Starting over-need encouragement!

Well, here we are in the middle of April, and I have not been as successful as I had hoped with my lifestyle changes. This stuff is really hard! So, it's April 20th and I'm starting over. Today isn't over yet, and tomorrow is a new day!

I'd really like to connect with a few people who are fighting the same battle with weight. I need to lose over one hundred pounds and need all the support I can get. My eating habits have been improving since I started this project in February, and the exercise is getting there, it's just not enough yet to really make much difference.

Let me hear from you!!


  • wannabe
    wannabe Posts: 29
    dont give up! are you exercising as well? remember that makes a huge difference! i have delt with huge weight fluctuations my whole life so i know how it is to feel like the journey will never end....but you have to see it as a lifestyle change and not just an evil diet that you just have to do for a little while. keep your chin up! hard work pays off
  • sunshine525
    sunshine525 Posts: 18 Member
    Good for you! You're not giving up! You're here and you are working on it.

    I've been struggling with my weight my whole adult life. I've gained and lost and gained again. I'm here to finally lose it and keep it off.
  • fiendiish
    fiendiish Posts: 186
    I HATE EXERCISING! But you know what, as much as I hate it...I LOVE the feeling afterwards. That feeling of accomplishment and knowing that my efforts WILL produce results is the most addictive drug in the world.

    For me, I started small...I gave up the sodas and started drinking WATER! LOTS OF IT. I still have my morning coffee...but its water the rest of the day. I might have a diet soda occasionally....but that's very rare.

    Then I moved onto religiously monitoring my food didn't matter if I ate well that day or ate an entire sheetcake (LOL never did that but you get what I'm saying) I put it in the counter. It forced me to be accountable for what I was putting in my body. It forced me to see how much excess calories I am taking in. It forced me to look at why I'm overweight.

    Then, I started exercising...and I still have a problem with it. But I get up and I walk the trails at the park almost every morning. 2.6 miles in just under an hour. If I don't do that....I do some wii fit. Strength training too....slowly but surely.

    My point of all this is you can't try to change everything ALL AT ONCE. It's overwhelming, discouraging, and disorienting. Small steps, and before we know it....we will be fitness QUEENS! :)

    You can do this. We all can. Don't look at how far you have to go....look at how far you've come!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I hear you on losing a lot of weight thing. I started with 150 lbs to lose January of 2009. I have been my own worst enemy and my own best friend on this.

    Check out this thread

    The people all have a lot of weight to lose and they are the most encouraging and supportive group of people I have ever met.

    Good luck.
  • DanaeWilde
    Things may not be moving as fast as you would like, but at least they are moving. That is something to be happy about. Don't make the same mistake I made. Last year I topped out at 162 pounds. I was frustrated that in spite of my exercising, I was not really losing any weight. (It is because I was eating for 3--apparently for 3 hungry lumberjacks, LOL). The point is that when I became discouraged about not losing any weight as fast as I wanted, I quit trying to lose weight at all. And then you know what happened? Over the period of the next few months I GAINED 45 pounds. So now I am right above 200. AArrgh!!! Even if I had not lost any weight, if I had not just thrown in the towel, at least I would have not gained more weight. So I can feel your pain of trying and not getting where you want to as fast as you would like, but take it from me, don't give up. You are on the losing side (scale-wise); it is just a matter of time.

    Since I, too, have recently started over, I am finding this site helpful in making changes in my lifestyle. For starters, jotting down what I eat really has made me aware of how much I am eating. No wonder I have a weight problem--my mouth likes to be constantly eating!! :drinker: So far this site is really helping me learn to recognize what I am doing wrong (and right). Stick with your efforts and you will see results, even if it takes time. And if you get discouraged in the meantime, remember that you could choose to give up like I did last year and gain a lot more weight, or you can keep going, knowing that even if things aren't where you would choose them to be ideally, at least they are not worse!!! Keep going and you WILL get there!! :flowerforyou:
  • kathymurphy
    great start just asking for the help. i think try drinking a full glass of water every time you want to eat something and you most likely won't feel like eating it. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    the easiest exercise with the most results is a book called Be a Loser by Greer Childers. quick easy and efficient.
    good luck to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    you are right about it being the hardest thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but also worth it!!!!!!:love::love: :love:
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Thanks for all the words of wisdom. I'm already doing many of the things suggested, so the reinforcement is good.

    If any of you would like to send a friend request so we can motivate each other, I would welcome that.

    Let's keep on going and make our goals!
  • guera54
    guera54 Posts: 1
    a year and a half ago I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer,I have Hypothyrodism and I am deppresed , I dont have the energy to excercise I just want to be sleep, I am 50 lbs overweight ! please help ! what can I do
  • gijane1ea
    gijane1ea Posts: 13
    Hi Katz

    i right with you, girl! I did loose some weight since I started here in January, but I haven't been very consistent. I am still over 200 pounds and can't seem to get out of it. So I am starting over as well. You can count me in because I need all the support i can get.
  • gijane1ea
    gijane1ea Posts: 13
    a year and a half ago I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer,I have Hypothyrodism and I am deppresed , I dont have the energy to excercise I just want to be sleep, I am 50 lbs overweight ! please help ! what can I do

    You will have to make that first move, girl! I know it is hard, because I was where you are not (minus the cancer). I didn't have the energy to do anything let alone exercise, then one day I just got up, went to the gym, got on a machine and starting going. I felt good afterwards, and from then on, I became motivated to do that more often.

    I know you can do it, you just have to want to take that first step!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Thanks to everyone for the encouragement. I starting feel really motivated. I want to keep the momentum going.
  • gijane1ea
    gijane1ea Posts: 13
    Good morning all

    This morning i went on my first 2 mile run in 6 years. Very hilly so I did a lot of walking, but mostly running. I paced myself and finished the 2 miles in 30 minutes. The first mile almost killed me because there was a very steep hill I did not anticipate. Coming back there was a hill right before the finish line that was a hum-dinger! LOL. But I finished!! Yaaay me!

    Now my knees are killing me, thank goodness I have a physical therapy appointment today! LOL

    I hope all is going well for everyone. Take care and keep the faith!

  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Great job! Keep it up.

    I was really sore today from the bike ride yesterday, so today I did a little walking and lots of stretching; back to the bike tomorrow!
  • gijane1ea
    gijane1ea Posts: 13
    I am dropping weight slowly, but surely. I am so tired because of this rain, and I don't feel like doing anything! I did have a great workout this morning, but was disappointed in the weight loss. I hope next week is much better.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Hang in there! It'll all come together soon!
  • gijane1ea
    gijane1ea Posts: 13
    I hope everyone is doing fine. I will be back in action on Monday. Keep up the good work!