Who works from home?

Working from home has played a part in my laziness and subsequent weight gain. It's hard to stay motivated when I don't have to put on real pants, and the fridge is right there. I'd love to connect with other folks who work at home, and see if anyone has tips/ideas/motivation.


  • kluedesigns
    kluedesigns Posts: 72 Member
    i'm self employed and work from home and it does require dedication to not over eat when everything is just a few steps away.

    i have a gym in my house now so its much easier for me to exercise during the day instead of having to leave the house during working hrs.

    i also go for a long walk in the afternoons with my dog.
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    I work from home and agree it has contributed to my laziness. I have a desk job, so I try to stand whenever I can, go for short walks around my neighborhood and keep a resistance band by my desk to do quickie stuff. Oh, and I also try to fit in some quick yoga poses. I've been working from home since July 2012 and I think the best thing I've done is actually get dressed and ready for work as opposed to wearing Jammies all day. :)
  • jessmart83
    jessmart83 Posts: 283 Member
    I work from home, and it is tough! I pretend the pantry isnt there. In the fridge I have the fruit and veggies cut up right in front so it is the first thing I see when I open it. Keeps me from digging around in there and getting something I probably shouldn't have.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I work from home mostly. I try to get in 90 min of exercise a day because otherwise I'm not that active. I just learned that planning my exercise for the month helps because it becomes a routine. I also try to plan my meals to some extent. I just started taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Feel free to add me.
  • willow_rb
    willow_rb Posts: 69 Member
    I make a schedule in my calendar, set up reminders and that helps me stick to workouts. I am also part of a website - neufit.com which makes workouts part of quests and gives you points when you finish them, like in video games - this helps me on the days when the calendar reminder fails to motivate me.
    On days it is cold to go outside to walk, I walk to Leslie Sansone in my home...so no weather excuses for me.

    Hope these ideas helped a little.
  • clairebeej
    I'm attempting to get some things set up in my home office so that I can sneak in bursts of strength training into my day. Hard to stay motivated but sitting at a desk, constant access to the "snack cupboard" and no reason to leave the house are not doing me any good.

    So, here are my tools of torture so far:
    Ab ball
    Weights and a medicine ball
    yogaglo subscription to fit in some moments of zen
    Self.com for workouts

    ...next step is to move a stationary bike into the office so I can hop on that between calls.

    I do find that a shower and "office" clothes help me feel a bit more motivated to move too. Ditch those sweats!!

    And a friend also suggest packing my lunch each day as if I was going to work - but it doesn't work for me. No matter what healthy snacks I have on my desk I always wander down to the kitchen for cookies. I just need to not keep cookies in the house.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I do. And ditto on all of the above. The grocery store is about a 10 minute walk away, so when the weather's nice it will be my goal to never drive there if I need to go. And to go to the gym every day, I like the routine of going somewhere regularly since I don't have that with my workplace. I don't really need rest days since I do a lot of work from my couch/bed, haha.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    Ok - I am absolutely the opposite - I recently quit my job and I have to force myself to make sure I eat enough every day (especially since I am logging). I gained weight when I went to work outside the home. Strange I know.
  • clairebeej
    I work from home, and it is tough! I pretend the pantry isnt there. In the fridge I have the fruit and veggies cut up right in front so it is the first thing I see when I open it. Keeps me from digging around in there and getting something I probably shouldn't have.

    I need to do this!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I work from home part time but even my out of house job calls for sweats. I'm too lazy to wear real clothes now lol Sending FR now!
  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    Ha I am actually trying to find a work from home job.

    What do you guys do and how did you get started working from home?
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I work from home full time currently, and have for a long time. I get up and go to the gym before work (get up at 4am if I have to) and then come back home and work. My gym is a half hour drive from me. Mostly because I work from home, the gym is my social time. I need to get out from these four walls of my house! ;) I also go run or go to the gym on the weekend. My life has changed so much in fact that I'm working on getting certified to be a personal trainer, won't be working from home much longer!! :)
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    I have been working from home since 2 years,i have managed to not binge or eat mindlessly within this period.
    It does require discipline.For me i have a set of base rules (as listed below),i try stick to these as closely as possible.
    1.Eat only 3 times a day
    2.Do not eat before 8 am or past 8pm
    3.wake up by 6am and get in a workout and pack husbands lunch.
    4.Take a 10 minute walk after lunch.
    5.take a walk after dinner

    Im not saying you should follow the same rules, you can figure out what your base rules are,write them on a paper and stick them in a visible place in the kitchen-so everytime you walk in there to get something to eat ,you get reminded of what your rules were.Planning your meals one day ahead also helps to not eat outside what you have planned.You can also keep an alarm every one hour and something like pushups or situps or shoulder presses or jumping jacks each hour for 5 minutes-that will keep you metabolism running.

    I have also observed one of my friend wake up and get ready as if they would go to work and have a work desk set up at home so they dont move out of that place except for the restroom or water or lunch break.
  • jlemesur
    jlemesur Posts: 10 Member
    I to work from home and I've started to find it quite liberating. On my breaks, I'm never far from healthy snacks that don't cost a fortune. At lunch, I can go for a run, walk or do some exercises and be back at it in no time.

    I sit a lot in my job, so I like to stretch when I can. At home, I don't care how I look when I'm stretching. :)
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Yes and I don't like how little I move. I ended up getting a part time job to offset expenses and was happy to move again.
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    I work from home for a global IT company, and I've found that I have more freedom to get to the gym and eat what I need to eat than I did being tied to an office. I go to the gym every day on my lunch break rather than before/after work. I don't have to try to cram my breakfast and my lunch and all my snacks into a small bag or a lunch box anymore. I can run around out in the back yard with the dogs a small 10-minute break. Working from home and being able to do prep (and have my husband cook it) also means that there's no last minute "Crap, I didn't take anything out of the freezer! We're going out to eat." That's not to say that we don't occasionally do that in the mornings (today is a good example of a bad decision), but it's all minimized.
  • NipsGhost
    NipsGhost Posts: 46
    Also a WAH'er here. I work 3 different jobs from home, all online. Which means I'm sitting anywhere from 14 to 20 hours a day depending on my deadlines. Fresh fruit and veggies are my lifesavers. So is taking constant breaks (which I need anyway from drinking that massive amount of water.)

    While sitting I also do silly little things.

    1. Butt clenches- one side, one side, both sides
    2. Practice kegels
    3. Leg lifts
    4. Ankle circles
    5. Imaginary arm presses (I'm holding nothing, just pretending it's there)
    6. Neck, head, and shoulder rolls to keep me from stiffening up
    7. Go back and forth from sitting proper (all straight and legs on floor) and slouching- again, to keep from stiffening up
    8. Back stretches
    9. Push the chair back and touch the floor

    During my breaks I try to toss in some cardio- house cleaning vigorously adds up quick
  • BJPCraig
    BJPCraig Posts: 417 Member
    I'm a substitute teacher, but during the summer and on days when I don't get called in, I work from home. For me, working out actually got easier without losing an hour each way to the commute. My schedule is to treat any day like a school day: Work until 2:30ish, walk the dog, work out, and then work some more.
  • ashleylynn8888
    ashleylynn8888 Posts: 16 Member
    I run a daycare out of my home. It's hard because I am serving the kids meals and snacks every 2 hours so I'm constantly in the kitchen. It's easiest for me to not keep junk food in the house because if its there I will eat it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    is this only for people who are home all day and are working? like earning a paycheck?