

  • Search 'calisthenics', that should cover it =)
  • If people are watching you exercise it's generally because they're thinking "Damn, I need to do some exercise!!" If you join a gym definitely agree to sticking headphones on and zoning out. And take it easy on yourself - build up to stuff. If you join a gym, just start with light exercise so you don't get too sweaty and…
  • Maybe a bit of impertigo (sp?) as well. Google it and see if it looks similar? Lots of people get it on their face but I've had it under my arm as well. If you can't get to the doctor ask the pharmacist for something for this and it should clear up quick. In the meantime keep it clean and dry whenever possible and of…
  • Casseroles are scrummy - just bung a whole load of veg and potatoes in a big pot with your chosen meat (usually go for chicken, half cooked and then chopped up into nice bite size pieces) with loads of gravy and leave to cook in the oven for at least an hour, more if I've got the time! Really filling and the veg is…
  • You can get it on itunes? Not particularly cheap but at least then you'll be able to play it whenever you like!! :) xx
  • Definitely try and eat at least 3 meals if you can, wouldn't advise skipping them otherwise you're likely to be too hungry at your next meal and then overeat... If you get hungry throughout the day either plan snacks into your food allowance or cut your meals down so smaller portions but say, 5 meals a day. Snacks aren't a…
  • Feel free to add me!! I've got a few friends but some of them have stopped commenting lately so I'm looking for shiny new motivational people too :) Always give positive feedback xxxx
  • Hey guys, anyone looking for friends can feel free to add me!!! I joined the site ages ago but have only got serious recently and am on a serious motivational kick at the moment :) xxx
  • I've no idea if they would work but what about those control pants you can get that go right up to under your boobs? Might not be the most comfortable thing in the world but maybe worth a shot? Also, massive well done on all your weight loss!!!! xxx
  • Hey I'm 20 and have about 41lbs left to go, feel free to add me :) xxxx
  • If you live anywhere near a college or university see if they have any chiropractic students? Then you could pay them a visit and still get some treatment and ideas without any big medical bills. Sorry to hear you have so many problems healthwise. Yoga and pilates are relatively low impact so definitely give those a go, if…
  • Hey you can add me if you like! I'm a uni student too and prone to doing the on again/off again thing with healthy eating and exercise! Got quite a bit of weight to shift though and booking a summer holiday for the beginning of September soon so got myself some good motivation :) xx
  • I started it on Saturday, aiming to complete a 5k in July so should give me plenty of time to train plus a few weeks extra in case I need them!! I'm using the free itunes podcasts too and they're really helpful, the nice lady tells you when to run and when to walk haha... Oh, and I'm doing mine on the treadmill, I presume…
  • Hey Lauren, feel free to add me, sounds a little like a similar situation to mine! Enjoying getting into the gym and seeing the pounds come off each week though, looking forward to it being a permanent change for me this time not just a short term fix! x
  • You can add me =) just do positive feedback, liking all the support you can get on here x
  • I log mine as 18 minutes circuit training. I don't have a HRM so not sure how accurate this is compared to how many I'm actually burning but I'm right at the beginning so it's still hard work haha....
  • I've added you too, also from England and I've only just started losing (know it says I joined ages ago but took me forever to get myself motivated!) so I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated too :)
  • You can add me if you like, motivational friends definitely help! Maybe try some different workouts or something to give yourself a kick start? Don't beat yourself up over the last few days, just think of the positives that'll come when you get that motivation going again!!!! And I binge too, I've had a bad weekend diet…
  • I suck at running, treadmill or otherwise. I like the treadmill for power-walking and going uphill but can't run on it to save my life. Try the cross-trainer/elliptical (depending on where you're from!) instead if you fancy a change. I like it cus I can go at a running speed on the cross-trainer but it doesn't hurt my…
  • I literally just bought a copy online and I am so excited to get going on it!! Manage to fit in gym twice a week and a zumba class but hopefully can get this in every day in the morning before uni or something :)
  • I don't even bother, my water weight just gets beyond ridiculous!! I give it a day or so until I'm off and have had a good gym session again and then get back on the scales!
  • I have Zumba 2 for the Wii and definitely finding it good to supplement gym workouts and actual zumba classes! I'm a student so limited space means my workout is limited too as can't dance around quite as much as I'd like to but still, exercise is exercise!! LOVE the classes, if you like the workouts then I'd definitely…
  • Hey guys I'm looking for some supportive friends too =) Joined last summer but only just getting around to actually getting serious about losing some weight!! xx
  • I would struggle SO badly without cereal in the morning!!! 2 Weetabix biscuits with semi-skimmed milk and a bit of sugar to sweeten it up. Yesssss I know sugar is empty calories but if I don't have some in the morning I'm utterly useless all day and horrible to be around!!! Plus I'm cutting out cakes, crisps, chocolate…
  • Thanks guys, I'm 5 2 and about 180lbs at the moment, used the zumbacalories site and it reckoned 643 so wasn't a bad estimate it turns out!!
  • Hiya, I just joined the site and it looks amazing. Definitely thinking it will be a big help to me!
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