

  • I had a breast reduction 1 1/2 years ago and it was THE BEST thing I DID!!! It took me 3 years to finally get the nerve to do it. I was a 38 HH and I am now a 34/36 DD..I am short so I look more pro-portioned now. I am 5'1 and 136 lbs...Let me know if you have any specific questions!!! Tami
  • Well, I am from NY but live in VA and LUSH means something totally different...Someone who sleeps around and goes out with anything that moves..usually meant for a woman.. hee hee.... WOW and for the record...you have ALL lost a TON of weight!!! CONGRATS!!!
  • I have the polar F6 chest strap and watch and LOVE it!! I got it off of amazon.com for just about $100.
  • You need to be there to help out your family!! That is important too!!! As JUSTFORME said--the gym will be there...
    in Darn It Comment by Tami22 July 2010
  • YOU CAN DO IT!!! Start over--No one says you can't start again. It's ok to start on a Wednesday and not a Monday!!! Record everything you eat and get back on track. It might be slow but know you can do it..I am doing it too after a long weekend away.... YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Tami
  • Hi there--I did the 30 day Shred and really liked it...I am the same as others on here..If I don;t like it (and I don't like exercise to begin with) I won't do it!!! But I liked the 30 day shred. I also just ordered Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones. It's a longer work out but I just plan on hitting the trouble spots…
  • Hi there!! I will also be 40 in September and this sight has been wonderful. There are a lot of supportive people and some great recipes!!! I, also, started the 30 day shred in June but hurt my shoulder so I have had to take a break. I loved it though and hope to get back to it soon (and I don't love exercise!!). GOOD LUCK…
    in Hey there Comment by Tami22 July 2010
  • Hi there--I always cook dinner using either a Cooking Light Recipe or something from Rocco Dispirito's Book NOW EAT THIS!! I have a Hungry Girl cookbook too but haven't tried anything from it....Good luck!! If you are looking for something specific, let me know and will send you some recipes!!!! :) I love cooking for…
  • I am interested to see what people reply back as I live in Northern VA too...This site has been awesome and people are really helpful when asked something... :) Good luck in your journey!!! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I agree...Yesterday was yesterday.... Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Oh--I just realized you have a to copy and paste it to the end of your reply every time you make a comment somewhere...Hmm..thought I would be able to permanently have it come up after replying...oh well... :) Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I will be 40 this year. I did the 30 day shred and weights until I hurt my shoulder but I am looking forward to starting it up again soon. I also am on the treadmill everyday. Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • After you copy it (the website for the ticker), where do you paste it for it to post?
  • Yeah it's working!!! I haven't figured it out yet-how to post it that is!! Congrats on the baby too!!! :)
  • I also found out that I burn twice as many calories in the AM than I do in the PM...Wierd but I thank my HRM for that!!! And my treadmill was also wrong in what I was burning...Is there a certain HR when you start to burn fat? I had no idea until I just saw someone post something above...
  • I have the Polar F6 as well and LOVE IT!!! I use it for making sure I burn the amount of calories that I want to. The HRM is much more accurate then my treadmill so if I want to burn 300 calories....I check my HRM and if it says 240, I know I have 60 more to go!!!! It was the BEST investment...I got mine off Amazon-as per…
  • It's terrific--although I haven't gotten through all 3 level b/c I pulled some muscles in my shoulder--I hope to start again soon....I got mine at Target for $9...It will make you SWEAT!!!
  • I don;t have a recipe but I LOVE Kellogg's Low Fat Granola. It's in a green box at the grocery store. I have low fat vanilla yogurt, granola and blueberries for breakfast almost every day!!! GOOD LUCK!!!
    in granola Comment by Tami22 July 2010
  • That is really, really hard and I applaud you for realizing what you did and working hard today!!! One day does not break you...We all have THOSE days for sure!!! Good luck with the job situation and getting back on track!!! (and your hubby is awesome for giving you a break!!!) You have come so far!!
  • YUM!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
  • I did the same thing as OOtrayn!!!! Having the HRM was GREAT!!!
  • Don't kick yourself AT ALL!!!! As I have been told on here and by friends----You have to allow yourself some TREAT otherwise you will just go on an all out binge.... :)--
  • Excellent question!!! I could use help with that as well!!!
  • HI!!! I got the Polar F6 about a month ago and love it!!! You can turn off the beeping and you can see the calories burned during exercise. Sometimes when I am on the treadmill, I like to see if my HRM says the same amount of calories burned as the treadmill...I trust the HRM. I would highly recommend it and I asked the…
  • Tam-x-ico (i know weird) but they make a lo-carb wheat tortilla called WRAP-IT that is 90 calories and really good!!! I have had a lot of success with Cooking Light recipes and recipes from Rocco Dispirito---from his book NOW EAT THIS!!! Tami
  • Baileyvows...RIGHT!!! I do have to watch which fruits I choose....Good thought!! VioletteMelikyan--That grilled romaine lettuce sound great and easy!!! I will definitely try it!!! Thanks for posting..
  • WOW that sounds delicious!!! And you have lost 96lbs!! WOW!!! Congrats!!!
  • THANKS everyone!!! :tongue: Lauraandmonster--You are right..I do try and exercise to get extra calories...There are just those days where I am just too darn tired!! :)- today being one of them!!! Wan2b21--too true..there are days where I am under calories...I guess it all evens out at some point!!! AmyToria--YUM!!!
  • Wonderful!!! Great job!!
  • I am also going to be 40 this year Sept...I am seriously bummed about it but an trying to loose weight to hopefully feel better about myself. This Thursday, I will also be married 15 years and we have an 8 year old daughter... So, I am with YOU!!!!