Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Marianne, AWESOME results. Welcome to the push phase! Don't forget to push as hard as you can and try not to use the scale as a measure of your progress for this phase. My BB coach told me that the scale will likely stall or go up and that it did. I'm in my last week and can't wait to start doing the TF HIIT classes. I'm going on a cruise in about 3 weeks!

    Thanks for the tip CeeLove.... I probably would've gotten depressed about not losing anything next month....
    Did your BB coach tell you know why weight loss stalls in the PUSH phase?
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    DAY 30!!!

    On 5/14, my weight was at 187 lbs . Today, I weigh in at 183 lbs. (4 lb loss)
    Day 1- Chest: 41 in. Day 30- Chest: 40.5 in (-.5 in)
    Day 1- Upper arms: 14 in. Day 30- Upper arms:14 in. (stayed the same, but DANG did muscle replace fat! I've got some GUNS!)
    Day 1- Waist: 39.5 in. Day 30- Waist: 37.5 in. (-2 in!)
    Day 1- Hips: 45 in. Day 30- Hips: 43 in (-2 in!)
    Day 1- Abductors: 43.5 in. Day 30- Abductors: 42 in. (-1.5 in!)
    Day 1- Thighs: 23 in. Day 30- Thighs: 20 in. (-3 in!!!)

    Hey Janine....

    My current measurements are very similar to yours... wow....!

    Bust: 41 in
    Chest: 35.5 in. (under breasts)
    Upper arms: 13 in.
    Waist: 37 in.
    Hips: 44 in.
    Thighs: Right - 25 in. / Left - 26 in.
    Abductors: 43.5 in. (don't know what these are....)
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    going to try & repost for you.... the trick is to copy the IMG code from the 'share this photo' section
    and to change IMG to img




  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm still here - had to take off two weeks from exercise because I hurt my back - not from exercise or anything special - I literally got up from my chair to clear the dinner dishes. Go figure. Anyway, I am finally feeling better and soooo anxious to hit the weights again!!! I am going to start a CLX/Insanity hybrid starting Wednesday (have to move the start date so my "rest" day lands on Monday - my hardest day to get in a workout due to my daughter's schedule!).

    cat - what a sweet hubby you have buying you new SelectTechs!! Aren't they awesome! I just love mine. Been looking for another good coupon to buy a set for my daughter, but haven't found it yet!

    Marianne and LaCubana - Fantastic work!! You two are looking AWESOME!!

    Keep up the great work, everyone!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member

    Marianne and LaCubana - Fantastic work!! You two are looking AWESOME!!

    Keep up the great work, everyone!


    Feeling kind of awesome, had a blind date today & was told I look 32 years old.... !!!! :bigsmile:
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Thanks to Marianne, I think I've got this figured out! Let's see if I resized these properly so you can see the entire pics:




  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Lacubana-Those are amazing changes already!! You look fantastic!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Marianne, AWESOME results. Welcome to the push phase! Don't forget to push as hard as you can and try not to use the scale as a measure of your progress for this phase. My BB coach told me that the scale will likely stall or go up and that it did. I'm in my last week and can't wait to start doing the TF HIIT classes. I'm going on a cruise in about 3 weeks!

    Thanks for the tip CeeLove.... I probably would've gotten depressed about not losing anything next month....
    Did your BB coach tell you know why weight loss stalls in the PUSH phase?
    Because you're lifting so heavy, your body composition is changing - more muscle means a higher body mass. She also said that your body weight will drop greatly in the lean phase though.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Janine, you look GREAT! Can't wait to see what the next 60 days bring!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm still here - had to take off two weeks from exercise because I hurt my back - not from exercise or anything special - I literally got up from my chair to clear the dinner dishes. Go figure. Anyway, I am finally feeling better and soooo anxious to hit the weights again!!!

    Marianne and LaCubana - Fantastic work!! You two are looking AWESOME!!

    Keep up the great work, everyone!

    mmtiernan - Thanks....!
    I hope you take it easy initially, so you don't injure yourself again....


    Now that I can see the photos side by side.... WOW....!

    The inch loss is VERY noticeable...... WOW....!

    I didn't take any photos in the beginning, but now I can see the change in my body through your photos.... because we've got similar stats.... Thanks....

    Let's get it PUSHin.....!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Marianne, AWESOME results. Welcome to the push phase! Don't forget to push as hard as you can and try not to use the scale as a measure of your progress for this phase. My BB coach told me that the scale will likely stall or go up and that it did. I'm in my last week and can't wait to start doing the TF HIIT classes. I'm going on a cruise in about 3 weeks!

    Thanks for the tip CeeLove.... I probably would've gotten depressed about not losing anything next month....
    Did your BB coach tell you know why weight loss stalls in the PUSH phase?
    Because you're lifting so heavy, your body composition is changing - more muscle means a higher body mass. She also said that your body weight will drop greatly in the lean phase though.

    Also, because you are lifting much heavier in the Push Phase, your body will retain fluid, at least initially, to aid in the repair of the muscles which can show up on the scale. Remember: the scale is not your friend! The tape measure and your mirror will never lie to you! :) You will love the Push Phase - being strong is a great feeling!
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Thank you, team! <3

    Marianne, a date! ::whistles:: Get it, girl! BTW, our body measurements ARE almost the same AND we're on the same CLX schedule! We're CLX TWINS! :)))

    Cee: I'm gonna try hiding that scale for this coming phase. I'm pretty addicted to weighing myself every day (bad habit of mine). I'm trying to drill the inches lost into my head so I ignore the small amount of lbs being lost. I gotta start focusing on chisling abs & guns now!

    Let's get em, Team!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Hi All,

    Sorry I've been gone. My husband is in the hospital so that put me off schedule a bit. He had some internal bleeding, so when they figure things out, he'll be able to come home.

    I wasn't going to take yesterday off but ended up doing so. Then ate badly too :sad:

    Started the 3rd week of push today and managed to get the 55 minute Turbo Fire in.

    I have an ill child too so looks like tomorrow is a no work day trying to get my guys back to health.

    Congrats to LaCubana and Marianne...way to go! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:
  • timeformajorchange
    Hi All,

    Sorry I've been gone. My husband is in the hospital so that put me off schedule a bit. He had some internal bleeding, so when they figure things out, he'll be able to come home.

    I wasn't going to take yesterday off but ended up doing so. Then ate badly too :sad:

    Started the 3rd week of push today and managed to get the 55 minute Turbo Fire in.

    I have an ill child too so looks like tomorrow is a no work day trying to get my guys back to health.

    Congrats to LaCubana and Marianne...way to go! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:

    Keeping your family in my thoughts Bev!!! I hope they figure out what's going on with your hubby soon. Just do what you can, when you can. :)

    I have a questions for you all. I am scheduled to be on a rest day tomorrow, but I won't be home at all on Tuesday when I'm scheduled to do Burn Circuit 2. I missed Thursday and Friday (Burn Circuit 3 and then the Burn it Off/Recharge days) due to a strained muscle. I did manage to do those all yesterday, putting me back on track (yesterday was supposed to be a rest day). Today I did the start of my week 4 with Burn Circuit 1. Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day, with Burn Circ 2 on Tuesday. My question is this: since I did Burn Circ 3 yesterday, and Burn Circ 1 today... should I do the Burn Circ 2 tomorrow, take Tuesday as my rest day since I won't have time to do anything that day, then get back on schedule starting with cardio on Wed OR should I take tomorrow and Tuesday as rest days, then double up on Wednesday (doing my Burn Circ 2 AND the cardio that's scheduled for that day)? I'm just not sure doing 3 consecutive days of Burn Circuits would be a good thing or not. I do eat plenty of protein, but I didn't know if that would allow enough rest time for my muscles or not. What do you all think?
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Hi All,

    Sorry I've been gone. My husband is in the hospital so that put me off schedule a bit. He had some internal bleeding, so when they figure things out, he'll be able to come home.

    I wasn't going to take yesterday off but ended up doing so. Then ate badly too :sad:

    Started the 3rd week of push today and managed to get the 55 minute Turbo Fire in.

    I have an ill child too so looks like tomorrow is a no work day trying to get my guys back to health.

    Congrats to LaCubana and Marianne...way to go! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:

    Keeping your family in my thoughts Bev!!! I hope they figure out what's going on with your hubby soon. Just do what you can, when you can. :)

    I have a questions for you all. I am scheduled to be on a rest day tomorrow, but I won't be home at all on Tuesday when I'm scheduled to do Burn Circuit 2. I missed Thursday and Friday (Burn Circuit 3 and then the Burn it Off/Recharge days) due to a strained muscle. I did manage to do those all yesterday, putting me back on track (yesterday was supposed to be a rest day). Today I did the start of my week 4 with Burn Circuit 1. Tomorrow is a scheduled rest day, with Burn Circ 2 on Tuesday. My question is this: since I did Burn Circ 3 yesterday, and Burn Circ 1 today... should I do the Burn Circ 2 tomorrow, take Tuesday as my rest day since I won't have time to do anything that day, then get back on schedule starting with cardio on Wed OR should I take tomorrow and Tuesday as rest days, then double up on Wednesday (doing my Burn Circ 2 AND the cardio that's scheduled for that day)? I'm just not sure doing 3 consecutive days of Burn Circuits would be a good thing or not. I do eat plenty of protein, but I didn't know if that would allow enough rest time for my muscles or not. What do you all think?

    Thanks "time"...

    here's my "2 cents" about your question. You are supposed to give your muscles 24 hours of rest before lifting again so they can recover. So my suggestion would be to do a cardio tomorrow.
    Here's my Burn Intervals tomorrow, Burn 2 on Wed, Burn it off on Thurs, Burn 3 on Friday...then rest on Sat...I think that gets you back on track.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Thanks "time"...

    here's my "2 cents" about your question. You are supposed to give your muscles 24 hours of rest before lifting again so they can recover. So my suggestion would be to do a cardio tomorrow.
    Here's my Burn Intervals tomorrow, Burn 2 on Wed, Burn it off on Thurs, Burn 3 on Friday...then rest on Sat...I think that gets you back on track.

    I second what bev suggested - you already lifted two days in a row without allowing a day for muscle repair. You'd be better off doing cardio tomorrow instead and giving your muscles some rest and repair time.

    Bev - so very sorry to hear about your husband being in the hospital and hope they figure it out soon. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Time, like everyuone said.... you NEED that days rest between lifitng.... so I say plan for that & then let everything fit in around that.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Bev, your family is in my prayers! Internal bleeding is so scary. I pray that they find out what's going on and get it stopped! Hopefully your kiddo starts to feel better too. Don't get too down on yourself regarding not working out and eating badly. You're handling a ton right now, you don't need to stress over that part too!

    Time, I'm dittoing what everyone else said re: letting your muscles repair and doing cardio.

    Today was Burn Circuit 2. I again lifted heavier than when I did the workout previously and the back of my arms and shoulders are letting me know I did! Only one more lifting session left in this month before I move into pure cardio with TF. My scale hasn't been moving (up, down then back up, down a little then back up) and neither have the inches but I'm not discouraged. I know my nutrition was pretty bad these past few weeks so I know what I need to do to correct that habit. My SO did compliment my arms last night though. :blushing:
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Hi All,

    Sorry I've been gone. My husband is in the hospital so that put me off schedule a bit. He had some internal bleeding, so when they figure things out, he'll be able to come home.

    I wasn't going to take yesterday off but ended up doing so. Then ate badly too :sad:

    Started the 3rd week of push today and managed to get the 55 minute Turbo Fire in.

    I have an ill child too so looks like tomorrow is a no work day trying to get my guys back to health.

    Congrats to LaCubana and Marianne...way to go! Keep it up! :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone in your family is feeling better fast!! Hang in there!! :flowerforyou: