Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi all...

    Didn't do Burn It Off & Recharge yesterday.... that is the 2nd time I've blown it off (naughty Marianne....!).
    I've now changed my schedule to be more like the original (rest day on Sunday), except I only have 1 day of rest -hopefully this will stop me from skippingBurn It Off & Recharge

    Today is supposed to be my first day of PUSH, but totally forgot that the new school I'm moving my daughter to (in September) is having a Champagne & Strawberries reception this evening for parents of new students.....

    Plus, the blind date I had yesterday.... wants us to take meet up after work on Thursday.... :bigsmile:

    How am I supposed to stick to my schedule this week?
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Options does tend to get in the way...have fun anyway!

    Thanks for all the prayer and wishes. Still don't know when they will let my husband out. I've got an 11:45 to get my son in...probably will end up w/an inhaler...that's my guess...for the wheezing.

    I managed to loose 3 pounds though! AMAZING! However, no inches where we measure...oh well.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Off to take care of life...hopefully will be able to fit in cardio today (turbofire HIIT today!)

  • timeformajorchange
    Thanks everyone for the fabulous suggestion and advice! I LOVE this team!!! :D

    Marianne~ I've been naughty too... I do the Burn it off and Recharge, but I tend to skip the additional Ab ones... Which is where I really need it the most. lol So don't feel bad! Good luck on the date!!!!!

    Bev~ Fantastic job on losing the 3lbs!!! Sending positive thoughts your way.

    Cee~ isn't it awesome when you get comments on how your body is changing? For me, I tend to think it's all in my head until someone else comments on it. lol

    off to do some gardening before it rains, then to do my cardio later! :) Have a fantastic day everyone!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Marianne-I have to get up and do my workouts first thing or I have a really hard time getting them in. I can talk myself into doing ANYTHING else. It would be even harder if one of those things side tracking me was a hot date! :laugh:
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    I have been crazy busy, but life should settle down to normal by tomorrow. I can't wait to catch up on everyone's posts! In the meanwhile, I am in the middle of a free-for-all binge--since Friday night---I'm going to make myself accountable and post that I am stopping it RIGHT NOW!!--not tomorrow, not after this next snack--RIGHT NOW!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    It's 11pm here in London & I've just finished PUSH circuit 1.....

    Yeah, I know I'm crazy to ex exercise this late.... but after 2 glasses of champagne, I felt I had to....!

    Goodnight all....
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Thanks for all your support. Both my guys are on new meds and it looks like things are under control for the moment.

    And I got to do my TurboFire!!!
  • Andi_1977
    Andi_1977 Posts: 47 Member
    Janine & Marianne, congrats!!! Your results are fabulous and well-deserved!

    I wish I could report significant changes, but unfortunately, I failed to measure myself until the end of week 2 of Burn Phase. I do appear to have lost 1/2" on my chest, waist and hips since then, and I lost 2 lbs during the month. I'm pretty sure that if I had measured on day 1, I'd show a loss of about an inch everywhere, but I guess I'll just have to wait until the end of Push Phase to post accurate measurements. I really see and feel the difference in my body shape, though.

    The next 2 weeks are going to be challenging, since I'll be traveling a lot for work. I probably won't be around to post much, but I should at least be able to get in all of my CLX workouts this week. I will be totally out of town next week, and since I can't take my SelectTechs on the plane (major excess baggage fees, LOL), I guess I will have to hold off on CLX until I get back home. I'll just take my Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire DVDs with me and try to get the most out of them. Foodwise...I know I'm going to have very few choices, and I am really going to have to exercise good judgment & willpower!

    Bev, I hope your week gets better, and props to you for making time for a good workout in all of the chaos!

    Catniss-I see our current weights are identical! I want to get down under 150 so bad! Let's make this happen!

    Hope everyone has a great week, and I'll catch up whenever I can!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Marianne-I have no doubt that I would injure myself if I tried to do anything after two glasses of champagne!! One sip and I'm giggling.

    Today was a turbo fire day. I've got the songs stuck in my head!! Love it!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Just finished our last day of Burn 2!!! One more Burn circuit and we start the Push......can't wait!!
    I'll take my measurements and photos just before the 1st Push workout--that will be.....Sat AM
    I've been having some emotionally crazy up and down days. Trying to get myself leveled out and facing forward.
    I going to completely stop weighing myself because I think that some really, really old messages are getting activated when I see the numbers getting smaller and every time I lose weight I start binging. I'm going to just let how I feel, what my measurements are and how my clothes fit show me how I'm doing.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Bev, I'm glad they're both getting meds!! Hopefully they're both back to 100% soon!

    Marianne, I'm with Booty, no way I'm working out after two glasses of champagne but kudos to you for being that focused!! How did you like push circuit 1?

    Andi, I'd like to get under 150 myself. I've been stuck in the 152-154 range since I started the hybrid nearly 4 weeks ago. I'm ready to push for it now. Had to really clean up my eating.

    catniss, definitely stop weighing yourself if it's sparking that type of reaction. The most important aspect of what you're doing is that you're healthy, not a number on the scale!

    Today was a TF day. I got in a great burn! Tomorrow is my last Push Circuit 3 day! I'm ready to bring it!
  • KetoCdn
    KetoCdn Posts: 33 Member
    I started Chalean Extreme yesterday and am super stoked to push myself and to check in on all of your guys progress!!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Welcome gnomer. Good luck with the burn circuit. Keep w/it and before you know it you'll be starting the push circuit. :bigsmile:

    I have both guys home.. YEAH! And they are both doing better.

    AND I've pretty much kept on track! Yeah...I haven't lost much weight but I can get into some pants and zip them now! Although they are too tight to wear but it's progress.

    Sounds like everyone's making progress. So happy to have all of you!

    And catniss, I'm w/ceelovejay...focus on being healthy not on the you can see my numbers haven't shown the real progress I've made.
  • jmf323
    jmf323 Posts: 11 Member
    Marianne and LaCubana, way to go!!! Awesome results!! and Welome Gnomer

    Sorry I have been MIA, I was on vacation for 6 days in Boston, and although I walked a TON, I did let myself eat whatever I wanted, so I am up 2lbs...hoping its water weight though. I never feel bad eating and trying new foods on vacations though since I am good at getting back to eating healthy when I get home.

    I finished the Push Phase before I left, and started the LEAN Phase today... OMG! IT IS HARD!!! By far the hardest so far!! I went too heavy on some of the reps so I failed at 8 instead of 10-12. I was sweating like crazy the whole time and it really makes you use your core a lot for balance, Oh and you need to have a chair available to use for some of the sets.

    I am doing Extreme Abs too now and its also very hard for me!

    Going to keep pushing on though and try to eat super lean for the four weeks of the lean phase.

    I am still trying to catch up on reading everyone's posts but it looks like everyone is doing fantastic!! It feels great to get these results doesn't it!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi everyone....

    Yesterday I got my cardio in - Turbo Jam Cardio Party 2. Hmmm.... it feels as if it's a much slower pace than Cardio Party , because I didn't as if my heart rate got very high.... But it must be effective, because I can feel it in my biceps (I wore weighted gloves) and obliques, plus I still burned 407 calories.....

    CeeLove.... I liked Push 1... don't think I went heavy enough on a couple of them though... it took me longer than the other circuits, because I had to add/remove weights a lot more.....!!!! I WANT SELECT TECHS.....!!!!!!!

    Anyway.... Push 2 this evening.... I'm actually looking forward to it....!


    Welcome to the gang gnomer....
    Hi jmf323.... when you say 'eat super lean' what do you mean? I'm just curious....
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Welcome, gnomer!!

    Bev, so glad they're both home with you!! I'm sure being home will help in the healing too. :smile:

    jmf, I was looking at the moves for the Lean month and they look challenging. Thanks for pointing out that you need a chair. You would never know by looking at the guidebook! I can't wait to start! Got a long 4 weeks to go, though. I'm starting my HIIT month on Friday!!

    Marianne, glad you like it! Make sure you're writing your weights down and whether you felt challenged or that the weights were too light. I found that extremely helpful the next week when I had to repeat a circuit.

    I did my last Push Circuit 3 today. I did 20 pounds for all of my back exercises. My shoulders are screaming at me right now!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Last Push 3 for me today too. I only got up to 15 for the back ones because that's the most I had. I feel like I could have gone heavier which is amazing because last year 8 lbs weights seemed to heavy to move from point A to point B.

    Cee-I could NOT fall asleep last night. No matter what else I thought about eventually "Boom I got your boyfriend!" popped into my head. I wanted to scrub my brain so it would stop. Still love it...just not on repeat 24/7!! LOL I can't believe how long we've been doing this already. It seems like we just finished Insanity yesterday!
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi everyone....
    Let's have a quick catch-up survey...

    Which round of CLX is this for you?
    What Circuit are you currently on?
    What is the weight range that you're currently lifiting?
    Are you doing any cardio on your non-lifitng days? If so, what?
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    My answers:
    Which round of CLX is this for you?
    My 1st round of CLX
    What Circuit are you currently on?
    What is the weight range that you're currently lifiting?
    3kg (6.6 lbs) / 5kg (11 lbs) / 7.5kg (16.5 lbs) / 8.25kg (19.25 lbs)
    Are you doing any cardio on your non-lifitng days? If so, what?
    Yes, various Turbo Jam cardio classes