What's Your Sweetener Choice?



  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Honey, Molasses, or Sugar.

    Stevia IS good in tea though; I find its herbal flavor doesn't work out in some foods.
  • krazzybebe03
    krazzybebe03 Posts: 39 Member
    Agave is what I try to stick with but I do use splenda especially since you can bake with it.
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 1,997 Member
    Has anyone tried "Ideal No Calorie Sweetener"?
    It contains Xylitol.
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    No-one mentioned Equal. I love me some Splenda but it breaks the piggy bank. I find generic Equal at Aldi's for my morning cup o' Joe. If I am baking I gotta use the real deal, sugar. I am tempted to try the Truvia but again I am concerned about price, any thoughts?
  • Aquave nectar rocks! Doesnt have the heavy taste honey does..and blends much (dissolves faster) in oatmeal and hot foods. Can use it in just about everything.
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I use Steevia as a sweetener for my cereal and latte. I do drink Crystal Light sometimes which I believe has aspartame. Once in awhile I drink a diet soda. I am trying for only natural sweeteners other than sugar (I am a diabetic) and I am on a no sugar no simple carbs weight loss program. I plan on trying agave. I have found diet drinks at Whole Foods that are sweetened with Steevia. They are called Zeevia. The raspberry is delicious.
  • finallyproud
    finallyproud Posts: 154 Member
    I use Apriva (Kroger Brand)..same stuff as Splenda and no calorie, but a whole lot cheaper!!!
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 1,997 Member
    I have been sampling Purevia, Truvia and Stevia In The Raw. All those companies graciously sent me samples and coupons.
    In my opinion, as far as taste, Purevia and Truvia are the clear winners (in that order). To me, Stevia in the Raw leaves too much of an after taste, although not unbearable. In fact, I bought a 50 ct box and I will certainly use it all. However, my next purchase will probably be Purevia. None of the sweeteners did I use a whole packet...always half at a time. Oh yea, I am only using them for coffee.

    I am interested in trying "Ideal No Calorie Sweetener". It contains xylitol instead of stevia. (I read that xylitol is supposed to be benificial for healthy teeth. (maybe I'll try this one next)
    I am really interested in finding a zero calorie sweetener. But I have heard very good things about Sun Crystals. It has 5 calories per packet. I'll probably try this one, too.

    Before all this, (and after sugar) I had been using Equal. Could always go back to that...
  • bksonj
    bksonj Posts: 2
    One swallow of any sweetener containing anything artificial and I have a raging migraine. Aspertame is the worst. Terrible what those artificial sweeteners can do to a person! Sugar or honey for me, just in moderation.
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 1,997 Member
    One swallow of any sweetener containing anything artificial and I have a raging migraine. Aspertame is the worst. Terrible what those artificial sweeteners can do to a person! Sugar or honey for me, just in moderation.

    Stevia and Xylitol aren't artificial!
  • bksonj
    bksonj Posts: 2
    I am so frightened by my response to anything other than honey and sugar that I don't even try any more. I trust that those are natural but stick to what I know works for me. Like I said, moderation is often the best route. Thanks for the clarification, didn't mean to upset any stevia or xylitol followers.
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I just use plain old regular sugar in moderation :D I have a box of Stevia...and I just don't like the way it tasted XP
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Raw sugar, I try to keep it as close to the source as possible. Stevia is a good option but the artificial sweetners have to go, lots of studies showing poeple who use artificial are heavier than non artificial users. My two cents.
  • ianconway
    ianconway Posts: 185 Member
    Organic Dark Brown Sugar that is Fair Trade Certified. No chemicals. I would also search for Organic Honey, the darkest you can find.

    I will say that it does take a while to get used to compared to chemical filled sugars. It's not as sweet as those artificial sweeteners. But, that's part of making better choices and eating the right things.
  • sparkles321
    sparkles321 Posts: 107
    I use regular sugar, pure maple syrup, or honey. I won't touch anything synthetic anymore, I just don't trust it. And other "natural" alternatives are just as bad for your body as sugar, but cost 3-4 times as much. If I'm going to put the poison in my body, I choose the cheap stuff. :wink:
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I really do not understand the need for artificial sweeteners and I cannot stand the taste of any of them. Raw sugar and honey for me, and maple syrup. Now that I have cut down on the sugar, I find a little goes a long way, and the calories are nearly negligible.
  • princessfiona
    princessfiona Posts: 23 Member
    I am diabetic, so I use artificial sweeteners... I mostly use Splenda; if I'm baking I sometimes use half Splenda and half sugar, since I haven't seen the Splenda baking blend in Canada... I also use Splenda for making ice cream. I once made it with Sugar Twin, and it was so bad I threw it away! I want to try xylitol, and have read about agave nectar and whey low, but have not tried any of these as I live in the middle of nowhere and these things are not readily available, and I haven't been interested enough to find them on the net yet. ;)
  • I see alot of people on here go for honey. Do you use it in any recipe in place of sugar? I'm wanting to make a cake today and I'm curious.
    I've started using Stevia. But so far, I've just bought the small packets, they are on sale with a double coupons, can't beat the price.
    Sometimes I get a craving for some Kool-aid. The last time I made it I used Splenda, wow, way too sweet! Sweeter than using regular sugar.
    I have never heard of Whey Low. And I work in a grocery store. I'll have to check into it more closely as I hang sale tags on Tues night.
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 1,997 Member
    I have been sampling Purevia, Truvia and Stevia In The Raw. All those companies graciously sent me samples and coupons.
    In my opinion, as far as taste, Purevia and Truvia are the clear winners (in that order). To me, Stevia in the Raw leaves too much of an after taste, although not unbearable. In fact, I bought a 50 ct box and I will certainly use it all. However, my next purchase will probably be Purevia. None of the sweeteners did I use a whole packet...always half at a time. Oh yea, I am only using them for coffee.

    I am interested in trying "Ideal No Calorie Sweetener". It contains xylitol instead of stevia. (I read that xylitol is supposed to be benificial for healthy teeth. (maybe I'll try this one next)
    I am really interested in finding a zero calorie sweetener. But I have heard very good things about Sun Crystals. It has 5 calories per packet. I'll probably try this one, too.

    Before all this, (and after sugar) I had been using Equal. Could always go back to that...

    Well this morning I tried "Ideal No Calorie Sweetener".

    HOORAY! YAHOO! AT LAST! We (or at least I) have a WINNER!
    "Ideal" is great! NO AFTERTASTE!!!!!! And cheaper than the others. If you are looking for the PERFECT no calorie sweetener, give this one a try.

    I requested samples from the company and they glady sent me a couple of packets to try. I have seen this on the shelf at ACME, (the local super market).

    And for those who may frown at "articial sweeteners", look up xylitol. As I have read and the way I understand, it is natural, even produded in our body and is even in strawberrys. It is reported to have health benefits for teeth.
    "Ideal No Calorie Sweetener" claims to be more than 99% natural.

    I'm switching to this one!

    Oh, and did I mention, NO AFTERTASTE?!!!
  • snookeroo
    snookeroo Posts: 1,997 Member
    :drinker: :happy:
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