30 day shred?

what is a 30 day shred?!?! and where can i find this!!!! I have 20ish days before my vacation and would love to be 7 ounds lighter!!!


  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is a DVD. She is famous from the Biggest Loser on TV. I have it but have not tried yet. Probably will work up to it in the next month. You can get on any DVD site - www.amazon.com etc
  • knightwriter2
    I got mine at Walmart in the sporting goods section. They also sell them at Target.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    It's also in Walmart and Costco between $9-12.

    *I see you are Canadian as well, my sister bought the 3-pack of her DVD's including the shred for $19 cdn at Costco.
  • watagole
    watagole Posts: 6
    It's AWESOME!!!!! I strongly recommend it. It will certainly "kick your butt"
  • Tami22
    Tami22 Posts: 56
    It's terrific--although I haven't gotten through all 3 level b/c I pulled some muscles in my shoulder--I hope to start again soon....I got mine at Target for $9...It will make you SWEAT!!!
  • kteachdc
    kteachdc Posts: 1
    I just found it for FREE (the first workout anyway) on my Fit OnDemand Channel on my Time Warner DVR.....if you have DVR, its one of the higher channels, and when you click on the channel, go to 30 day workouts and its called 30 day shred. The exercises are so basic yet I sweat everytime! Hope you can find it!
  • BrahminsDad
    what is a 30 day shred?!?!

    Painful!!! (for a few days) BUT definitely worth it!
  • kharr333
    kharr333 Posts: 17
    so the shred works?!
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    so the shred works?!

    yes, definately!! I lost 12 lbs and several inches doing it.
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    I love 30 day shred for a quick but efficient workout. My On Demand(channel 1?) had the first work out for free for 24 hrs. If you have on demand I recommend trying it out first.