BJPCraig Member


  • I've used it as a peanut butter and enjoyed it (although I usually use almond butter for sandwiches, so I don't do this often). I also mix it into smoothies & oatmeal. One night there was no salad dressing in the house, so I mixed some PB2 with some extra water and dijon mustard and got a pretty decent peanut dressing out…
  • Very interesting question. But I think the Angels would be able to devour the blind person. If I'm remembering correctly, the Angels are only "quantum locked" when they are being seen by another living being (including each other; remember their first episode where they were stuck seeing each other after the TARDIS…
  • My one complaint about Clara is this: Her main schtick is that The Doctor saw alternate versions of her die twice, on the Dalek asylum in the future and in London during the Victorian Era. So, why did the one girl who survived and got to ride with The Doctor have to be a middle-class girl from modern England ... just like…
  • That is pretty cool... Thanks for sharing.
    in Cliff Notes Comment by BJPCraig May 2013
  • My wife & I are sort of enjoying it, too. Not a "must see" on our list yet, but an enjoyable hour. Has anyone checked out the Web site? The detail they've put into the backstory for this world is quite impressive. On the downside, it irks me that certain things (some of the monsters, the police car) make it painfully…
    in Defiance Comment by BJPCraig May 2013
  • We have a Vitamix, so the wife & I did a 6-day smoothie fast (the closest we've come). Not as great a weight loss as people might expect, but we did detox pretty heavily. Slept better, much more energy that you might expect. We weren't really HUNGRY, but by the end of the week we did miss the sensation of eating solid…
  • Proper response: "You'd sound so intelligent ... If you shut up."
  • I just got my 15-year pin at my Al Bender's Kung Fu Academy of New Jersey. Martial arts are a BIG part of my losing weight and getting healthier. I love doing kung fu, but I was really only mediocre. As I lost weight, however, my kung fu got better. This made me want to put more into it, which helped me lose more weight...…
  • I'm a substitute teacher, but during the summer and on days when I don't get called in, I work from home. For me, working out actually got easier without losing an hour each way to the commute. My schedule is to treat any day like a school day: Work until 2:30ish, walk the dog, work out, and then work some more.
  • We have a Teavana nearby and love the samples, but often at night my wife & I want 2 different flavors of tea. So, as much as I love the idea of loose tea in a fancy tea pot, the bags are just so much easier. We do have a tea ball for when we want some loose stuff (we occasionally pick up a small amount at Ren Faires or…
  • I agree w/mmzeta that a Vitamix can get anything smooth; we've actually used it to make own own nut butters and they come out as smooth as anything you'd buy in the store. The only fruits we peel before putting them in are the ones with peels you wouldn't ordinarily eat (citrus, bananas, stuff like that). Apples I just cut…
  • As others have said, knee push ups are the way to go. You have to do the full range of motion to build the full muscle. Doing the "half push ups" you described, you're basically building the muscle to do a whole lot of half push ups, rather than a few full ones.
  • My morning tea is Twinings Rooibos (red) tea. During the day I usually have a couple of cups of Bigelow green tea, usually the flavored ones (the green tea with mint is probably my fave.). At night, I have a selection of herbals, mostly from Yogi Tea. I don't think the brand really matters, as long as you've found a tea…
  • In addition to losing weight, you must have "tightened up" a great deal; it sure looks like you lost a LOT more than 26 pounds!
  • Our smoothies never get warm, but we usually start with at least some of the fruit frozen. Also, you said, "to get the consistency I like," and we like them a little on the thick side, so we might not be letting it run as long as you do. Try starting with the ingredients as cold as possible, or maybe even toss in a few ice…
  • Check out He posts some "sample workouts" both with and without weights. His body weight routine really kicks my butt. I never liked the treadmill or felt like I was getting a good workout on it, either. I actually think they only stay around because they've somehow convinced people that they SHOULD be…
  • If you want videos, try this YouTube channel: It's a 90-day program, I think it's pretty good, and if you don't like it, you've wasted exactly zero dollars on it!
  • My wife just found this one, which includes FREE 30- and 90-day workout plans. We haven't tried anything on it yet, but it certainly looks promising...
  • Say, for those who didn't know: Be Fit in 90 Extreme is now available. I'm in the middle of some other stuff, so I won't be able to get to this any time soon, but I've added it to my queue for my next thing I'm looking forward to it!
  • My wife & I consider ourselves 90% vegan: We eat vegan at home and keep a vegan household, but occasionally do some eggs or dairy when we eat out or if we have people over. We've also been working to slowly cut more and more of the processed foods from our diets. If anyone wants to add me, feel free. My friend list has…
  • I joined after my wife's recommendation (the day after she did), but I was ready to lose the weight anyway (and to be honest, I didn't really think it was going to work, but figured what did I have to lose?). If it's being on MFP that he is avoiding, there are other services/sites that track calories in a similar fashion,…
  • They have single-serve "sample" packets at Whole Foods (and possibly other places that sell Vega, but I've never really looked anywhere else). They're just "samples," though, not "free samples." I think they were about a buck-thirty, but I could be wrong. We did a smoothie fast this week and added Swanson pure pea protein…
  • This opening inspired me to read Hugh Prather's "Amber Effect," the first book I ever read in the Shell Scott series: "Would you believe me if I told you that when I opened the door that Thursday afternoon in September an absolutely stunning and stupendously shaped strawberry-tressed lovely was standing there naked? Right…
  • We're just coming off a 7-day smoothie fast. We got the recipes from Check there!
  • My wife & I have also had samples and it does taste great. I don't think any sports shake will automatically help you lose weight, it depends on how you use it. Our one complaint is the cost. Most protein powders are pricey; the vegan ones seem to be even more so, and Vega is near (if not at) the top of the bunch.
  • "He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad." Scaramouche by Rafael Sabatini
  • Nobody "deserves" this. When one person talks to another that way, it's more about the attacker than the person they are attacking. Your mom sounds like she's in a lot of pain over the way her life turned out, and you're a convenient scapegoat. On your profile, you say you're looking forward to moving out... I think that's…
  • I love FitnessBlender. I've actually bought their 2 e-book workout plans and am currently working may way through them. Rather than do them one at a time, however, I've been switching back and forth between them. If you "like" them on Facebook, you'll always know when they have new stuff coming out, too.
  • Nice job! And you won't forget the date!
  • We love it, and get a huge bag for a good price at the local Costco, if that's an option for you.