

  • The problem with MFP's calorie thing is that it doesn' t care if the amount of calories you eat a day is too much or too little. It simply tells you what to eat to lose/gain "x" amount of weight in this given time frame. So if you wanted to lose 20lbs a month, it'd figure out how many calories to eat every day so you would…
  • I should really read all the posts already posted before I basically say the same thing again. :D But I love how you explained it!
  • Ok ... you're already taking a calorie deficit into account by eating at 1200 calories a day, and that is set for you to lose 10lbs a month right? So if you're working out ON TOP of that deficit that's already in place, you could be doing some bad things to your body. If you're not eating enough calories, you're body will…
  • Ok thanks everyone for the input! I just wasn't sure if it was accurate or not because it gave me a higher than normal reading for a walk/jog I do by myself.... but yesterday I took the 3 kiddos and the dog with and I ended up carrying one of my 4yro's bikes home because she decided she didn't want to ride halfway thru so…
  • Hey everyone!! Wow are my bi and triceps toast today!! I started the Push phase, so I did Push 1 and I went heavy enough to fail at 6 or 7 on everything. Then if that wasn't enough, I did Biggest Loser Weightloss yoga... TONS of downward Dog, planks, and other arm balancing poses. But it's a GOOD ouch!! :) Unfortunately, I…
  • Sorry the numbers are hard to read... when I posted it, the site ran it all together. :indifferent:
  • Morning team!! Well today is my 30day result check day. I wasn't too impressed by the movement on the scale this past 30days, as I only lost 4.4lbs. Not that impressive nor that great in my book. However, then I took my measurements and got excited! Pictures to come tonight, once hubby is home to take them for me!…
  • Morning team! Well the scale FINALLY gave up the ghost and moved for me! Yea! 1.8lbs since yesterday, so I am already starting to rid some of that water. :) I know it's all water weight, but to me seeing the scale go down is all I care about! Janine~ Last Tuesday was the first true rest day I've given myself since starting…
  • mmtiernan~ I have been sticking to the scheduled workouts to the letter up until last Fri/Sat. I had slept on my neck funny and had a tight shoulder muscle so I did not do my Burn Circuit 2 on the day it was scheduled, so I ended up doing Burn 2 one day, Burn 3 the next. But I then took 2 full days off from the workout…
  • Burpees are the bane of my existence! I used to think pushups were bad, and while I still don't like the tricep ones, I'm actually liking the normal ones. lol But I just groan when she says "burpees!". So glad she's not in my living room with me to hear me complaining about them! :D I've heard Lean is the phase you lose…
  • Leeann~ How's the kiddo today? I hope he's alright!! My kids do the same thing with my weights.... Poor kid! Well my last weekend in the Burn phase. I take my 30day results on Tuesday!! HOORAY!! The question I have for you all is: should I take a complete rest day Monday to help flush out the excess water I've been…
  • Just finished my last day of Burn Circuit 3. :) I have to admit I like this one the most because it works my shoulders like mad!!! Just a quick fly by to say hey, check in on everyone else, and now I'm off again. I may not be around much this weekend, as we may take the kids to Minneapolis for some fun. :D Hope you all are…
  • I'd love to join!!! My 34th bday is in October and what a fabulous gift for myself if I can get into shape by then! I'd actually love to lose closer to 30lbs (1.5lbs a week, which is what I have my calorie intake set at), but I'll take whatever I can do! Are we going for Oct 1st or the end of Oct or just sometime in Oct…
  • I love this and I thought for just one second you were yelling at me. :D Until I read the Cream Egg McFlurry part... my ice cream was a shake from Culver's. All 742calories of it. For a SMALL!! UGH!! Love the sense of humor, as that's the thing that gets me thru the tough parts too! Keep it up and move forward! As Chicken…
  • My first round of CLX Just finished Burn Circuit 2 /Burn Intervals on my 4th week of the Burn phase I only have weights that go up to 15 so I generally do 8-15lbs (mostly 10,12.5, and 15). I could probably go higher though. Non lifting days I do the scheduled Burn intervals/Burn it off. I also walk whenever I can and may…
  • Thanks everyone for the fabulous suggestion and advice! I LOVE this team!!! :D Marianne~ I've been naughty too... I do the Burn it off and Recharge, but I tend to skip the additional Ab ones... Which is where I really need it the most. lol So don't feel bad! Good luck on the date!!!!! Bev~ Fantastic job on losing the…
  • When you work with weights, you actually rip the muscle fibers. The body repairs them, but also protects them by surrounding them with water. So you do temporarily retain water (some anyway) when you work with weights,. Also, I know when it's my TOM, I can gain as much as 7lbs as far as a week in advance. Give your body a…
  • Keeping your family in my thoughts Bev!!! I hope they figure out what's going on with your hubby soon. Just do what you can, when you can. :) I have a questions for you all. I am scheduled to be on a rest day tomorrow, but I won't be home at all on Tuesday when I'm scheduled to do Burn Circuit 2. I missed Thursday and…
  • LaCubana!!!! Awesome results!!! I can't wait to see the pics. :) And yes, your arms are AMAZING!!! I wish mine would look like yours, but I still have too much "cushioning" to see much muscle development yet. GREAT job! I finally got my garden planted, and burned 434 calories in the process. :) Now lunch time, then once my…
  • Marianne that's fantastic!!! Great job!!! After seeing where you measured yourself, I am starting to wish I had measured BOTH thighs and upper arms instead of just one side! :( Oh well. I guess I can always do that now so I know where I progress from here. I got myself caught up yesterday on the workouts that I missed…
  • Hey everyone! I've been MIA the last couple days (logged in with my food and walk though!) because I was extremely disappointed. I slept on my neck funny a few nights ago and I woke up with the tightest trapezius muscle (that's the muscle that runs from up your neck down the back of your shoulder/shoulder blade). I…
  • Wow you guys have been quite chatty the past couple days!! I'll have to read thru the posts later when I have a few more mins free. :) And no kids underfoot, in my ear, screaming and fighting, or just hearing "Mom!!! Mooooooo-ooommm! MOM! MOM!" Anyway, I've been sticking to the schedule and even doing some cardio on my…
  • I would question what kind of HRM you own then. I have a Polar F4 and it tells me all sorts of good things like how long I worked out, what my average heart rate was, what my max heart rate was, how many calories I burned, how long I was in my ideal heart rate range, etc. I have tried 3 of the HRM that is just the watch…
  • Thanks everyone! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only starving Marvin around here! LOL I thought I was sabotaging my results by eating so much, because I'm eating my daily alloted calories (my limit is 1500) and then would work out, which would drop my net calories below 1200, and then eat more until my net calories were…
  • Is anyone else (who's just started within the last couple weeks) like a hungry hippo?!? OMG I can't seem to eat enough on certain days! Also, I've been so much warmer lately too! Is that part of the "post workout burn" I've heard about? Cuz let me tell you...it feels like "the change of life" sometimes!! LOL I'm only 33 so…
  • Chalene definitely knows how to pick the BEST music for her routines and to fit the routine to the beat to keep you going!!! LOVE Chalene!!!
  • LOL @ Cat~ NO KIDDING!! All this equipment is expensive, but worth it in the end! It's an investment on a great return!! But if you do happen to find yourself a sponsor, let me know! Just finished Burn It Off and Recharge, ending my 2nd full week of the program. Feeling great, and I know I pushed harder than last time…
  • If you're interested in TJ workouts, I personally don't care much for the Cardio Party ones as much as I do the other ones. Fat Blaster or Punch, Kick, and Jam are my favorites! If you're in good shape and near your goal weight, you won't burn as much. When I first started doing them, I was 40lbs overweight (this was a few…
  • Morning everyone!! Burn Circuit 3 for me today. At this time last week, I was dying for a rest day!! I kept thinking to myself "I think they should have 2 days in a row, then a rest day, then 3 in a row, then a rest instead of 4 in a row, then a rest day, then 1 day, then another rest day". But this week? I'm ready for the…