Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Okay peeps! Question for all of yous! Just did my 4th & last Burn Circuit 2 and I still CANNOT do those combination tricep/regular/spider man push ups on my toes! Hmmmmph! :( I do em all on my knees with Laylee. I can almost eek out all the regular AND extreme push ups all on my toes in Burn 1 by this 4th time, but not those crazy ones on Burn 2! What gives??? :grumble: Does it get easier the next round of CLX??
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Burn It Off and Recharge for Me today. do you log your recharge? Another question: Just got HRM and wanted to compare my cal burn with a few others to make sure it is accurate. How many cals do you guys burn with CLX? Thanks for your help!

    I have one week down with CLX...I just love it. I need to buy some heavier weights now. I am diggggggggggggggggin' in!

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Burn It Off and Recharge for Me today. do you log your recharge?

    I just created my own exercise, named it Recharge and entered my calorie burn - I do that for all of my exercises. Because sometimes I do an exercise with weighted gloves on, and sometimes I don't...

    Another question: Just got HRM and wanted to compare my cal burn with a few others to make sure it is accurate. How many cals do you guys burn with CLX? Thanks for your help!

    I have one week down with CLX...I just love it. I need to buy some heavier weights now. I am diggggggggggggggggin' in!


    I wear a KIFit (UK BodyMediaFit), and for the Burn circuits it says I've burned between 140 - 180 calories. I also wore a HRM on my first week, and it recorded 300 calories...what....???!!! :huh:

    Which kind of proved the theory that HRMs are less accurate for non-cardio exercises....
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Okay peeps! Question for all of yous! Just did my 4th & last Burn Circuit 2 and I still CANNOT do those combination tricep/regular/spider man push ups on my toes! Hmmmmph! :( I do em all on my knees with Laylee. I can almost eek out all the regular AND extreme push ups all on my toes in Burn 1 by this 4th time, but not those crazy ones on Burn 2! What gives??? :grumble: Does it get easier the next round of CLX??

    It's because of feeling EXACTLY like this, that I decided to start the hundred push-ups program (

    I've got the PushupFu app on my iPhone, which requires you to strap the phone on the inside of your upper arm It then detects if you do a full or a half push-up... It's quite good... on the 1st day I did 16 push-ups over 5 sets......!
  • Andi_1977
    Andi_1977 Posts: 47 Member
    Yesterday was a real bummer. I so wanted to start out strong on my last week of the Burn Phase, but for some reason, my knees were killing me yesterday. I don't just mean the normal soreness that I expect to feel the day after a good CLX workout, I mean downright painful. I also just felt totally run down. I don't know what I did wrong, but my body was really yelling at me! Needless to say, I took an unscheduled rest day. I guess that's better than pushing myself to the point of injury and having to take weeks off, but I was really disappointed.

    My husband had to talk me out of working out 2 or 3 times. He even caught me watching one of my new Turbo Jam dvds on my laptop (just to see what it was like) and he told me to and turn it off and stop torturing myself over wanting to workout when I'm not able to, LOL! I'm feeling somewhat better today, so I hope I can at least get Burn Circuit 1 and Ab Burner in, so I don't get further off schedule.

    LaCubana, I totally feel you on the pushups. My lower body is so much stronger than my upper body, and the pushups are the only thing I struggle with (other than those darn burpees on Burn Intervals!). I am definitely improving, though, as I am able to do at least one more every time I do the workouts. I was so proud that I was able to do the full set of 3 "extreme" pushups from Burn Circuit 3 on my toes last week...maybe not quite as slow as Chalene does them, but I still did them! Just look at what you've accomplished with the burpees--I know you'll be maxing out the full-form pushups in no time! You are KICKING A**, GIRL!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    feeling better this morning--I'm still going to get the lyme and iron level tests today, but I'm thinking I might just be going too hard too fast.
    My knees were killing me as well (and I have lousy knees, but it was way beyond the usual discomfort) but they also feel better this morning. What a difference a day, or two can make.

    Did Burn 2, week 3 this morning--had a good workout. I need heavier weights!!! I told the hubby that we were just going to have to suck it up and buy them. We're losing any possible gains we might be making and it's making me cranky. You should see me trying to hold onto the 10 and 2 pound weights at the same time...

    Walked the dog then worked in the garden. I'll do some abs later and I might be going swimming this afternoon. looks like it's shaping up to be a busy day!

    Sending you all powerful and strong thoughts.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    catniss, I'm sorry you were feeling down. I'm glad you're still around and pushing play. :smile: I bought some adjustable weights from Wal-Mart by Gold's Gym. They go up to 25 pounds. They were $57 a piece - that's if you don't want to plunk $300+ on the Select Techs right now.

    Bev, congrats to your graduate! My daughter graduated high school last Thursday. Great job on the inches lost too!! Woohoo!

    Andi, ice your knees and take some ibuprofen. That seems to be the magic combination when it comes to knee soreness. Also, make sure you're getting enough protein in and paying attention to your form when you're doing lower body work.

    I had Turbo Fire on the calendar today - Fire 30. I realize now why I was so sore after I did it on Saturday. I am definitely contracting my core a lot while doing this workout! This is a great thing though. :happy:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Cardio day for me today.... did Turbo Jam - Cardio Party Mix 1

    I can tell that I'm much fitter now when I first started doing Turbo Jam.... I don't get as breathless as I used to....

    I also did day 2 of the push-up challenge - I did 21 push-ups today in 5 sets (4, 3, 2, 2, 10) with a 120 second rest between each set.... my pecs, triceps and right by the armpit that are burning right now.....!

    Wow, I wonder what is it going to feel like after I can do 100 push-ups....?
  • timeformajorchange
    Wow you guys have been quite chatty the past couple days!! I'll have to read thru the posts later when I have a few more mins free. :) And no kids underfoot, in my ear, screaming and fighting, or just hearing "Mom!!! Mooooooo-ooommm! MOM! MOM!"

    Anyway, I've been sticking to the schedule and even doing some cardio on my "rest" days so far. I did my Burn Circuit 2 this morning before my nephews got here. I am sorry I haven't been around but yesterday I was out of hte house from 830am - 5, then had the family over for a BBQ. Today I had my nephews here so there was 6 of them, 1 of me and it was just one of THOSE days... I'm beat and cranky. Not a good combo. :D About to go do a quick TJ 30mins workout, then shower, then off to a meeting at 630. I'll check back in with you all lovely ladies later!!!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Burn Circuit 1 + Turbo Jam for me today. My first day to do TJ. I am WRINGING WET with sweat....and it feels good. I modified alot of the the jumping and jacks to save these old knees, but I completed it. Now I will be gone for about a week to see my soldier off. He deploys on Sun....tough day for a mom. Pray for our troops. God bless. I will catch up with you next week.:heart:
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    We always include our troops in our prayers--I want my son to know how many people are responsible for allowing him to have the freedoms we enjoy. We will add your son--and please tell him how very much we appreciate his sacrifice! (and yours!! I can't imagine a more difficult thing to do. our country needs to add mothers to the very long list of things that make us strong).
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    So guess what arrived on my doorstep yesterday???? A box from Bowflex containing---yes---a set of selecttech dumbells!!! An early birthday present from my amazing hubby. I guess he was picking up on my cranky comments about the inadaquacies (I know that's spelled wrong, just too lazy to fix it--although, it probably would have taken less time to correct it than to write this!)
    of our weights!!!
    I was SO bummed that today was our day off!! Can't wait to use them tomorrow AM. I'm probably going to go way heavy and be so sore I can't even blink the next day--failure at 3!!!~

    Zumba/Pilates class in 30 mins--then I'll probably do a little bit more cardio/abs later on--just a little--not trying to push myself into that funk again.

    Thanks to all for being so encouraging and gentle and supportive when I hit that low. MFP and my friends have been a life-saver for me and it's been an amazing thing.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Now, that sounds like a GREAT hubby!! Which ones did he get (552 or 1090)? I've been scouring Craigslist and there are a bunch of both listed. I'm still wavering on getting them though.

    I did Push Circuit 3 today. Her boots always distract me in that video. LOL I raised the weight for everything (except the legs, of course) and, boy, are my shoulders feeling it right now!!!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    The one that still gets me is the burn intervals. You would think that after 6 weeks with the same light weights I'd not struggle to do every single rep! not to mention those burpee things!

    Anyone have any advice on the HR watches? or some other way to determine the true calories I burn? Or are you just using what this site estimates?

    Thanks! Bev
  • lesliemk
    lesliemk Posts: 382 Member
    Hi girls!

    I'm a bit MIA this week, but I'm sort of on vacation and away from home BUT I am still working out! You can take CLX with you!!! Just a pair of weights (I have 15's here) and the CLX book and you can do every exercise while on vacation!! I do it in the AM while my youngest daughter naps and um, after doing these workouts for the past 5+ months straight I can pretty much re-create a program in my sleep, so it's been workouts on the deck in the AM! FUN FUN! And for cardio I've been been torturing myself w/ some burpees and sprints and doing ab work when I can.

    I hope everyone is having a fabulous week and rockin' these workouts!!!!!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    leslie--now THAT'S dedication!!! You should be so proud of yourself for not getting sidetracked by vacation. Inspiring....
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I posted today but it went into the wasteland.

    Fabulous-Praying for your family. I can't imagine sending one of my kids off for war.

    Catniss-Your hubby is awesome!

    Cee-I posted the same thing about those boots!!

    Bevgay-I use the Polar FT4 HRM and love it. It always seems to be cheapest on amazon.

    Leslie-I agree with catniss. That's dedication!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Cee-I just ordered these:

    They went back on sale for two days online ending Thursday. Not sure if that includes thursday or not. If you go through ebates you can get 4% cash back. I have a reward card for sears too so I used up the reward dollars I had. Plus if you use the code SHIP4DAD the shipping is free. It was about $240 when I was done. It had good reviews online.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Finished Week 3 of Burn--next week is the final week!!! I can see a difference--it's so exciting! I LOVE WORKING OUT!!!! Even when I go to bed at 12:48AM and have to get up at 5:20AM to get that workout done, I just bounce out of bed (meanwhile my hubby--is moaning and groaning and whining....--makes me laugh--but at least he's getting up with me!--I'm SOOOO lucky to have that man!!!)

    Thanks to my new weights, I went up in just about everything. It was hysterical--every time I needed to change, I'd announce it. Then the hubby would clap and laugh! I've had lousy relationships since I was 12 years old and had given up on ever finding someone that would really love me and then I met this man (blind date, set up by an 18 year old student of mine of all things)--and he gets the greatest joy from seeing me happy. Who could ask for more????? (sorry to get so off topic, I'm just super high on endorphins and life)

    Obviously I am feeling better than I did a couple of days ago. I'm learning my limits and learning the consequences for pushing them too far--but if I don't push, I guess I'll never find what they are--and never see how much I can improve, right?

    Walked the dog (before the horrible heat hits), then I plan on doing a Pilates routine (maybe something on the stability ball--and man, I still really want to get that Chalene DVD for the stability ball) then some gardening, then swimming with my boy (and doing laps along with him). Now, what was I saying about overtraining.......?

    Sending positive energy and thoughts to each one of you (I have lots to spare this morning and want to share!)
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Nice! You'll have to tell me how you like them.

    catniss, I'm loving your energy!! Glad you had such a great workout this morning and great hubby! :bigsmile:

    Today was a Turbo Fire day. Did the 55EZ class. It was a ton of fun and I burned 569 calories in 53 minutes. I was all the way in this morning, even when I got tripped up on some of the moves!