry I just havent had that happen to me. Oh and for the week, just try to enjoy yourself and try to be smart about eating. If you can't workout, atleast stretch. It helps.

    Have yourself a wonderful evening!!!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Day 15 guys and I am feeling a difference in how my close are fitting and Sweat 1/2 is getting pretty easy... should I move up to 3/4 even though I am not supposed to go up to 3/4 yet. And in the beginning of 1/2, when you are pumping your arms up and down and doing knee lifts.... Well I can't keep my arms pumping the entire time yet so should I wait till I can do that to move to 3/4? Everyone seems to be doing great! I am super excited to step in the scale, take pics and measurements after my 30 days! Gaahhh I can hardly wait! :laugh:
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Dreamer-I know it will be harder for you when you are away from your normal routine. Just focus on having a good time and trying to make good food choices. It is suppose to be nice so try to get out with some family members for a nice walk. It will give you time to talk and get in a little exercise too. As far as your foot, seems strange it should still be hurting but I don't have any advice to give you except maybe try modifying your exercises to help alleviate the pain. I have trouble with my left shoulder so I have to modify some exercises. If I didn't I would probably just want to give up because the pain would be too severe. Good Luck.