bariachic Member


  • I drink these all the time, there are so many flavors now!! I'm sure there is some reason that they can be considered unhealthy but for me, it gets me to drink my water and it's not soda so... It has worked for me. I will say that for some reason when I drink them a lot I wake up with a dry mouth sometimes, don't know if…
  • I weighed 178.6! Over 2 pounds since last week :) wow! 171 here I come. So glad to feel like I am firmly in the 170's.
  • I have no kids but 2 cats and that is enough responsibility for me :)
  • Hey everyone! I've really enjoyed reading many of your intros, so it's time to do my own or else I'm just a creeper! Who are you! Teresa Age? 24 Female or male? female RP? Oh man, yah, in SL of all places, for like 3 years. Now I write solo, which is really fun. LARP? Nope, just not my thing, but think it's cool! What are…
  • I've read about Paleo and the "whole30" and have really considered it, not really for weight loss but for help with other health problems that people have seen improvement in by going Paleo. I haven't tried it though, so everything I'm about to say could be completely wrong. It seems like a large undertaking for someone…
  • I will need new clothes if I lose 10 pounds, so I got my husband to promise that if I lost the weight he would take me to Cincinnati (closest big city to me) to the H&M there and buy me new stuff! This is special because he hardly ever offers to come with me shopping, but its SO FUN when he does, he is my best friend. The…
  • Hello everyone! My starting weight today is 181. I can't wait to be in the 170s that have eluded me for so long. I have lost a lot of weight from my highest weight of 310 pounds, but my weight has plateaued for the last SIX months. I recently just got done doing a 5 day cleanse, so this is the perfect challenge for me. All…
  • This whole thread just makes me want to work out at home. Nicely done.
  • OH and also I work out like it's crack (most of the time) Cardio cardio cardio!
  • I eat Lean meat and green vegetables whenever possible, and I have string cheese and fruits that don't have a lot of sugar as snacks. I stay away from corn, bread, and sugar at all costs!!! I've lost 41 pounds in like 2 months so cutting carbs really works well!
  • Thanks everyone, I see my dr monday and will definitely bring this up. I actually didn't eat before my workout except breakfast, so I will try that, and I'll try to sip my water instead of chugging it LOL. And I don't eat bread or sugar hardly at all in my diet so maybe it is low blood sugar, my sister is a diabetic so…
  • Dear obnoxious lead singer in my husband's band: It is not classy or professional to shake your *kitten* like an epileptic stripper on stage. But that is the least of your concerns. Because you stand DIRECTLY in front of my man and pull that **** again, and I will probably send you to ICU. All the best, Teresa <3
  • Some will say yes some will say no. You should ask your doctor.
  • I don't cheat. If it works for you, then that's great, I'm not about to tell someone what to do if something works for them, everyone is different. My eating plan is so strict that if the weight loss I have isn't enough of a reward for me, then I will fail. The last time I tried this I had ":cheat" meals and they just kept…
  • That is just amazing! You're an inspiration, and I wish you the best of luck with you with your last 8 lbs and your upcoming 5k! you can do it. :D
  • Hey Allison! if you do end up getting a new ipod, your music will transfer onto it exactly the way it was on your shuffle. So no need to worry about losing songs. As for your current ipod, you probably should restore it to factory defaults and try syncing it again before completely giving up on it.
  • Ellipticals are AWESOME, but swimming is my preferred exercise method. A good walk is good too, but is slow to burn calories.
  • I sought a professional opinion and my doctor gave me an eating plan -- I cut corn, sugar, bread, potatoes, and anything made from them -- completely out of my diet. I reset my MFP ticker to start anew, and purged everything from my house I couldn't have! I have a delicious breakfast of 2 eggs and 2 slices of turkey bacon,…
  • LOL I have no idea what any of this is about but it's pretty ironic how the metaphorical drinks affected the thread. Someone's talking about boobs. Someone vomited. Someone's getting philosophical, Most people are having a laugh, and then there's the cat fight! *Clings to her bottle of captain and tries to find an unlocked…
  • *hairflip* I didn't have to have a psycho mom or crazy pageants, being fabulous came naturally to me.
  • Replace some of your bread and potato items with lean meat or green vegetables. :D Hope that helps.
  • Zucchini is a good place to start! put some olive oil in a pan with some garlic, and chop some zucchini up (into little wedges, it's better than slices) and cook them until they're a little seared on both sides. VERY yummy. And good for you!
  • I don't think I'm going to dress up this year seeing as my costume options are: Beth Ditto or the Michelin Man. Next year I wanna be a sexy nurse or something equally as classless and cheesy, because I was never able to be!!!
  • Congrats on your loss! That's awesome!!! I'll add you :D
  • I'm on a strict eating plan given to me by a doctor, I eat a ton of food, most of it is veggies and lean meat though, I'm consistently under my calories by 4-500, but I do not have an eating disorder. I'm following my doctor's advice. I don't feel hungry, and I have a ton of energy. There are more reasons than an eating…