krazzybebe03 Member


  • I like a challenge. I ran the disney princess in 2013 and had only run upto 6 miles prior due to illness throughout training. Then I trained for another month knowing I could do it and took 30 minutes off my time for the clearwater half in April 2013. June 2013 I found out I was pregnant. I have been running since late…
  • I feel your pain I've only lost 20 of my 50 lbs and my son is 5 weeks. I too am breastfeeding and I try to make healthy choices however my son has colic and is sensitive to shellfish, dairy, broccoli and raw spinach and anything spicy. That and after eating and drinking a few cups of water I'm still appetite is…
  • We already use earth balance and other types of vegan will require more scratch made things as a lot of products contain milk in them.
  • I am due in February with my second baby and I will have about 45-50lbs to lose of baby weight and an additional 15 on top of that to get to my goal weight. Full time mommy and nurse so I understand the lack of time...feel free to add me...
  • My son is due in feb...he is my second. I only gained 25 lbs with my daughter and it took 6 months to get it off. I'm almost 30 weeks and I'm already at 30 is going to take a lot of work this time around.
  • Hi fiance and I are looking to have our ceremony in August in Jamaica...We had a baby 8 months ago so I am still trying to get that weight off. Plus I am a nurse who works 3 day shifts and 1 night shift a week. So needless to say I eat at weird hours and often dont eat well at work. Looking to get toned so that…
  • karen...forget him! Do what makes you happy and when you look too thin at your goal weight i'd tell him oh well im healthy and look and feel amazing!
  • I'm 5'7 and 5 months after baby i'm goal is 128. Hoping to be there by my birthday in April!
  • I have the Polar FT40 and love it. It's set for me, it tells me how long I worked out, how many calories I burn, what percentage of them is in my fat burning zone and how much was in my fitness/anaerobic zone. It holds past data if i forget to chart it here. There are more complex ones that do more things but for me…
  • Good experiences with Baltimore, Orlando and Atlanta....detest Newark and Miami airports!
  • I cant imagine how difficult it is to lose weight with 3 small children. I have a 3 month old and work full time and its difficult. There are plenty of full time moms on here who get what you're going through! Good luck...YOU can do it!
  • well i wore my hrm....and 10 hours of my shift, bc i forgot to restart after one of my breaks, burned 2800 cals.
  • i do the slightly active setting even though like you i'm always walking/standing, thank God for support hose, but my days off are still hectic as i have an infant.
  • well i work in the icu on days...most days im super busy and am lucky if i get a 30 min lunch break. I cannot wear a watch on my unit due to infection control...i might try locking the watch and sticking it in one of my scrub pockets
  • welcome....i've been on mfp on and off for a year or two, but am a new mom also trying to shed the baby weight and a few extra pounds. It's a whole new ball game trying to do it with a newborn. Feel free to add me...good luck!
  • I will be starting once the doctor clears me. My goal is to run a half marathon but i have not run in over a year so I will start here and then start a half marathon training program.
  • a daily multivitamin is good regardless of the hair situation, especially a prenatal multivitamin. Also biotin, it helps with skin, hair and nails...and also hydration. WATER WATER WATER!
  • welcome and congratulations on your little one. I will soon be in the same boat as you, I'm not coordinated enough for the chalean program so once I am cleared I will start out with p90x, until then its walking. I know I will need the it would be nice to have someone going through some of the same things.
  • All those could be factors, along with how often your eating?!?! It is best break your calorie content up into 5 to 6 small meals a day, i know its difficult for some but it can be done. That way your constantly keeping you metabolism up and keeping your portion size low. Also do you keep measurements? I like to weigh…
  • I agree with the not eating enough. Also how often are you eating? There is a huge difference in eating 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day and just consuming your calories in 2 or 3 sittings. Also water, water, water!!! If you get bored of plain water throw some citrus in such as lemons, limes, or orange slices.
  • Welcome! This program definitely help me achieve my goals before. I took a hiatus from MFP during my pregnancy and am now slowly getting back into it to help with my post partum recovery and becoming a hot mom. This time around will be different as I will, like you, be a full time mom, worker, and partner! Congrats on your…
  • Due any day now and have my insanity dvds awaiting once i am cleared post partum! Until then i will be eating right and taking walks....cannot wait to start a "hardcore" workout again but also understand that my body needs rest and recovery during this time!
  • yes there is a difference i the part of the glute and quad it works. I tend to do 3 sets of 12-15 with lunges. The first set I do a forward lunge, 2 set i do either a side lunge or 45 degree and the 3rd set i do a reverse lunge...that way I work all planes of motion building a stronger joint and hit all the angles of my…
  • I just bought online yoga during pregnancy: with experience (they have one without experience as well), quick fix prenatal and postnatal workouts, and the perfect pregnancy workout volume 1. Once they come and I can try them out I will let you know. I'm jealous you can at least walk outside it is snowing every other day…
  • I am 5'7 and my goal weight is 129... I reached this weight 2 years ago and l looked the best ever, toned but still curvy. So I would like to return to that. If you have a ideal weight set and you reach it and still arent satisfied, make a new goal....its really trial and error.
  • thanks i definitely need to invest in a running belt...I do have great running shoes and have under armour socks to allow my feet to breathe. My half is labor day weekend...excited and nervous!
  • Here are 2 options...i prefer the 1st.
  • I use muscle milk products and they are by far the best testing (and I've tried several other brands) and they have a variety of flavors, my personal favorite is the pb chocolate flavor.
  • Agave is what I try to stick with but I do use splenda especially since you can bake with it.
  • Welcome! I completely understand where you are coming from...but it can be done. I am back in school again and living on a limited budget and limited time. Things I've found useful for food are : making a few healthy meals on sunday and portion them out to use on throughout the week, trader joe's offers some pretty healthy…