Tuesday fun and easy topic!

What was you work out yesterday????? And what are your plans for today's work out?

Yesterday I did a Leslie Sansone 3 mile walk and abs. I also have a mini work out built into my day......I walk 1.80 miles to and from the train station everyday....yay bonus!!!!!!

Tonight I'm focusing on strength training, abs.........a short walk when I'm done and some much needed stretching!

Whatever you decide to do.....do it your best!!!!!!!



  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    Last night was 30DS level 2. Today is yoga class and soccer with co-workers! Can't wait!
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Yesterday was about an hour of speedwalking with friends. Today is probably a rest day because I haven't had much to eat today and don't want to eat a massive meal this evening to compensate for the calories burned.
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    yestrday was two seperate runs 2.4 & 5.8 miles. I ran for speed and averaged 8:58 second miles. My fastest miles was 7:54 and my slowest was 9:31. I didn't intend to run twice but my husband got home from work and wanted me to go with him :flowerforyou:

    Today, I haven't done anything but I think I'll run a few miles or do a tae bo dvd if the wind doesn't die down.

  • saracatherine89
    saracatherine89 Posts: 291 Member
    As you know Miss Beth, yesterday I laid around and ate soup cuz I am sick :(

    Today I plan on running 3 miles, doing 25 minutes of the elliptical and then Level 2 of the 30DS!!!!

    Still not 100% over my sinus infection but I think I am medicated enough to do work :)
  • icandoit203
    icandoit203 Posts: 170 Member
    Well yesterday I completed a spin class and some weight training. Woo hoo!
  • katara74
    katara74 Posts: 65 Member
    Yesterday was Level 2 of the 30 DS along with 45 minutes on the elliptical. This morning was day 1 of Level 3 (30 DS) and 15 minutes on the elliptical.

    This evening is Aerobic Weight Training class at the gym for an hour.
  • Simona38
    Simona38 Posts: 66 Member
    Yesterday...most annoying day ever! Planned on a 5K run/walk but my interval trainer on my phone wasnt co-operating. For some bizarre reason it wasnt giving me voice prompts so I ran longer than intended and walked longer than I should have. Half way through I had to switch to another program.

    Today...a 2nd go at the 5K. Im using RunKeeper this time!