Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Cee-How funny is that? I burned 569 calories too!! That is so odd. I loved this workout. It was so much fun!! I see my "kickboxing" teacher really did steal a ton of moves from this workout. It made it easier for me to keep up. I need all the help I can get. LOL Unfortunately my head is pounding again since I stopped.
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Andi: I hope your knee is better and you're slowly starting to Turbo Jam things up!
    Catniss: Where on earth can I get a husband who'll buy me Select Techs for whining a lil'?!?! I've been whining A LOT!

    All: I hit DAY 30 on SUNDAY & I CAN'T WAIT to see my results!!! Today I did Burn It Off! & Recharge. Usually that combo would have me feelin SPENT! But an hour later, I was so pumped & antsy, I busted out Turbo Jam's 20 minute work out! I've had so much ENERGY lately! Maybe it's the excitement of finally hitting 183 lbs again (which was my lowest weight I went down to durning my last weight loss journey, before I gained 42 lbs of it back!)! I've never appreciated this weight MORE! And the second I dip down below 183, I'll be in brand new territory. I haven't been 182 lbs or lower since I was 16 (I'm now 32, so that was half my lifetime ago)! And I've only got 19 lbs to lose to hit my 100 lb weight loss mark! WOOOOO HOOOOO! Let's get EXTREME up in this piece! Push Phase, I'm comin for ya!
  • Andi_1977
    Andi_1977 Posts: 47 Member
    LaCubana: Thanks for checking in on my knees :) They're still very sore, but the funny thing is, they don't bother me as badly when I start exercising. Now, if I bend down to pick something up, that's a whole 'nother story! I've been able to do Burn Circuit 1 & 2 and 4 short Turbo Jam workouts (the 20 minute workout & Ab Jam) within the last 3 days, so I think I'm going to make it, LOL. I don't know what I did, because I'm super careful about keeping my knees over my heels when I do squats & lunges. I think my body is just rebelling against all this exercise!

    I know this is a CLX thread, but I now LOVE, LOVE, LOVE TURBO JAM!!!! I still love CLX too, but the few Turbo Jam workouts that I've done are so much fun, I keep thinking "am I really working out?" Tomorrow will be Burn Intervals, so that and Ab Burner will probably be all I'll do. Saturday morning is Burn Circuit 3, so maybe I can fit in Cardio Party sometime later in the day. (Who is this person that is talking about exercising twice in one day, and what did they do with Andi???? Would you believe that I was about as sedentary as you can get just 3 months ago?)

    I hope everyone has a great Friday! Keep it EXTREME!!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    LaCubana: Thanks for checking in on my knees :) They're still very sore, but the funny thing is, they don't bother me as badly when I start exercising. Now, if I bend down to pick something up, that's a whole 'nother story! I've been able to do Burn Circuit 1 & 2 and 4 short Turbo Jam workouts (the 20 minute workout & Ab Jam) within the last 3 days, so I think I'm going to make it, LOL. I don't know what I did, because I'm super careful about keeping my knees over my heels when I do squats & lunges. I think my body is just rebelling against all this exercise!

    I know this is a CLX thread, but I now LOVE, LOVE, LOVE TURBO JAM!!!! I still love CLX too, but the few Turbo Jam workouts that I've done are so much fun, I keep thinking "am I really working out?" Tomorrow will be Burn Intervals, so that and Ab Burner will probably be all I'll do. Saturday morning is Burn Circuit 3, so maybe I can fit in Cardio Party sometime later in the day. (Who is this person that is talking about exercising twice in one day, and what did they do with Andi???? Would you believe that I was about as sedentary as you can get just 3 months ago?)

    I hope everyone has a great Friday! Keep it EXTREME!!!

    YEP.... Turbo Jam is the BOMB.... I credit it for the loss of 30+ inches (over my body) since the beginning of the year.... especially for my obliques....!

    I completed Burn Circuit 2 yesterday, was planning on doing Turbo jam - Cardio Party Mix - but just felt so so tired..... so I didn't.

    My schedule seems to be the same as yours Andi - Today is Burn Intervals and Ab Burner, Saturday - Burn Circuit 3, and then on Sunday Burn It Off & Recharge...... which will be the end of BURN for me..... and on to PUSH.... yay..!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Andi, I feel ya on that Turbo Jam! That's what got me so hooked on Chalene in the first place! I still have yet to buy Turbo Jam Fat Burning Elite! Can't wait to get it cuz I need some new ones in my life!

    Marianne! We're both gonna be PUSHing it soon! I'm sooooooooo excited!
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    hpygirl64ColleenLinder Posts: 146 Member
    love that you are all doing Chalean, I'm addicted to it as well but doing a hybrid program between hers and shaun t's insanity. I just couldn't live without doing my weights!! feel free to friend me anyone as I also have a facebook accountability group for ease of posting and keeping us all inspired while having fun. until then GET EXTREME BABIES!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Burn Circuit 1 for the last time today (today's the last week of the first month of my hybrid). I upped all the weights (except the legs, of course) by at least 2.5 pounds. I did 17.5 pounds for the biceps and definitely failed by the 7th rep. As a matter of fact, I failed doing all my arm exercises. And what also was surprising was that I did all 8 (+3 extreme) push-ups - those are done at the very end of the circuit. It was surprising to me since I had worked my arms so hard. When I was doing the TF Stretch 10 class, my poor arms were trembling!

    I start the HIIT month next Friday. There are NO CLX classes in that month except for Ab Burner, I believe. I'll stick around to support everybody but I don't want to bore anyone with TF talk.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Burn Intervals ..... DONE..... I did the burpees.... and I actually liked them.... :huh:

    You know what I did HATE..... Ab Burner.....! I'm so glad it's only 10 minutes long.....

    Off topic.... I think today was the day I've finally realised I've lost quite4 a few inches.... I tried on an old dress and wow.... I could finally see it.... check out my profile pic....
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Marianne-You look great!!

    Cee-Wow! You're doing great!! My weights are wimpy because I'm still waiting for the big ones to get here! Today was probably the first day I would have liked more than I had for my arms. I've always wanted more for my legs.
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Marianne...sorry to "spoil it" but the next phase (push) goes to Extreme Abs...don't think it's any better and about 15 minutes :cry: I hate all the abs!

    Someone said that they did the fat burner bonus on the CX CD...if you are interested in Turbo Jam that's where that's from...if you liked it you'll like Turbo Jam.

    Finished week 2 of Push phase...6 weeks...hard to believe. I've NEVER exercised for this long before :bigsmile:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Marianne-You look great!!

    THANK YOU....!!!! :bigsmile:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I am so sore today. Woohoo! Lol Means I truly did push myself to my limits yesterday! Have a wonderful weekend!
  • timeformajorchange
    Hey everyone!

    I've been MIA the last couple days (logged in with my food and walk though!) because I was extremely disappointed. I slept on my neck funny a few nights ago and I woke up with the tightest trapezius muscle (that's the muscle that runs from up your neck down the back of your shoulder/shoulder blade). I couldn't lift my right arm above my shoulder, do pushups, or even hold my head in certain positions without it tweaking that muscle. So I've missed 2 of my workout days!!! I did do a 4 mile walk the first day (which should have been a burn circuit 3 day), then I didn't do anything yesterday (which was a cardio day). today is a "rest day" but I'm actually feeling much looser so I'm going to try my BC3 and see if I can do it. I also am going to be planting my 12'x4' garden today, so that'll get me some cardio and I may try to walk again later too. IF I'm really feeling good after BC3, I may just do my Burn It Off and Recharge and get back on track with my CLX schedule.

    Cat~ I am SOOOOO incredibly jealous that you got the Select Techs!! Enjoy them. :) What a wonderful hubby you have!

    Cee~ Doesn't it feel good when you know you've done everything you could to make the most of your workout?

    Marianne~ Fantastic job!!! You look great!!!

    Bev~ I haven't worked out that long in a long time. The last time I did, it was with Chalene with Turbo Jam. :D So I think if I stick with Chalene, I'll be golden. For some reason, she can just keep me coming back and pushing play.

    LaCubana~ Can't wait to hear about your results!! Whoo hoo!! congrats on finishing your first 30days!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Cee- I was sore this morning too. LOL Abs 10 must be super effective because if I roll over in the middle of the night, I feel like I'm having contractions.

    I didn't like TF 45 as much as the one we did before it. I still enjoyed it though!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member

    I've still got Burn Intervals & Burn It Off to do, but I decided to take my measurements this morning as I won't have time to do it tomorrow...

    SO..... drumroll please......

    After completing the BURN phase -

    I have lost 4.6 lbs (probably will be a little bit lower tomorrow)../

    WAIST - 2 inches lost
    BUST - 1 inch lost
    CHEST - no loss
    HIPS - no loss
    RIGHT ARM - 1 inch lost
    LEFT ARM - no loss
    RIGHT THIGH - 1 inch lost
    LEFT THIGH - no loss
    CALF - 1 inch lost
    KNEE - 1 inch lost

    A total of 7 inches LOST...... YAY.....!
  • timeformajorchange
    Marianne that's fantastic!!! Great job!!! After seeing where you measured yourself, I am starting to wish I had measured BOTH thighs and upper arms instead of just one side! :( Oh well. I guess I can always do that now so I know where I progress from here.

    I got myself caught up yesterday on the workouts that I missed Thurs and Fri, so today I start week 4 of Burn already!!! First off, I cannot believe how much stronger I feel just after 21 days, but I also cannot believe I have DONE 21 days of it! :D I can't wait... 9 more days til I take my 30day results!!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Marianne, AWESOME results. Welcome to the push phase! Don't forget to push as hard as you can and try not to use the scale as a measure of your progress for this phase. My BB coach told me that the scale will likely stall or go up and that it did. I'm in my last week and can't wait to start doing the TF HIIT classes. I'm going on a cruise in about 3 weeks!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    DAY 30!!!

    On 5/14, my weight was at 187 lbs . Today, I weigh in at 183 lbs. (4 lb loss)
    Day 1- Chest: 41 in. Day 30- Chest: 40.5 in (-.5 in)
    Day 1- Upper arms: 14 in. Day 30- Upper arms:14 in. (stayed the same, but DANG did muscle replace fat! I've got some GUNS!)
    Day 1- Waist: 39.5 in. Day 30- Waist: 37.5 in. (-2 in!)
    Day 1- Hips: 45 in. Day 30- Hips: 43 in (-2 in!)
    Day 1- Abductors: 43.5 in. Day 30- Abductors: 42 in. (-1.5 in!)
    Day 1- Thighs: 23 in. Day 30- Thighs: 20 in. (-3 in!!!)

    So I've lost 9 INCHES on my entire frame & 4 lbs in 30 DAYS!!!

    I'm trying to figure out the whole picture deal on this thing. I am NOT computer savvy! LOL! I'll get back to you guys with the pics ASAP!
  • timeformajorchange
    LaCubana!!!! Awesome results!!! I can't wait to see the pics. :) And yes, your arms are AMAZING!!! I wish mine would look like yours, but I still have too much "cushioning" to see much muscle development yet. GREAT job!

    I finally got my garden planted, and burned 434 calories in the process. :) Now lunch time, then once my stomach rests a bit, off to do the beginning of Burn Week 4. :) 9 more days!!