Losing baby weight!

Anyone else losing baby weight?

I've got 2 stone to shift!

Buddies needed!



  • mckenziebehr
    mckenziebehr Posts: 4 Member
    I will be looking to do the lose my baby weight soon after I give birth. I got 1 trimester left to go! I will be your buddy if you need one :)
  • crissy1110
    crissy1110 Posts: 29 Member
    Anyone else losing baby weight?

    I've got 2 stone to shift!

    Buddies needed!


    I've got 10 pounds to get to my pre-pregnancy weight...and then an additional 15 to get to my "goal" weight. I'll be your buddy!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Me! Baby is 2 months and I need to lose 30 lbs..
  • katalinax87
    katalinax87 Posts: 146 Member
    Not so much baby weight but still ate like a pig after I stopped breastfeeding weight! Does that count!?
  • labberto
    labberto Posts: 18 Member
    i need to- though still breastfeeding morning and night- bubba is 4 weeks old and ive got 2st to lose to pre pregnancy weight and 3st to my goal xxxxx
  • bigb2001
    bigb2001 Posts: 57 Member
    My little one is almost 2 and trying to get the rest off. I have 30lbs to go
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I'm not looking to lose baby weight right now (my youngest is 7) but I wanted to give you ladies a few words of encouragement. It actually took me four years to get all the weight off from my last pregnancy. It CAN be done. If you're looking to lose baby weight and your baby is no longer a baby, LOL, take heart. I know how this feels...stay positive, you can do it!
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    You can do it!! It took me having my second child before I had the energy or the drive to lose the weight (silly I know, you'd think with only one it would make it easier) but I waited and waited. 6 months and I'm officially the smallest I've been in almost 7 years. Just lots of patience. It takes time and adding babies (of all ages) does have its challenges. :)
  • johnsongirls
    johnsongirls Posts: 57 Member
    I have lost almost all my baby weight but I need to lose an additional 30ish pounds. I am always looking for new friends, feel free to add me!!
  • Katie0174
    Katie0174 Posts: 33 Member
    Me! My baby is 2 months old and I have about 40lbs to lose
  • MELLY319
    MELLY319 Posts: 51 Member
    My little one is 2 and I am aiming to loose 30 pounds....
  • yessssssssssssssssssss!!! LOl I am stuggling with 35 lbs I just cant shake! I got essure put in which is an alternative to getting your tubes tied and I cant shake this weight!!! So I feel Your pain!!
  • WinterBenson
    WinterBenson Posts: 1 Member
    I just got rid of my baby weight, now I need to get rid of another 40 lbs or so!
  • about 16 more pounds of baby weight left on me (TEN months later) and an extra 7-12 of chub after that!
  • My son is 4 months old today! I am finally back to my pre-pregnancy weight after about 2 months of dedicated excercise and watching my diet. HOWEVER, I also have a 17month old (yes, we planned them this close :) - I have 10lbs to lose to get to my pre-pre-pregnancy weight. I try to work out every weekday for at least 40mintues mixing cardio and weights and as of last week I started using MyFitnessPal to actually log every calorie that goes into my mouth - it's so hard not to want to lie about what I eat but it helps to plan out my meals so I know when to stop eating.
  • krazzybebe03
    krazzybebe03 Posts: 39 Member
    My son is due in feb...he is my second. I only gained 25 lbs with my daughter and it took 6 months to get it off. I'm almost 30 weeks and I'm already at 30 lbs...it is going to take a lot of work this time around.
  • ajmalbaby
    ajmalbaby Posts: 18 Member
    Im losing my baby weight too! Just remember it took 9 months to gain it, so give yourself at least 9 months to lose it! It takes time to lose it but you will lose it sista and maybe more!
  • angmcq
    angmcq Posts: 3 Member
    I'm trying to lose the baby weight too, down 10lbs but hit a wall. I'm below my pregnancy weight but only for this pregnancy, I'd like to lose the weight I gain in my first pregnancy, and get back to my goal of 170. 30lbs to go.
  • I'll be your friend. I've got a six month old and I gained 40lbs during pregnancy. i'm trying so hard to be healthier for him (plus if i get pregnant again I will be over 200lbs).
  • My son is 11 weeks and I have 5lbs to go to my pre-pregnancy weight (I gained 2.5 stone) but was overweight before so have at least 3-4 stone after that too! I'm currently eating 1400 calories but not doing much exercise at all so any advice would be appreciated :)