Fruit/veggies and going over calories

Tami22 Posts: 56
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Hi there--Do you think it is ok to go over your calories for the given day if you are eating fruit and veggies? I try to stay w/in my 1200 calories for the day (sometimes I am over by about 100)....If I have eaten all my calories for the given day..but am still hungry--do you think it is ok to have a piece of fruit of some cut up veggies? THANKS...Tami


  • AmyToria
    AmyToria Posts: 11
    I'd say thats fine. I'd have a bowl of mixed salad with tomatos with balsamic vinegar. Yummy :) and low in calories. Xxx
  • lauraandmonsters
    lauraandmonsters Posts: 29 Member
    It is only 100 calories. Try exercising for your extra calories. Also, With every meal have a big portion of veggies. My fav is steamed broccoli. Two cups with your meal, and you will be so full and only adding about 60 calories. The trick is to chose the right foods to keep you full. If I eat right, It is hard to eat 1200 cal in a day. And if you are hungry, you won't make it. You have to feel full. You can do it!
  • wan2b21
    wan2b21 Posts: 147 Member
    You should be fine. Fruits and Veggies are great for you and it should be ok to go over every once and a while. I'm sure there are days where u are under your daily totals like me and it all evens out! Keep It Up!!
  • Tami22
    Tami22 Posts: 56
    THANKS everyone!!! :tongue:
    Lauraandmonster--You are right..I do try and exercise to get extra calories...There are just those days where I am just too darn tired!! :)- today being one of them!!!
    Wan2b21--too true..there are days where I am under calories...I guess it all evens out at some point!!!
  • baileyvows
    baileyvows Posts: 7
    On Weight Watchers most vegetables are zero points so you can eat them without penalty (the exception is carb heavy veggies like potatoes and corn). Fruit, however, is very high in sugar and should be eaten in moderation. Sugar = calories. Be mindful of the fruit you eat.
  • I totally agree...I usually keep my fruits to 2 servings per day, consisting of mainly berries. Blueberries are not only GREAT for you, but don't do as much damage as some of the more heartier fruits. I find that Balsamic Vinegar does wonders for me in the sense that it provides me with the salty/sour taste that I crave during my meals. @AmyToria- I eat that salad daily!

    OOOOOH!! Have you all tried GRILLED ROMAINE LETTUCE???? Ok, this is what you should do....Split the romaine in half...brush with a VERYYYY light coating of olive oil and add a little cracked pepper. Put it face down on the grill and let it get a little charred on one side...(a couple of minutes) Turn it over and char the other side, as much as you'd like...Then, either drizzle balsamic vinegar and a little pinch of salt on it. Add 4 oz of grilled chicken breast and YOU WILL BE IN HEAVEN!!!

    I had that salad at Yard House. The original had gorganzola cheese (i do NOTTT eat cheese) and candied walnuts...but you can skip the cheese, substitute a small handful of toasted almonds and WOW!!!
  • Tami22
    Tami22 Posts: 56
    Baileyvows...RIGHT!!! I do have to watch which fruits I choose....Good thought!!

    VioletteMelikyan--That grilled romaine lettuce sound great and easy!!! I will definitely try it!!! Thanks for posting..
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