Shedding lbs before summer wedding

Hello -

I realized after three years of bliss with my husband-to-be that I have gained nearly 20 lbs during the course our relationship. I would like to get down to my old size before our wedding in August and need your support.

I try to eat healthy for the most part (i.e. buy organic, eat greens, and exercise multiple times a week) however I have a real weakness for red wine and sweets. Any tips for cutting sugar cravings and inspiration to keep going is appreciated . Let me know how I can support you as well!! We're all in this together. :)


  • misslariss84
    misslariss84 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I am getting married in a few months too! I have similar weaknesses for sweets and wine, but I've found over the last couple of weeks that logging my calories on MFP really helps curb those habits. I am trying to make this just as much about making positive changes that will benefit us the future as about looking great on my wedding day, which has given me more inspiration!

    Good luck!
  • Hi!

    I've also been trying to lose weight before our wedding this summer. I figured that looking great in that dress would be a good motivation lol.
    I also have a really big sweet tooth which makes it soo hard...but i've found that keeping busy definitely helps to avoid snacking on chocolate and such. And you're right, logging what you eat on MFP helps a lot too. Makes you more aware about your eating habits.

    Good luck!
  • krazzybebe03
    krazzybebe03 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi fiance and I are looking to have our ceremony in August in Jamaica...We had a baby 8 months ago so I am still trying to get that weight off. Plus I am a nurse who works 3 day shifts and 1 night shift a week. So needless to say I eat at weird hours and often dont eat well at work. Looking to get toned so that when the day comes I can wear the dress I want and look fabulous in the pictures we take. I know I make to many excuses as to what I eat and why I don't make it to the gym...Just looking for some ladies who are going through the same thing and looking for some accountability
  • yay! congrats on your upcoming wedding. i have a huge sweet tooth. i have sent you a request, hopefully we can support and motivate each other!
  • Lola922
    Lola922 Posts: 7
    Hi Everyone!!

    I'm getting married September 1st and am trying to get in my best shape as well. I moved in with my fiancee 4 weeks ago and in turn have gain 4 pounds!! If anybody needs motivation and support feel free to add me!
