Who works from home?



  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    I work (and go to school) from home, and usually I do so at the kitchen table. After I eat, I brush my teeth and that helps. I have fresh fruit in a very visible spot. Snacks like pretzels are already portioned in small zip lock bags. Like others say, I workout at home. I have videos, a heavy bag and a few weights and resistance bands.
  • chercee
    chercee Posts: 120 Member
    Wow! I wasn't expecting this massive response! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one going through this :)

    I've begun working on a schedule, as some of you have recommended. For right now, I walk in the mornings from 7:10-8:10 (MWF). I spin each day (time changes) for 20-30 minutes (yes, I'm that out of shape). On days I don't walk, I choose from my "workout DVD" section of the shelf, and go for it.

    The snacking is the worst, I think. Because I've changed a lot about the way I eat, my body hasn't adjusted yet. I'm trying to sort it out and get used to it, but in the mean time, cravings!

    I like the idea of putting on real pants, that's probably smart. I should try to get back into the mindset of real life again.

    Another issue for me is that I don't have a set work schedule. Sometimes I work mornings, sometimes afternoons or evenings, sometimes a little of each - it makes it hard to get into a routine.

    ETA: I've been trying to get up and put on workout clothes, so I can just get up and get out the door, or downstairs to the "home gym" without any excuses.
  • sriley721
    sriley721 Posts: 68 Member
    I started to post the same thing today! Weekends are easy for me but weekdays are hard. Like you said the fridge is right there and no co-workers to notice how many trips you make to it. Not wearing "real" clothes every day is scary. When I have to travel I am in a panic because I dont know how real clothes will fit. Its easy to lose track of your weight in yoga pants every day. I think longer days and warmer weather will help, its been a long (and fat) winter.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    I run two companies from home. Occasionally on the road a few days a month. I have found that it makes this easier - more time to prepare food - more time to workout. As long as you set time aside for it!

    The hardest part is to become great at time management & multi-tasking is the death of productivity.
  • NipsGhost
    NipsGhost Posts: 46
    Wow! I wasn't expecting this massive response! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one going through this :)

    I've begun working on a schedule, as some of you have recommended. For right now, I walk in the mornings from 7:10-8:10 (MWF). I spin each day (time changes) for 20-30 minutes (yes, I'm that out of shape). On days I don't walk, I choose from my "workout DVD" section of the shelf, and go for it.

    The snacking is the worst, I think. Because I've changed a lot about the way I eat, my body hasn't adjusted yet. I'm trying to sort it out and get used to it, but in the mean time, cravings!

    I like the idea of putting on real pants, that's probably smart. I should try to get back into the mindset of real life again.

    Another issue for me is that I don't have a set work schedule. Sometimes I work mornings, sometimes afternoons or evenings, sometimes a little of each - it makes it hard to get into a routine.

    ETA: I've been trying to get up and put on workout clothes, so I can just get up and get out the door, or downstairs to the "home gym" without any excuses.

    One thing I've found that works well is this: If I know I have an appointment during the day, I'll get up shower and put on real clothes. If I don't have an appt. I put on workout clothes. That way I've got no excuse to get in a quickie workout during a break. Not changing in and out of clothes helps keep me motivated.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I to work from home and I've started to find it quite liberating. On my breaks, I'm never far from healthy snacks that don't cost a fortune. At lunch, I can go for a run, walk or do some exercises and be back at it in no time.

    Agree with this!

    I work from home as well - and while I can definitely pinpoint it being a contributing factor to weight gain, it has actually made losing weight easier in some ways. Like the above poster mentioned.

    I have set up a home gym (work in progress) and I find that a workout actually helps my work. If I am frustrated, or distracted at work - I will go for a walk or go lift weights. When I come back I usually find I can keep my focus much better. And while I have access to food at all times (which could be a trigger), I find that access actually allows me to make healthier less processed choices, than when I worked outside the house.

    I don't have any tips per se - I know one small thing that helped me was I set up my iCal to pop up pep-talks/reminders a couple times a day. Things like "Dont forget to stay active" or a motivational quote etc... Seems silly but it helps me.
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    Working from home has played a part in my laziness and subsequent weight gain. It's hard to stay motivated when I don't have to put on real pants, and the fridge is right there. I'd love to connect with other folks who work at home, and see if anyone has tips/ideas/motivation.

    Interesting fact is that the 85 pound loss for me was AFTER I started working from home. Something you have to set your mind to it as you would go to the office. Just think, you could go to the office and pack yourself a lunchbox full of snacks. So, having a fridge "right there" doesn't really matter. Focus, determination, planning ahead and staying on schedule are most important. You have a lot more flexibility being at home. Your business calls can be taken while you are on a walk, instead of being at the computer. I save an hour per day on a commute. This extra hour is used towards my workout during the day.

    I don't know what you are doing for a living, but I feel there are a lot of great opportunities and flexibility working remotely vs being in the office.
  • MomPreneur08
    I enjoy working from home.. I find myself doing squats at my computer desk most days.. LOL
  • MomPreneur08
    Ha I am actually trying to find a work from home job.

    What do you guys do and how did you get started working from home?

    Hey there.. look into www.TheInnerCircleLLC.com
    Great information and newsletter. Everything there is legitimate work from home. I would know, because that is where my income comes from :)
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I work from home. I run a small daycare out of my home. I'm pretty busy during the day so don't have a lot of time for snacking. My issue use to be nap time where I would sit in front of my computer and eat chips and other junk food and in the evenings where i would again choose junk over good foods. When I decided on this lifestyle change that was 1 of the hardest changes for me. I decided that that is the time of day for my exercise. So now, I will only surf the net for about 30 minutes and then work out for 30-60 minutes...usually 60. At night I choose healthier snacks if I'm feeling hungry. I make conscientious food choices and keep my goals in my mind.
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    I work from home 2 days a week. I find myself eating more at the office. Too many temptations like free lunch and etc. there.
  • fayeonherway
    I work from home twice a week. My laziness contributed to my laziness. :laugh:

    I love my WFH days because:

    I can work in my pjs!!!!
    No sitting in traffic. I work 3.2 miles away from my place and sometimes the commute home can be 30-45 mins.
    I get to play music loudly, sing badly and take dance breaks. People in an office tend to frown on that sort of behavior.
    I get to go to the gym and go for long walks on my lunch break.
    I get to annoy my dog.

    Can you take breaks? Go for a walk? Listen to some music? Walk up and down the stairs?
  • startheory
    I currently work from home full time. For some reason I find it easier to eat healthier at home since I'm not tempted by all the sweets people in the office used to bring in or wanting to run and get fast food a few times a week.

    I think a routine is best too. Having a set schedule in mind can make it easier. I stopped keeping any snacks at my desk and NO candy at all. Cause I'd mindlessly pop it into my mouth like nothing =/ And when you snack, make it healthy stuff. Oh also, I'll get in some exercise on my lunch by hopping on the bike or going for a power walk.
  • libertarian4321
    libertarian4321 Posts: 17 Member
    I work from home, and the refrigerator is about 30 feet from my "office."

    The biggest thing I did was to stop buying high calorie foods. I still eat a pretty large volume of food, but I stopped buying high fat, high sugar heavily processed foods. I buy chicken breasts and fish instead of burgers and breaded chicken nuggets. So when I do eat, I'm not eating stuff with a ton of fat, sugar, salt, etc.

    It seems to be working so far.

    The great thing about working from home is not having to go out to lunch every day- it's very hard to be at lunch with co-workers and order a salad or whatever when they are bellying up to the "all you can eat" buffet.

    Oh yeah, and there aren't donuts sitting by the coffee pot every day, like we used to have at work.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    Hey there! I too work from home. I worked outside of the home for years and just recently switched a few months ago. I was terrified I would get lazy, and made a rule that I had to get up and get ready every day as if I was going to work. I actually put on my dress pants and shoes every day and that has helped a lot as far as not running around in my pj's all day long and I just feel better about myself. I do have to take my kids to school every day and I've made it part of my routine to stop at the gym on my way home and work out, then I go home and get myself ready for the day and get to work. Knowing I've worked out really helps me make better food choices. I actually eat better at home because I can just go to the kitchen and make a salad vs. running to Mcdonalds for something. It's just findinjg the discipline and getting yourself into a groove. Best of luck :)
  • donna1432
    donna1432 Posts: 87 Member
    I work from home but because its in the health and fitness industry its not a problem, but I do love working for my future and not someone elses.. if you keep healthy foods you will eat healthy!
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    I work from home as a creative services consultant, and I love it! I put on my workout clothes first thing to remind me that I need to exercise. I typically exercise around 2 pm when mental fatigue sets in. An hour of FitnessBlender, stationary bike or running gears me up for another hour or two of work before it's family time.

    A great tip mentioned in this string: keep cut-up veg and salad always handy in the fridge. If it's already prepared, I'll snack on it! I also like popcorn at my desk. Being able to control my environment to encourage a healthy lifestyle is so much easier at home. I remember the days of colleague birthday cakes, burrito lunch-runs, and a break room fridge loaded with flavored coffee creamer. Set yourself up for success and reap the rewards!
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I don't work from home but I am home a LOT because I only go to school 1 or 2 days a week for 1,5 hours each time. I find being home easier to stay on track. It is harder to be around unhealthy foods at school or on my way home at the train stations etc. When I am home, there is a lot of healthy options around, so I stick to my routine better.
  • woodsy0912
    woodsy0912 Posts: 323
    Ha I am actually trying to find a work from home job.

    What do you guys do and how did you get started working from home?

    Hey there.. look into www.TheInnerCircleLLC.com
    Great information and newsletter. Everything there is legitimate work from home. I would know, because that is where my income comes from :)

    Thanks! I shall check it out!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Hiyah I work from home too. I think for me I had too easy access to the kitchen and no one can see what I eat and how often. At least when I went into the office it was more controlled and I had colleagues to lunch with. I also feel that not going into the office each day made me stop thinking about my appearance too much which is not good.

    From this site I have found fitnessblender.com which has loads of free exercises. I now force myself to pick an exercise each day before i log on.

    Feel free to add me we can motivate each other as this is not an easy journey at all. Good luck.