Any new mums here?

I am a new mum and I need some new friends who can motivate me on this journey.
I have joined MFP 2 years back and I had lost around 32 pounds before I got pregnant. I have a 5mo little princess now and I have started logging in MFP 10 days ago for losing this baby weight which I have gained during the pregnancy.

I have around 35 pounds to lose now :(( I know that's a lot and with such a small baby its hard to get time for working out.
I feel bad when I look in the mirror I feel awful when I go to any parties because I know I look bad :(
I have lost all my confidence.

I have recently started doing some workout videos which I used to do earlier but it feels so hard to do now as pregnancy changes everything in your body.. I feel bad when I see my stamina gone down so much. I really need motivation and support.



  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    :ohwell: no one :(
  • jrapkine
    jrapkine Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not a new-new mom, but I have a 16 month old and I know how hard it can be to find the time, and also how you feel totally blah after having a baby and having to look at what that did to your body in the mirror. I didn't lose weight before I had a child (like you did - go you!), instead I got pregnant at my heaviest. It took me almost a year after my daughter was born to get my act in gear and start losing weight. I work full-time and have since she was 4 months old, so that complicated things as well.

    It definitely takes time to drop and the lbs. I'm now down to my pre-wedding weight, and I've got about 10-15lb to go till college weight. I've had to overhaul my diet completely (I now eat paleo), and that's been a huge, huge help. Also - I had to get my husband on board to help out a little more so I could have the time i needed.

    I'm not great about exercising, though I try to be. Before it got so cold, I was running 3-4 mornings a week, and after the new year I've found some classes that fit my schedule to try out. I've found that working out for an hour before I have to leave for work or before everyone else gets up is what works for me. Hubby is home watching the baby (well, they are both sleeping), I'm feeling good about myself and taking some me time - I love it.

    I would say start with one thing (diet), and then when you get that down, add in the fitness. That's what I had to do.

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • Fit_Forever25
    Fit_Forever25 Posts: 313 Member
    thank you so much :)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    It's doable. I've lost 53lbs of the 60 I gained with pregnancy and my baby is 10 months old. Weight loss is 90% about your diet. Keep logging and eating at a deficit (remember to add cals for breast feeding if you're doing that). The weight will come off. Add me if you want!
  • rstendie
    rstendie Posts: 18 Member
    I am a new mama sort of....I just had baby #3 three months ago. I have quite a ways to go since I am losing the weight from the last two babies. Feel free to add me if you want. :-)
  • krazzybebe03
    krazzybebe03 Posts: 39 Member
    I am due in February with my second baby and I will have about 45-50lbs to lose of baby weight and an additional 15 on top of that to get to my goal weight. Full time mommy and nurse so I understand the lack of time...feel free to add me...
  • alicecooke92
    alicecooke92 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, im due on Saturday, although dont think she has any plans on coming! Im so fed up with my body. Before i got pregnant i was just 10st and a slim 10-12. Now im a 12-14 at 39 weeks. I dont even want to weigh myself because it just depresses me. Last time i weighed myself i was about 20 weeks and had put 2 stone on :( i just want to lose this weight and get back to how i was, although now i have stretch marks too :( I d plan on breastfeeding though so not sure how many calories i need to consume?