grow longer hair

This is related to food/nutrition, I guess...

I would really like my hair to be long, but I have never been able to grow it past my shoulders for years! I try to let it air dry most days, use good conditioner, and eat well. I exercise, and am careful to treat it well when it's wet. My hair is curly, but I have not done any kind of harsh processing with it for years. What else can I do to make it grow? Vitamins? Supplements? Balms?


  • krazzybebe03
    krazzybebe03 Posts: 39 Member
    a daily multivitamin is good regardless of the hair situation, especially a prenatal multivitamin. Also biotin, it helps with skin, hair and nails...and also hydration. WATER WATER WATER!
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    I take a biotin supplement - it has done wonders for my hair and nails - you should check it out. :flowerforyou:
  • I'm not sure but I'm sure fish oil can help. I remember reading it somewhere.. you can look it up if you'd like,
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    there are some good products for(vitamins) out there just for skin-hair-nails.....

    Look at
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    My hair and nails are at their best right now and I take a multi vitamin and vitamin B-complex (just a cheapy from walmart)

    Also, regular hair cuts (trims) I do mine every 6-8 weeks and have just the ends cut off. Hair grows the fastest in the summer months
  • foreverloved
    foreverloved Posts: 220 Member
    Fish oil is great for hair/nails!
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Daily multivitamin, biotin supplements, and have a lot of protein. It'll make your nails and hair strong!
  • nilla128
    nilla128 Posts: 30 Member
    This is a question for your hairdresser but I'm sure she'll tell you the same thing- your hair has its own growth/shedding cycle and yours is the length it is. There is nothing you can do to make it grow faster or longer. You obviously take good care of yourself so your hair will be in the best shape it can be. Don't compare your hair to others- they may have a shorter or longer growth cycle than you so their hair may grow longer or shorther than yours before it sheds. Please remember that most celebs with very long hair have extensions and it's not natural- so just enjoy the hair you have- run your fingers through it knowing it's all yours and it's healthy! ;)
  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    I'm currently using these vitamins and they are making my skin tone more even and lengthening my hair. They are quite pricey, but in my opinion totally worth the results I'm getting.
  • mojo75
    mojo75 Posts: 314 Member
    id be happy to grow long hair too! lol
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    id be happy to grow long hair too! lol

    HAHAHA :laugh:
  • CatClark
    CatClark Posts: 74 Member
    I'm pretty certain that avocado is meant to be great for your skin and hair - eaten, turned into homemade masques, or both :D
  • sarahsmall
    sarahsmall Posts: 14 Member
    Do you get regular hair cuts? I know it seems weird but my hair grows better with regular cuts. Also I rarely use a brush or comb to detangle it, just for minimal styling. Both helps with breakage.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I have extremely long hair and I don't use shampoo. I think that is probably the best way to prevent split ends and breakage. Yeah, really. Scrub your hair with conditioner (you have to use a lot) and rinse VERY thoroughly. Reapply a leave-in of you need it. If you need more scrubbing power, use some brown sugar in the conditioner.

    I was skeptical until I tried it. My hair gets every bit as clean as it did when I used shampoo.

    Also I second the biotin supplements, they work wonders for hair and nails.

    Lastly, everyone has a natural hair cycle. The hair grows until it reaches the end of its cycle and then it comes out. Some people have a longer cycle than others. How much hair are you seeing in the comb every day? If you use a brush, stop that and use a comb. Comb it out starting from the bottom up, careful not to break the hair. Separate with your fingers if you need to.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have this problem too. My hair is so short and has only grown about an inch in the past 5 years...
    I don't know how to make it grow, but i do know that your hair is the last part of our body to receive vitamins, etc after every where else.
    So if your not healthy, you wont have healthy long hair..
    Don't know what else you can do though..
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Prenatal vitamins, haha. My hair grew 12" in a year.
  • There are a lot of things you could be doing wrong, quite frankly. When someone says they can't grow their hair past their shoulders, I always ask:

    Do you wash it every day? If so, gradually reduce the frequency of your washes. Shampoo is harsh for your hair, and when you wash it that frequently, all you're really doing is conditioning your hair to *need* to be washed that frequently. A great number of people, once their hair kind of detoxes, can go four days to a week between washes.

    Along the same lines, I'd suggest you look into the Curly Girl Method. This is a conditioner-only method in which you use shampoo very, very seldomly. If you let conditioner sit or use a clarifying conditioner, it will do the same thing as shampoo without drying your hair out. Though I have nearly straight hair, I use this method with a line of products called Deva Curl. One of their products is called No-Poo, and it's a clarifying conditioner. I use that in place of shampoo, and every one in a great while I use their Low-Poo, which is really a very gentle shampoo.

    If you have any sort of a problem with frizz, this will kill it dead. The girls with curly hair in long hair communities will swear by it.

    If you use a flat iron or a blow drier often, you probably won't be able to grow your hair particularly long. At that point, it isn't that your hair isn't growing; it's that your hair, because of the damage from being heated in that fashion, is breaking off at the same rate it's getting longer, which makes it look as if it isn't going anywhere.

    The longer your hair gets, the more frequently you'll need to wear it up or braided to prevent damage.

    On top of all that, a multivitamin is always okay. Some girls take prenatal vitamins to help their hair grow. But if you're treating your hair right, honestly, you shouldn't need them.

    Eta: And like someone says above, you should definitely use a comb instead of a brush, particularly because your hair is curly. Remember never to brush your hair while it's wet, only comb. You'll cause a lot of damage if you brush wet hair.

    And remember that hair only grows a quarter to half inch a month typically, so just like with weight loss, you need to be patient to see results. Make sure you keep that in mind if you get your hair trimmed. You'll want to do that infrequently so you're not cutting off the same amount you're growing. Tell your hairdresser that you're growing your hair out.
  • Evamuse
    Evamuse Posts: 14 Member
    I am in the same position, I was told that multivitamins help so I have started taking skin, hair and nails supplements.
    Also try B Complex vitamins
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Dont you have to be pregnant to take prenatal vitamins?
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    Biotin is a good supplement for hair as well as vitamin D and Flax oil. But... with the Flax oil you need to get the liquid, not capsules, and take 1-2 TBS a day. I met an elderly Native American woman(98) who had the most beautiful hair and this was one of the things she told me. You won't see a difference overnight. It took a few months but my hair used to be dry and I had a lot of breakage. Now it's shiny, soft and manageable. Flax oil will also provide the same omega 3 oils you get from fish oil and you won't smell fishy. Make sure you take it with a meal. I like to chase it with a little juice. Water is important, but hair is protein, so be sure you are getting enough protein in your diet as well.