Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I just started CLX on Sat, May 28th. I am sore today!!! But I am sticking w/it, I feel good afterwards even though tired!!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Amy, the soreness will go away after a while and you're really going to see some definition!

    I did Push Circuit 2 today. Last week of Push--Lean here I come!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning, fellow CLXers!!

    LaCubana, NICE on doing all the burpees. i hate those things! :laugh: I think I get to 15 before I'm like UNCLE!

    Welcome, FabulousFifty! How'd the first day go?

    bev, great job! I can't wait to get to the HIIT phase in the hybrid (only 2 weeks to go!).

    Welcome, amymt10! The soreness will go away. I always advice to make sure you're getting enough protein in. That for sure will help with repairing your muscles.

    Great job, beckajw!! I can't wait to hear your results from the Push phase!

    Today was Push Circuit 3. The 25 pounds aren't enough for my legs, I'm afraid, but that's all I have. And I'm still selling myself short with the back exercises. So, next week I'm going to truly focus upping the weights and doing what I need to do. For those who have done the push phase, how long did it take you to get to the right amount of weight for the exercises? I'm writing my weights down but it just seems like even after I up the weight it's still not enough. I keep going because my time is limited in the mornings and I don't have much wiggle room but I really want to get the results I'm looking for. Any help and advice would be appreciated!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Ceelovejay--25 pounds isn't enough for my legs either, but it's all I have too. I just try to move really really slowly. I figure it should be fine for the Lean Phase. My arms are weak compared to my legs. I try to use 5 pounds less than her on all of the arm exercises, but for some I have to go even lower than that.

    LaCubana--I don't mind the burpees in Burn it Off, but can't stand the burpees in Burn Intervals. Great job!
  • timeformajorchange
    Just got done with my Burn Intervals/Ab Burner combination. I still cannot do that those last couple ab exercises where you are on your hand/knees and try to twist to make one elbow touch the other.... I give up and try to do it standing up. LOL It's probably not the same thing, but at least I THINK I'm still doing roughly the same motion.

    BURPEES!!! OUCH!! Congrats LaCubana!!! But I got to 15 today before I had to skip out on the rest. I only got 12 last time. :D I LOVE seeing the little improvements in only a week! Heavier weights, more burpees, more thigh toning band usage, more reps, etc. Feel so much stronger than I did when I started!

    Bev~ you are right.... it is SO worth it to keep pushing play!

    Amy~ welcome aboard! It's a great workout, I'm just about half way thru my 2nd week and I'm already being able to do more than I did the first week. It's a wonderful feeling!!

    Cee~ doesn't Chalean advice you to move slower if your weights aren't heavy enough? or create your own added resistance by pretending the weights are much heavier than they are? I also have tried to tense the muscle throughout the entire movement before I was able to get to the store for heavier weights and that seemed to work. Otherwise, have you tried the band at all? The ladies on the dvd seem to have no trouble with resistance with them. lol I still haven't tried mine out yet. I'm too worried I'll end up all tangled up. :D
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Did Burn 2/ week 2 this morning. One of those slow moving, can't get the energy going type of mornings--maybe 'cause of TOM + insomnia (woke up hungry at 1AM--really hungry--so I ate some raw almonds and THAT WAS IT!!--and I even recorded them).

    Unfortunately, today is a hungry day (again, probably thanks to TOM).

    Does anyone else have bursitis in their elbows? It's really bothering me and preventing me from going as heavy as I would be able to do otherwise. It seems to bother me most with the flys.

    Oh rats, I just hit some random key and lost a whole bunch of typing...well, it must be a sign. Enjoy the rest of your day ladies.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    bump so I can find you later...:happy:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Yesterday was my cardio day, I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party Mix 1.... was soo tired from myh bad week..... I just wanted to lie down on the floor & go to sleep half way through it.... but I made myself finish it....!

    Today was supposed to be my rest day, but I'm taking my daughter to an amusement park tomorrow... will probably be too tired to do anything when we get back....

    Tomorrow will be my 'rest' day....

    So, I did Burn Circuit 2 (week 3) & Turbo Jam Cardio Party Remix.... 451 calories burned.....

  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    For some reason Burn Intervals was the hardest it's ever been today (and this is the 4th week of it!), however, I made myself finish anyway! The 5 pounds were very heavy...probably b/c I lifted heavy yesterday on Push 2...I hope I'm able to get through Push 3 tomorrow.

    If I am EVER able to do an AB workout I will be so impressed!!! Any suggestions on the exercises where we are sitting up? I probably broke my tailbone back in January (fell down some icy stairs and refused to hurt my ankle again so fell backwards--probably not the best idea either). My tailbone doesn't hurt except in that position on the floor. I was thinking maybe a folded up towel but didn't know.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Bev, if you find the secret, you'll have to let me know! :laugh: Her ab routines are TOUGH.
  • timeformajorchange
    Morning everyone!!

    Burn Circuit 3 for me today. At this time last week, I was dying for a rest day!! I kept thinking to myself "I think they should have 2 days in a row, then a rest day, then 3 in a row, then a rest instead of 4 in a row, then a rest day, then 1 day, then another rest day". But this week? I'm ready for the workout! I don't feel AS sore or tight, although I can still feel that I've worked my muscles. Last week was more along the lines of "oh dear god... STAIRS... this is gonna really hurt" LOL

    LOVE this program!!! I can't wait to get my measurements and see how much my body has changed! But even if there is little physical change, I feel different. And that is worth it to me. :)
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Got up at 5:15AM to get my Burn Intervals in!! I can't say that I look forward to it, but it's not difficult to get started. Gotta say the climb up those basement stairs was tough. I don't like those spread legged Burpees--I feel like my knee is going to give out and I can't get my back down as low as I do with the regular ones.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I'm playing catch up because a rough weekend threw me off my schedule.

    I did Burn Intervals and Ab Burner this morning. I love the fact that the 60 year old lady can outdo me on the ab moves.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Got up at 5:15AM to get my Burn Intervals in!! I can't say that I look forward to it, but it's not difficult to get started. Gotta say the climb up those basement stairs was tough. I don't like those spread legged Burpees--I feel like my knee is going to give out and I can't get my back down as low as I do with the regular ones.

    I slept in this morning, so I'll be doing Burn Intervals tonight after work. I hate working out after work, but sometimes the snooze button wins...

    I agree with you about the burpees. She says that those sumo burpees are easier on the knees, but I have more problems with them. Not that I like any burpees, but I definitely prefer the regular ones.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Push 3 and Stretch 10 done!!

    Cee-One more to go and I'll be caught up with you again.
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Hey...I'm sure that if you want to go back to the other burpees it's could probably do more in the time allotted :flowerforyou:

    I can't do either !!! So I am jealous of those of you who can!

    Great job with keeping up or catching up...It is hard to find the time...I still have to eat dinner and do mine...
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Just finished Extreme Abs---great workout! I do Pilates so I have a pretty strong core but these were really taxing me.

    I tried to go to Zumba--but the schedule that's posted on their website isn't the "actual" schedule and there wasn't anything tonight--why bother posting anything??

    Might putter around in the garden, but othewise I'm done for the day--Burn 3 tomorrow morning--and it comes fast!!
  • jmf323
    jmf323 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all, I am back.... I was MIA because I have been bedridden with strep throat so I havent worked out or done much else the past four days.

    I am getting back on the Chalean train tomorrow though with Push 3. I will start my last week of Push on Friday. I am excited to get to the lean phase!!

    I feel like my eating was not that great during this phase, so we will see how I did in losing inches after I finish this phase next week.

    Hope everyone had a great day!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Glad you're back jmf and feeling better. Good luck with Push 3 tomorrow!
  • Andi_1977
    Andi_1977 Posts: 47 Member
    Well, I'm done with Burn Intervals for another week. That is such an intense workout for me, I really feel like I've gotten over the "hump" in my workout week once I'm done with that one! I still have to stop a few times to briefly catch my breath (burpees I loathe you!), but for me, just getting through a 47 minute (fairly intense) dvd workout without quitting is a major accomplishment compared to where I was at a few months ago.

    I'm planning to finish up my 3rd week of CLX with Burn Circuit 3 and Ab Burner tomorrow, and pushing Burn It Off and Recharge back to Sunday so I can do a good Turbo Fire workout (maybe Fire 45 or Fire 45EZ) on Saturday. I'm already starting to see some definition in my arms (can't stop touching my biceps!), and overall, I just feel less "jiggly". The scale is continuing to slowly creep down too, which is an added bonus. I just ordered Turbo Jam, so I'm planning on adding some of the shorter workouts to my Burn Circuit days next week to see if that will add to my results. I figured that would be a little more doable for me right now than adding TF workouts on those days, and it should help prepare me for the TF/CLX Hybrid schedule after I'm done with this 90-day round of CLX.

    I hope everyone else is as happy with their results & the overall program as I am so far! Enjoy the rest of your week and keep bringing it!!!