cydonian Member


  • Usually dance music or music with a bass beat. If I'm doing light exercise, Lady Gaga/Ellie Goulding/Katy Perry, stuff like that, just to get moving. It's upbeat.
  • I constantly got asked initially how I get protein. And then someone told me that iron is only found in red meat and I told them to get on Google sometime.
  • I think vegetarianism is a personal choice, no matter why you do it. Maybe for dietary reasons, stomach comfort, or because you disagree with how animals are treated. How that lady approached the OP was brazen and I would have told her to kindly shove her bs somewhere else. I am nearly vegetarian, I do eat seafood/fish and…
  • Gotye - Somebody That I Used to Know
  • Salmon is really flavorful, and I like Swai for a non-fishy-fish ;-). It's a white fish and quite light in flavor so it doesn't interfere with whatever foods you're doing with it.
  • Yesterday was about an hour of speedwalking with friends. Today is probably a rest day because I haven't had much to eat today and don't want to eat a massive meal this evening to compensate for the calories burned.
  • You'll want to eat those back if your net for the day is 1300, otherwise you'll burn 500 and then be at 800 for the day. No adult female should ever be under 1200. This is why MFP is useful, you track your exercise and then eat to the goals it has set for you.
  • This. Also a lot of people DO exercise improperly and I think some people hear about a person starting out and assume they are clueless. Which, admittedly, sometimes they are! haha
  • Monday - 1-1.5 hour walk/speedwalk/jog with friends Tuesday - Rest Wednesday - Walk with husband - 30-45mins, light weight lifting and stretching after Thursday - Rest or bike riding for 20-25mins Friday - Rest or bike riding for 20-25mins (depends on the day before), weight lifting and stretching after Saturday - Either…
  • Fresh fruit or dried cranberries!!
  • Everyone has a differently shaped body. You carry your weight in your upper body, which means you are probably an apple shape. There's nothing wrong with that and once you start losing weight, you may see your body even out a little more. As for the sodium intake, you do need to correct that but not for weightloss…
  • Exercising every day is usually bad for most people as their muscles tend to swell with water from the constant overworking. You need a day or two (I usually say two) of rest every week where you still eat healthy but don't kill yourself from exercise. I mean, you do burn more calories, but it doesn't necessarily make it…
  • 2-7lbs is completely normal in an average day. I don't bother to weigh myself anymore but I've seen people step on a scale before and after peeing and they weigh more after! There really is no rhyme or reason. Water weight is normal, and especially when you start exercising as your muscles swell with water.
  • Your weight will naturally fluctuate from week to week, day to day and even hour to hour. Gaining 5-7 lbs by the end of the day is not uncommon. Weigh yourself on a particular day, say a Saturday morning, after you've gone to the bathroom and without clothing. Do this for 3 weeks and see if you're really gaining and losing…
  • If this is right, I just have to lose 5 lbs. to lose 3% body fat? Wow.
  • How tall are you? 110 lbs is TINY for anyone over 5'1. I would get to where you are happy with yourself. What don't you feel good about? You may just need to make some diet changes. I noticed in your diary that you are quick adding a lot of calories so I'm not sure what your nutrient/fat/sugar levels are really like.
  • You can't spot reduce -- this has been said on these forums over and over again. Your body will lose weight from wherever it wants. The best you can do is to eat a healthy diet and do some strengthening exercises to tone up that area of your body, and hope that lean muscle replaces fat. I am a strong pear shape and I like…
  • It's hard to recommend running shoes because everyone's gait is different -- some people need arch support, some people are flat footed, some walk curved. I have a pair of Reebox Vibetechs and I find that they are comfortable for me. At first my arch was sore but I am also very flat footed. Once they broke in, it was much…
  • Who cares if your boobs look a little smaller? You're working out... also wearing a regular underneath, I can't even imagine how sweaty and gross that is, anywhoooo... I buy the Champion compression bras from Target. $16.99 and decent support. I tried the premium line but didn't like it as much as the compression. If y'all…
  • Freezing is pretty much the only way I can keep mine fresh long enough as I tend to buy large quantities of veggies. You can also freeze fresh herbs, fyi!
  • Both bums look the same to me... but I think the right looks better. The left looks super fake and baked...
  • Due to the diet changes, you may not be getting enough fiber. You may want to consider a fiber supplement or adding in something like a bran cereal every couple of days to your diet. I eat one that is basically bran and a little brown sugar.
  • I say practice no or low processed sugar all you want! Just don't expect the same results as your friend. 10kg is great but a lot of that is diet modification and happens when you change how you eat. You may not see the same results. Do it to be healthier, not for the numbers.
  • Squats/lunges and a good 30 minute hard bike ride :D
  • Running on normal surfaces (ie not treadmills) is very hard on your body. It's high impact on your calves, ankles, and knees. You may not have proper shoes to support your legs and your body may also be "out of shape" to do running like that. I don't personally like to run, I'll speedwalk or do light jogging if my bike is…
  • Thong or commando... haha
  • Chocolate chip cookie over the weekend, the BAD kind... haha
  • I tried these on at Target and found them to be really comfortable. They were snug on the thighs but stretchy so you dont get any bulges, and they stayed down when I jogged in place.
  • "Do you have fat puffy arms?" WTF is this. These questions are ridiculous. "Curvy womanly type"??
  • Target's jeans are inexpensive and often last season's styles are in the clearance section... I got a pair of black skinnies for $12. Also check Marshall's/TJMaxx/Ross.