Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    My answers:
    Which round of CLX is this for you?

    My 1st round of CLX/Turbo Fire Hybrid

    What Circuit are you currently on?

    Finished Push today...moving to more turbo fire
    What is the weight range that you're currently lifiting?

    10, 12, 15 lbs (until my weights get here!)
    Are you doing any cardio on your non-lifitng days? If so, what?
    Yes, turbo fire!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Gnomer: Welcome!!! Feel free to friend me! :happy: LOVE having CLX friends!

    Catniss: I used to weigh myself every morning. Since Monday, I've stopped. It makes my day much less stressful! I would stop for the whole month if it were up to me, but looks like I have to weigh myself every Monday for my other MFP group- the Pin Up Girls' Challenge. Let's try and focus on how good & strong CLX is making us feel!

    Marianne: (even though you might not need the info cuz we're on the same day) I'm on week one of the Push Phase, I do Push Circuit 2 today, not sure what Push Circuit 2 & 3 weights are, but my weights for my first day of Push Circuit 1 were: Warm Up: 8 lbs, Standard Bicep Curl: 15 lbs, Standard Squat: 20 lbs, Single Arm Tricep Extension: 10 lbs, V-Press Biceps: 15 lbs (along with the Extreme ones), Single Leg Squat: 20 lbs, Overhead Tricep Extension (with extremes at the end): 20 lbs (for this one, I feel I need 25 lbs- but my current weights only go up to 20!), Hammer Curls (with the extreme ones) 15 lbs, Heel Squat (with extreme ones): 20 lbs (I need AT LEAST 30 for these cuz I've got legs of steel! Someone please buy me Select Techs!!!). And yes, I'm doing Turbo Jam & extra Ab work both on my off days & my lifting days. Only days I don't add Cardio is on the Burn Intervals & Ab Burner day. On the Burn it Off! & Recharge day, I sometimes add Turbo Jam 20 minute work out.

    Shakemybooty: Can't wait to fire it up to "Boom I got your boyfriend"! I wish my friend would finish with Turbo Fire so I can borrow it!!!

    Cee: You'll blow straight out of the 150's during Lean!

    jmf323: Show that Lean Phase who's boss, girl! I feel the same way about vacation weight gain! You'll drop those 2 lbs in a few days! Hope you had fun! As far as eating Lean, I hear ya, girl! I've been doing the Golden Ratio 40/40/20 (40% Protein, 40% HEALTHY carbs, 20% HEALTHY fats) & it's been making me feel SO GOOD! It's also making my Abs totally appear! I've never had Abs in my life & here they are!!! Clean eating is where it's at! Chalene is NOT KIDDING! I find it helps me to keep my carbs UNDER 125 grams & my protein ABOVE 100 grams. I give myself 1 day a week to eat whatever ratios I want (but still stay under 1500 calories). I had that day yesterday! Stinkin TOM! LOL! Give the Lean Phase everything you've got! You're ALMOST THERE!

    bevgay: So glad your boys are home! Don't forget to take care of yourself while you're taking care of them! <3

  • jmf323
    jmf323 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone....
    Let's have a quick catch-up survey...

    Which round of CLX is this for you?

    I am doing my first round of Chalean

    What Circuit are you currently on?

    I am in the Lean phase (just started it)

    What is the weight range that you're currently lifiting?

    5-15lbs in this phase. I was lifting higher in the push phase

    Are you doing any cardio on your non-lifitng days? If so, what?

    YES:) I am doing Turbo Jam
  • jmf323
    jmf323 Posts: 11 Member
    Marianne: I am trying to eat "lean" this month by eating mostly protien/low fat meats, and veggies. And eating clean as well (which is hard for me because I love stuff like chips and crackers:angry: ) I am also trying to cut back on my carbs some since I tend to get too many calories from them.

    LaCubana: I feel you about the abs!! I have NEVER had abs (i tend to carry my extra weight there) so eating lean is my motivation to look better in a bathingsuit at the end of the Lean phase! Any tips for staying on track with your eating the 40/40/20 rule?

    I was wondering what is everyone keeping their NET calories per day at? Are you eating back ALL your calories burned in exercise?? I am trying to keep my net calories a 1250.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    My weights came!! They are heavy!! :bigsmile:
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    jmf323: Come take a look at my food diary & steal ideas! I usually stay in 40/40/20 by planning my meals a day in advance & using Chalene's Fat Burning Food Guide or Rocco Dispirito's "Now Eat This! Diet" cookbook for my dinner plans. I don't cut out all my sugar. I allow myself a little bit of dark chocolate each day (usually 1 - 2 pieces) & I use sugar or brown sugar in my 8 oz coffee each morning. I usually post recipes & ideas! Here's one that I eat for breakfast on weekends that makes me feel like I'm eating a breakfast at a restaurant!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Which round of CLX is this for you?
    What Circuit are you currently on?
    Just finished the push phase.
    What is the weight range that you're currently lifiting?
    Anywhere from 15 through 25 pounds (highest my weights go up to)
    Are you doing any cardio on your non-lifitng days? If so, what?
    Yep! Turbo Fire! Love it!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Hi everyone....
    Let's have a quick catch-up survey...

    Which round of CLX is this for you?

    First time around

    What Circuit are you currently on?

    I'm on the 3rd week of Push (tomorrow will be Push 3)

    What is the weight range that you're currently lifiting?


    Are you doing any cardio on your non-lifitng days? If so, what?

    I am following CX as writtin and adding Turbo Fire when I have time
  • timeformajorchange
    Hi everyone....
    Let's have a quick catch-up survey...

    Which round of CLX is this for you?
    What Circuit are you currently on?
    What is the weight range that you're currently lifiting?
    Are you doing any cardio on your non-lifitng days? If so, what?

    My first round of CLX
    Just finished Burn Circuit 2 /Burn Intervals on my 4th week of the Burn phase
    I only have weights that go up to 15 so I generally do 8-15lbs (mostly 10,12.5, and 15). I could probably go higher though.
    Non lifting days I do the scheduled Burn intervals/Burn it off. I also walk whenever I can and may throw in extra Turbo Jam workouts, even if it was a lifting day. I just try to do any extra I can when I can, to try to make the most of my results and loose this extra weight ASAP!! Also looking at getting Turbo Fire,but haven't quite decided for sure just yet. I may wait for my birthday.

    Welcome to the team gnomer!!!
    Janine, I may have to copy what you're doing and what you're eating cuz DAMN GIRL!!!! lol I think I'll look for a copy of that cookbook. I'd KILL to have abs, and if clean eating is the ticket, then I'll do it. Painful as it might be -- I LOVE my carbs :(
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Time: I still have carbs! TRUST ME! LOL! I need sugar in my coffee, ketchup on my turkey burger, whole wheat bread to put it in, chocolate at the end of my day... I just try to keep the carbs under 125. But, like today, I had 1 to many @ 126. But, oh well! One day a week, though, I can go carb crazy (like yesterday when TOM told me to eat a Dairy Queen Chocolate dipped cone with vanilla soft serve for a HUGE 540 calories & I shrugged and enjoyed EVERY DANG BITE! LMAO)! A girl's gotta have a pizza once in a while, too. Okay, lemme stop talkin bout food. But anyway, it gets easier the more you do it. You find out things you HAVE TO HAVE every day & things you can save for once a week. & if my abs are this visible at 183 lbs, I can't wait to see em at my final goal weight of 140 lbs! It's worth it, girl!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Which round of CLX is this for you?
    What Circuit are you currently on?
    What is the weight range that you're currently lifiting?
    Are you doing any cardio on your non-lifitng days? If so, what?

    Just Rebooting Round 4 !
    Burn Circuit
    8 lbs (triceps - weak sauce) - 60 lbs (30 lbs. each hand squats)
    Yep - currently subbing in Insanity! I also do ab work 3x per week before my lifting workout. Fave is Extreme Abs, but sometimes I sub in Ab Ripper X from P90X.

    Today is my first workout since injuring my back and it feels so goooooooddddd to lift those weights!! I just hate missing work outs!!

    Even tho I haven't been posting much, I have been loving the posts on this forum - y'all are awesome and really bringing it!! :) What a fantastic group!!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    My weights came!! They are heavy!! :bigsmile:

    Are those the ones from Sears?
    How heavy do they go?

    Arrrrggghhhhhh....! Push 2......!
    Wow... this morning my upper back feels like a herd of horses trampled over it... OMG.... !
    I need a GOOD massage....

    I mainly stuck to 11 lbs for of all the upper arm exercises, and 16 lbs for the lunges....
    The next time I do this circuit, I will definitely go up to 22 lbs (10 kg) for the lunges.

    6-pack..... hmmm, I'll just be happy to get rid of the fat.....
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    mmtiernan, I'm glad your back is feeling better!! My triceps are weak too but I really try to push them with the 15s. Sometimes I go back down to 10 but for the most part I can do about 5.5 reps with 15s. :laugh: It was you who told me about lifting straps, right? I wound up getting lifting hooks instead and LOVE them. Hopefully by the time I start Lean (in 4 weeks) I'll have my Select Techs and really get good use out of them. I also got synthetic gloves instead of leather. I'm not sure what they are, but the padded part feels like suede, might be microfiber or something.

    Marianne, same here re: getting rid of the fat! I've greatly cleaned up my eating after about a week and a half of just throwing anything in my mouth (including Mickey Ds!) so I'm hoping to see some sort of movement in the midsection before my cruise comes. If not, I'm going to have to wear a one piece. :sad:
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Marianne-Yes they are the ones from Sears. They go up to 50lbs. I did 2 squats with 35lbs on each side right when I got them and my booty hurts still!! Hope your back feels better. I always get really tight in my shoulders and then end up with a headache.

    Cee-Wear your bikini no matter what. After my trip to the waterpark, I decided I am now bikini material because it appears that people of every size are wearing them. I did briefly send a prayer up for the teenagers that already have worse midsections than me and probably haven't had 3 c-sections. At least I started out in shape.

    Just saw something on the news that kids in school are now getting 100 minutes of exercise a week and it's improving obesity. Only 100 minutes??? I think we had that much time per day with before school/after school/pe/ recess/lunch. Sad.

    Today was a turbo fire day. None of the music is stuck in my head from it and I have to say I'm ok with that!!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Cee- thanks so much! Yes, my back is feeling much, much, much better! I went lower on a few exercises just to ease my back into it again - so only 25s on the squats (and I skipped the side oblique part of it) and went down to 10s on the deadlifts just to be on the ultra safe side there ( I usually do 17.5 or 20s if they are followed by a row, rather than a fly). Overall, everything felt good!! I did a solid bench press with 25s, which felt absolutely awesome!! It was me who suggested the straps - I've never used the hooks, so glad they are working out so well!! I keep looking for SelectTech coupons - I looked up my purchase from last year and the coupon came out in August, so we'll need to start keeping an eye out for it!

    Shake - I hear ya on the bikini thing! I was at the water park last summer and yes, there are definitely women of every shape and size wearing them! I would not have had the courage of over half of them - and like you, I especially cringe when I see a teenager who is clearly very over weight because that is such a hard way to start out your life! I did wear a bikini myself - first time in over 30 years since my father outlawed them when I was 10 (he saw me dive off the the high diving board and I'd lost the bottoms from the force of the impact and so he saw me pulling them back on as I surfaced! :laugh: ) - but I work hard to stay in shape and even so, wasn't about to wear a bikini until I knew I had earned it with a flat mid-section!

    Subbing in Insanity for Cardio today - Plyo Cardio is on the schedule (ugh! That one is such a killer!), but I'll be taking it a little easy and listening to my back to be sure it's okay!

    Have a fabulous Thursday everyone!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    mmtiernan, I'm glad it's feeling better. I can only imagine not being able to workout. I wake up every morning looking forward to it! I'm going to keep August in mind. I'm a fan of Bowflex's Facebook page so I'll be able to see if anything comes up there too.

    I just don't think I could do the bikini if my body isn't right. I'm too self-conscious and proud to do that. LOL

    So, today is the start of the HIIT month in the hybrid. I took measurements to compare to the beginning of the plan. Here are my results (Current, Starting, Difference):

    Weight: 151, 155.5 (-4.5)
    Neck: 13.5, 14.5 (-1)
    Chest: 39.5, 41.75 (-2.25)
    Back: 30.5, 31.75 (-1.25)
    Biceps: L 11/R 11, 11.5/12.5 (-.5/-1.5) (how uneven was I? :laugh:)
    Waist: 34.25, 34.5 (-0.25) Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Hips: 36.25, 37.5 (-1.25)
    Abductors: 36, 36.25 (-0.25)
    Thigh: L 22.5/R 22.75, 23.25/23.25 (-0.75/-0.5)
    Calf: 14.25, 14.25 (0)
    Body Fat: 24, 26 (-2%)

    So, overall, I lost 12 inches and 4.5 pounds. Eek! I'm so excited!!! The HIIT workout I did today was NO JOKE. I burned 167 calories in the workout and the moves were really tough. I plan on working up to doing all the moves without feeling belabored next time because they only get longer (she has HIIT 20 and 25!!).
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    mmtiernan, I'm glad it's feeling better. I can only imagine not being able to workout. I wake up every morning looking forward to it! I'm going to keep August in mind. I'm a fan of Bowflex's Facebook page so I'll be able to see if anything comes up there too.

    I just don't think I could do the bikini if my body isn't right. I'm too self-conscious and proud to do that. LOL

    So, today is the start of the HIIT month in the hybrid. I took measurements to compare to the beginning of the plan. Here are my results (Current, Starting, Difference):

    Weight: 151, 155.5 (-4.5)
    Neck: 13.5, 14.5 (-1)
    Chest: 39.5, 41.75 (-2.25)
    Back: 30.5, 31.75 (-1.25)
    Biceps: L 11/R 11, 11.5/12.5 (-.5/-1.5) (how uneven was I? :laugh:)
    Waist: 34.25, 34.5 (-0.25) Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Hips: 36.25, 37.5 (-1.25)
    Abductors: 36, 36.25 (-0.25)
    Thigh: L 22.5/R 22.75, 23.25/23.25 (-0.75/-0.5)
    Calf: 14.25, 14.25 (0)
    Body Fat: 24, 26 (-2%)

    So, overall, I lost 12 inches and 4.5 pounds. Eek! I'm so excited!!! The HIIT workout I did today was NO JOKE. I burned 167 calories in the workout and the moves were really tough. I plan on working up to doing all the moves without feeling belabored next time because they only get longer (she has HIIT 20 and 25!!).

    Those are great results Cee!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I see what you mean about the HIIT 15 Cee. I was laughing to myself because I really tried to pay attention to the breakdown before the moves. The second that bell went off, my mind went completely blank. I did ok with it but got lost on my timing with a few of the jumps. I was still jumping but it wasn't as pretty. LOL My head is killing me again from the weather change. I would be ok doing the drills until we stopped and then my head would pound like crazy. I need to move some where the weather never changes!

    Overall...loved it!

    I forgot...Shawn T. has ruined the word "plyo" for me. Whenever I hear it, I cringe in terror.
  • timeformajorchange
    Just finished my last day of Burn Circuit 3. :) I have to admit I like this one the most because it works my shoulders like mad!!!

    Just a quick fly by to say hey, check in on everyone else, and now I'm off again. I may not be around much this weekend, as we may take the kids to Minneapolis for some fun. :D

    Hope you all are having a kick *kitten* kind of day!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Quick question: Did anyone find it strange that the calendar for Push says to do BURN 3 on the third day of weights in the first week instead of PUSH 3?? I followed the instructions & did Burn 3, but the whole time I was doing it, it was messing with me!