New mom looking for more mommy friends to stay motivated!

Hey everyone! I just had a little boy in May and am looking to get back down to pre-pregnancy size (almost there, but still have a few pounds/inches to go!). I also just want to live healthier and feel better about myself, but it's definitely challenging at times. I do struggle to stay on track, so I thought it would be helpful and fun to have some mommy friends (or any other friends!) that can help me stay on track and motivated, and, hopefully, I can help them do the same. I started the ChaLEAN Extreme program last week, but due to a fussy two-month-old and a general case of laziness, I have fallen off track this week but am hoping to get back on track ASAP!

Feel free to add me!


  • kriots
    kriots Posts: 375 Member
    i am a mom of 2, 4 yrs ans 7 months, feel free to add me if you want
  • krazzybebe03
    krazzybebe03 Posts: 39 Member
    welcome and congratulations on your little one. I will soon be in the same boat as you, I'm not coordinated enough for the chalean program so once I am cleared I will start out with p90x, until then its walking. I know I will need the it would be nice to have someone going through some of the same things.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Hi, I'm a mommy of 3 (9, 6 and 2) I also watch a lil boy (23mths) and will soon watch his baby brother...I am new to this journey as well and I am loving the new me so far.
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I am a mother of two (6 yrs old & 1 yr old). I joined for the same reason. Add me if you like!
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Congrats on your baby, and welcome! Friend me if you like...I'm here to lose baby weight, too!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Hi, I'm a mom to 3 kids (almost 8, 5 1/2, and 2 1/2). I'm pretty new here too.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    I just had my second in June and have lost his baby weight, now I'm working on the leftover weight from the first (and after that I need to lose more). Feel free to add me as well.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    Mommy of a 2 year old...trying to lose weight from 2 years ago...friend me!
  • cbond74
    cbond74 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm a mom of 2 boys (7 & 5) and I'm working off that baby belly pooch after 5 years! Finally getting close to it being gone!!
  • OnCmommy
    OnCmommy Posts: 40
    Welcome! I know how hard it is to stay on track with kids in your life.
    I have 2 boys 6 yrs & 18 months
  • amhodac
    amhodac Posts: 9
    I have 2 sons (6 & 4) and have just started back to this site after many excuses to just be lazy. Honestly, I've never been in great shape, but there is no reason I can't start now. I have just started the couch to 5k program this week, and pulled out an older workout video set called Turbo Jam that I plan on incorporating as well. I would love to be a motivator, but also be motivated. Things seem so much easier when you know you are not in it alone and others are there to cheer on your success and pick you up when days have not been so smooth.
    Add me if you wish