

  • BEST THING I HAVE READ ON HERE SINCE I'VE BEEN ON MFP!.. Great advice. You should be a diet coach. I need to read this advice daily!!!!!!!
  • how did the lady get off bp medication? i'd like to lose enough but what is enough? does the doc check it one or two days? what's the deal?
  • 7 pounds with will smith was interesting. may keep you off the phone while you drive.
  • great advice, need to try the 3 glasses of water. it is the evenings that bother me and when i really want to eat something yummy and crunchy. i almost have my husband trained NOT to bring home salt and vinegar chips. Now to get rid of the bar be que chips.
  • also besure to add the bad stuff in, it was an eyeopener to see that four beer was 700 calories! of course i logged them in after i drank them. more fun that way.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :love: :laugh: :laugh:
  • i just totally blew it this weekend and still lost a pound. How in the world! But i wouldn't recommend it. Just enjoy your weekends and don't go totally crazy. good luck:drinker: :love: :love:
  • what does bump mean? silly question
  • why not have fun while losing weight and getting firm. great ideas:love: :love:
  • touchy little topic.
  • great start just asking for the help. i think try drinking a full glass of water every time you want to eat something and you most likely won't feel like eating it. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: the easiest exercise with the most results is a book called Be a Loser by Greer Childers. quick easy and…
  • there is a neat website that mails you something daily called devotions for dieters. some good ideas. good luck, i have the same problem, looks good, tastes great, why not? then enjoy some salty chips. ugh and right before bed. god, i don't need these, help me overcome. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh instead i should pray and drink a…
  • drink more water and flush it all out!!!!!! don't give up, you will one day see a big loss. the scale is not the end all, how do your clothes fit? eat tons of raw veggies - broccoli, cauliflower, green peppers, carrots. you'll be fine.
    in :( Comment by kathymurphy April 2010
  • Is there any secret? I walk almost every day and I have a steep hill so I'm getting all sorts of variety. I take my dog and she looks great but it hasn't changed a thing for me. Guess it keeps me from getting bigger and flabbier. Now that spring is here need to add other exercise to firm up. so…
  • i also have people look at you like you are crazy, think of the people getting cancer from eating all the treated animals out there. haven't seen the movie about food but plan on seeing it on netflix soon. most people now know I don't eat meat ( or very little) and i just have more vegetables. we will be healthier in the…
  • Hi! I just turned 60 but feel in my fifties so can i join? need someone to kick my butt since i seem to think oh one brownie won't hurt. yah, right. i have gone on spring break and eaten out every night. did not gain or lose one pound. do you think these extra pounds are here to stay???????????? (all 166 of them and I am…
  • i just read about that yesterday in women's world magazine. they always have a new diet every week. let me know. sounds like a good healthy diet. kathy
  • you look amazing. way to go girl
  • we just got the wii but only the sports, is it worth it to get the FIT?
  • peanut butter is a great way to get enough protein in and just use the sugar free jelly and high fiber bread for a healthy fillling meal. that is one of the frequent meals used by THRIVE
    in PBJ? Comment by kathymurphy March 2010
  • fantastic challenge! how about a big glass of water, that usually fills me up and read a good book or do something with your hands.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • great idea about drinking water before logging on. how about drinking water before we eat ANYTHING. that always fills me up so much i don't' want much to eat. do you ever just want to say the heck with it all, we are never going to be hard bodies again at this age. then you try on the tight clothes and hate it so get back…
  • ah don't .worry about it, there is always a reason for great article by Valerie bertinelli about her diet struggles. puts it all in perspective. there are a million diets out there and one will be right for you. hang in there and start fresh tomorrow. don't beat yourself up. and PRAY for God to help you with every…
  • welcome and log in, it's like having your conscience help you out.
    in Hello Comment by kathymurphy March 2010
  • I feel the same way and we are getting ready to go visit my elderly mother in law in florida. just took two aspirin and having a cup of tea. It's hard to stay away from sick children when you are a teacher. will go home and walk a little instead of a lot and take a nap. then maybe lots of vitamin C. hope you feel better…
  • what does bump mean?
  • thanks for the great tips. i keep having m & m's instead of an apple. think i need to get rid of the candy and eat the good stuff. :blushing:
  • sounds great, how do you put in one hershey kiss? or two bites of someone else's dessert? chocolate brownie volcano? \so bottom line is lots of exercise and lots of water. we are having 14 friends for dinner tomorrow night, argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:…
  • Several cases of people having problems with sodium depletion ( my sister in law for one) but that would be LOTS of water. It shouldn't hinder your weight loss though. If you like peanut butter and jelly have some in a sandwich with high fiber bread. Nature's Own High Fiber Wheat (5 gr. fiber per slice) The protein keeps…
  • That is fantastic! And saying those words must taste sweet. Congratulations!:smooched:
  • Are there any 60 plus women who want to post and share? Just had 60th and want to fit!!!!!!!!!!:drinker:
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