Help me get back into the swing of things! I need motivation

I lost around 10 pounds, but have since gained back almost all of it. Please help motivate me to do better! I just can't seem to stop eating. I've been binging for days. :(


  • dede1988
    dede1988 Posts: 11
    Dieting is hard. I binged last week on a 1,000 calorie piece of carrot cake. Tomorrow is a new day! You can do this. I'll add you as a friend. We can support each other
  • kleighsamboer
    you can add me I will do my best to help keep you motivated :)
  • looby_loo91
    You can add me if you like, motivational friends definitely help! Maybe try some different workouts or something to give yourself a kick start? Don't beat yourself up over the last few days, just think of the positives that'll come when you get that motivation going again!!!! And I binge too, I've had a bad weekend diet wise I'm just gonna sweat it out in the gym this week to compensate :)