I really need advice!!!! FAST!!!

So i am 19 years old i weight 185lbs....as of tonight, i have medical problems the make it to where i can not work out at all, i have extreamly flat feet the give me ankle,knee, hip,back, and neck pain so bad its a 8 on the scale from 1 being no pain and 10 being unbearable pain. I have had this problem since I was a baby, i would have to get surgery to fix it but i do not have the money to do so, addition to that i have sports asthma that's so bad even if i walk 2 miles i can barely breath i take albuteral for my asthma. i would like to try yoga or belly dancing to help me lose weight but i am afraid that it will be very pain full since i will be on my feet for dancing and bending in all sorts of positions for yoga, people have told me to go to a chiropractor for my pain which i have in the past under my mothers insurance but since i am above the age and not in school or live with her anymore i am not able to use the insurance. and it worked unfortonatly i can not get medical card because i am over 18 so i can not go to one anymore. i can not think of any way to lose weight, oh i another thing is i can not be out in the sun i get extreamly sick when im in the sun too long, i would walk up and down my stairs to my basement but i am claustrophobic and i will not go into our basement i get panic attacks when i do. i have just ran out of ideas, i have tried so many diets its ridiculous i am only 19 and i have as many problems as and elderly woman.......i am very easily distracted so its hard to remember to count my calories for a 1200 calorie diet i just seem to not be able to lose weight by just what i eat, i am writing this hoping someone out there can tell me what to do to help me lose weight it just feels impossible and out of reach i need help fast.....


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    what about swimming or some type of water aerobics
  • amc2509
    amc2509 Posts: 219 Member
    OK I'm not a doctor so I'm a bit unsure what you should try based on your medical history... so perhaps that's where you should start (a trip to your GP for advice!). The only thing that I can think of looking at what you said is perhaps gentle swimming. Swimming is very good for Asthma and is gentle on your joints. Also you are kinda weightless in the water so the pain may not be so bad as doing regular excercise... Good luck with it, MFP is great too!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Even with exercise you won't lose weight without accurately counting your calories. Just focus on your eating/calories for the time being, swimming is a great suggestion exercise wise. But defo go see a doctor for suggestions!
  • looby_loo91
    If you live anywhere near a college or university see if they have any chiropractic students? Then you could pay them a visit and still get some treatment and ideas without any big medical bills. Sorry to hear you have so many problems healthwise. Yoga and pilates are relatively low impact so definitely give those a go, if you mention to the teacher before hand that you get pain when you do some movements he/she might be able to tell you some slight modifications to the moves so that you still get the benefits without too much pain. And while you're trying to lose weight most of all make sure you eat and drink healthily and make your body as healthy as you possibly can :)
    I'm 20 and at 176lbs at the moment and if you need a friend in a similar situation feel free to add me!! xxx
  • danielleburwell97060
    Short of talking to your DR, all I can say is sometimes it's the exercise you need to help relieve the pain. Not always true, but a lot of times it is.

    Def get to a dr as soon as you can since you have medical issues you really shouldn't do anything without medical advisement.

    Other than that, track those cals. MFP makes that really easy to do so you don't have to track it yourself :)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Exercise is for health, fitness, muscle, definition, and a variety of other great things. It does help weight come off as well, but the your caloric intake is where it's at as far as weight loss goes. In your settings profile, put your activity level at sedentary. You need to log everything you eat and be honest with yourself.
  • VaRnZ
    VaRnZ Posts: 3
    You need to stop thinking what you can't do and start thinking what you CAN DO :) which is swimming & that being one of the best workouts for your body anyway, so its absolutely perfect :) losing weight is all about the POSITIVE thinking not the negitive thinking.....start thinking what can I do..........Good luck :)
  • deegeyspazms
    deegeyspazms Posts: 56 Member
    Ouch - poor you! I def agree that you should see your doc. Swimming is the gentlest form of exercise for achy joints as well as being brilliant for stamina and strength. You can do some gentle stretching in the water to relieve aches and pains too.
    The only thing is swimming can make you feel very hungry, so take some healthy munchies to have afterwards.

    Where do you live? Is there any assistance you can apply to for health costs? Makes me realise how lucky we are in Britain with our National Health Service!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Are you under a lot of stress? A lot of times that can exacerbate your pain. I just spent a over a year dealing with a compression injury to my back. I just started working out again and went from VERY high pain to manageable pain just from working out and feeling better about life. I don't have to focus as much on the pain, plus I'm sore everywhere else.

    Also, don't be afraid to get a good prescription for a long term anti-inflammatory. I take celebrex daily and I'm not sure what I would do without it. :)

    Look up techniques for dealing with your pain. Maybe some of it is related to frustration with your limited ability to exercise- it's frustrating, leads to depression, depression leads to more pain. And then, swim swim swim away! You can also do a lot of exercises on your hands and knees or on your back just to get you active and get the blood flowing. Keep it light so it doesn't irritate your asthma as much! :)
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues. I can imagine how frustrating it must be to have all these issues, and being so young.

    I agree with the other posters that concentrating on your calorie intake is a big deal. In addition to getting professional medical advice, are you taking a multivitamin? Sometimes they can help with nerve pains as some of our pains are caused by vitamin deficiency. Also, if I am not misunderstanding you, a lot of your pain is caused by twisting motions that might be caused by different cardiovascular workouts? If that is the case, could you try weightlifting. It is a great way of strengthening and also burns calories even longer throughout the day. Start of with something like pilates, which is a little different than yoga as you are using your own body weight in a stationary position to work a certain muscle group. Maybe that way it will help you figure out which motions will cause the pain and which ones won't without the constant movement.

    Be kind to yourself as well. Our attitude has a huge inducement and hindrance in any exercise/healthy eating program we undertake. Keep on here and friend people who will be supportive and can help you keep going. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    calorie counting and eating healthy foods, water aerobics/exercises, upper body weight lifting (and lower too! i'm sure there are plenty of exercises you can do in strength training) and honestly even just walking is good for you if you can exert yourself to that point. once you slowly start to strengthen your body, it actually may be easier for you to do a lot of these things. The pain very well may start going away, etc. Also, maybe you can look into special soles for your shoes to help? Just a few ideas!