idauria Member


  • Body Beast is an intense weight lifting program. It was originally geared towards men who want to get huge but many women do it and love it. There are two different ways you can do the program - one is the huge program where it's 6 days of lifting, the other is the lean program, where there is 1 day of cardio thrown in.…
  • I love cashew butter and sunbutter. I just bought sunflower seed butter without added sugar at whole foods. It's not as good as regular sunbutter but that's probably a good thing because I swear I can eat an entire jar in a sitting(ok, never done that, but just saying). Unfortunately nothing is as good as peanut butter,…
  • I am currently doing my first Beachbody program, Body Beast and love it! I am not using Shakeology - I do think it's incredibly expensive plus I have a lot of food sensitivities and I eat paleo so the shakes don't fit my lifestyle. I have done a lot of programs before, been a gym member, done boot camps, other DVDs, but…
  • I have seen Paleo Wraps at Whole Foods and also at
  • I didn't realize you were were doing this for your son. I can imagine it being more difficult trying to implement a strict diet of any kind with a child. The hard part about all this is that there are so many factors that could be going on. So many things to have a sensitivity to...nightshades, FODMAPS, salicylates, etc…
  • redheadmommy, I have not reintroduced any foods from my intolerance test yet. I have to avoid for a minimum of 3 months. However, even though I have eliminated everything on those lists, my digestive system is still a mess so now I am doing a pretty strict elimination diet, per the book Digestive Health with Real Food by…
  • My dr has me taking reacted magnesium, probiotics, a multi vitamin, vitamin k2 drops, vitamin e, and pancreatin/ox bile extract.
  • You're not alone. I can't do coconut either. I had my suspicions about it but a food sensitivity test confirmed it. It's only a mild sensitivity but it's something I have to avoid because of the way it makes me feel when I eat it. The interesting thing is that even though nuts did not provoke a reaction in my blood, I…
  • I asked the guy at the lab about false positives and he says that the alcat is over 90% effective because it is not dependent on responses already incurred in your body. They test at the cellular level, so it doesn't matter if you've ever eaten a food or have eaten too much of a food. It's different and more accurate than…
  • I took the ALCAT food sensitivity test. I see a doctor in Raleigh, NC who partners with the lab who offers the test. They run all kinds of tests, but the one I took was 200 foods and 20 additives, colors, etc. The 3 foods on the severe list are: canola oil pine nuts sardines Moderate: chicken flounder lemon Mild: bok choy,…
  • I took a blood test for food sensitivities and 20 food additives, colorings, etc. I have a lot of digestive issues and thought it would be good to know if there are things I should be avoiding. I never thought chicken and turkey would be on that list! Chicken is on the moderate list and turkey on the mild. I will probably…
  • Asparagus Sweet Potato Green Beans
  • Hmm, that does sound interesting! Never heard of bacon in a bbq sauce before.
    in BBQ Sauce? Comment by idauria June 2013
  • I have two brands of almond butter in my fridge right now and neither of them have added sugar. One is the 365 brand from whole foods. The other is Harris Teeter almond butter. There are a lot without added sugar.
  • Magnesium Vitamin D3 Probiotics Multi Vitamin Omega 3
  • Hi Katie! I am a married mom of 2 girls - ages 8 and 5. Sounds like you're making great progress on your weight loss. I pray that God will continue to lead you on your journey. But we must always remember to put His Kingdom first! That's way more important that a number on the scale. Having said that, welcome aboard! Ilissa
  • I don't have a measure of how much fat I ingest in a day. If I saute some veggies or meat I try not to use more than 1 tablespoon or 2 of fat. If I eat salad, no more than 1 tablespoon of oil. I don't add fat to foods just for the sake of adding calories. I use it as needed. Also, if I happen to pan fry up some type of…
  • I had acid reflux and IBS my whole life. Large amounts of fat never agree with me. So, while I adhere to a paleo way of eating, I don't eat copious amounts of fat. I have to keep it low to moderate.
  • I actually bought Cadbury eggs too, one for each of my kids and my husband. I did not buy one for myself. I really think I wouldn't like these either now. Too sweet. Besides, I rather have quality dark chocolate.
    in Peeps! Comment by idauria March 2013
  • I think I'm going to have to. I have a massive Passover fail last night. I am also up a few pounds on the scale and I can tell my belly is a bit bigger from all the crap I've been eating lately. I really need a kick in the pants.
  • I have a friend who absolutely loves those things. I just don't get it. The funny thing is that my husband has always hated them and back in the day when I actually liked them I thought he was crazy!
    in Peeps! Comment by idauria March 2013
  • MMM...matzoh brei....haven't had that since I was a kid! Good stuff!
  • We are having Passover at my parent's house tonight, but since my sister has food intolerances and I am paleo, we are trying to make the meal as healthy as possible. Mom is making chicken soup, but sis is making grain free matzoh balls. Mom is making brisket and sis is making potato kugel but using rice flour instead of…
  • I just bought rice protein powder and it's not bad. It's a little gritty but when it's blended with other things you can't really tell. For 1 heaping tablespoon you get 60 cals, 2 grams carbs, 1 g sugar, and 12 g protein. I usually do 2 tbs with a cup of unsweetened almond milk, some spinach and sometimes frozen…
  • I was drinking it with stevia and unsweetened almond milk but as of this morning I dropped the stevia. I like it just fine with only the almond milk. It also helps that we grind whole beans fresh each morning so I am starting out with good coffee.
  • I've been going to a kettlebell gym three times a week since January. I love it! It's a great combination of strength and cardio. Those kettlebell swings burn so many calories. I even bought one for home use on my off days.
  • I have seen recipes for paleo matzoh balls made with almond flour. I think Elana has one on her website. Also, what about making a kugel type dish with sweet potato instead of white? You can use coconut or almond flour as the binder. As for sides, veggies can be prepared so many ways, it doesn't even have to be paleofied.…
  • Bumpin for later! As for the lack of beans, one time I substituted roughly chopped mushrooms for the beans and it came out really good. The whole family liked it.
  • I probably do need to increase my fat intake. I guess I have always been afraid to do that being brainwashed by the low fat is healthy mantra. I have started adding avocados to my diet. I can't eat too much bacon because it give me stomach troubles. I had a great day yesterday though. No coffee, no cheats whatsoever. I ate…
  • I committed today to start over. I did not have coffee and have not eaten or snacked on anything non-paleo. Will be making dinner soon - porterhouse steak for the family to share with roasted shrimp, sweet potato, and green beans. Then I promised myself that no matter how hard my cravings are I will not give in to night…