I know theres no such thing as "spot weight loss" but..

I started the site yesterday and I was taking 'full body' pics to hopefully post a before & after when I reach my goal weight and noticed that I carry alot of weight in my stomach & face, not so much in my lower body & arms (altho they are still plump lol)..I know theres no such thing as spot weight loss, but is there anything that I can do? (I keep thinking im going to lose alot of weight and im going to look like a potato on two sticks..)

I did notice that my sodium intake is extremely high.


  • rocketass99
    rocketass99 Posts: 537 Member
    I doubt you are going to look like a potato on two sticks. Your funny. It has been my experiance In working with people who lose weight, it comes off from all over nt just one area. This is a generalazion based on my working with the military guys and gals. The first thing that gets smaller in the neck. Then face after that the core. Best way to look your best while you are loosing weight and after is to do weight lifting and cardio several days a week.

    Good luck to you
  • smkcx
    smkcx Posts: 69
    I doubt you are going to look like a potato on two sticks. Your funny. It has been my experiance In working with people who lose weight, it comes off from all over nt just one area. This is a generalazion based on my working with the military guys and gals. The first thing that gets smaller in the neck. Then face after that the core. Best way to look your best while you are loosing weight and after is to do weight lifting and cardio several days a week.

    Good luck to you

    Thanks :) Hopefully Im atleast somewhat proportionate when I reach my goal weight :P
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member
    I know theres no such thing as "spot weight loss"

    You are correct. Your genetics determine the pattern by which you will lose weight. The most common for women seems to be that legs and bum are the last but everyone is different. There's nothing you can do to target one area.

    That doesn't mean to say that there are no losses in those stubborn areas though, there absolutely are, it's more that as you get close to being low body fat those places will be the last to get defined.

    It sounds like you are at the start of your weight loss plan so I think you will find over the coming week that you experience a pleasing reducting in the stomach and face areas. Be patient :)
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I was exactly the same as you - it was all in my face and stomach, but after just two weeks I'd dropped 7lbs and people were already starting to comment that I'd lost weight as my double chin had all but gone :) Good luck!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Patience is the key here. Unfortunately you're right in that we can't choose where the fat comes off. I'm apple shaped, I carry it around my middle and face too, so I feel your pain! I'm sure that by the time you reach your goal you will find it has come off all over and you'll look in proportion. I still carry it in those areas, but my torso has slimmed down, and my face does look slimmer too (although has a way to go) - I'm now beginning to notice those other parts of my body that I wasn't so bothered about before, so I guess that says something! Adding in some strength training would help the fat come off quicker, and help you to shape certain areas (although the fat will still come off from where it wants to!) Good luck!

    (Also.. if your picture is current, I have to say, your face looks way better than mine did when I started!)
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Everyone has a differently shaped body. You carry your weight in your upper body, which means you are probably an apple shape. There's nothing wrong with that and once you start losing weight, you may see your body even out a little more. As for the sodium intake, you do need to correct that but not for weightloss purposes. It could contribute to some of the bloat in your face that you're seeing, but high sodium intake doesn't make someone collect weight in a certain area.