
Does anyone have any tips on how to prevent snacking/binging.
Would anyone recommend a large breakfast, no lunch and dinner... Or having all three meals?

Really want to get back on track of being healthy.

Thank you.


  • looby_loo91
    Definitely try and eat at least 3 meals if you can, wouldn't advise skipping them otherwise you're likely to be too hungry at your next meal and then overeat... If you get hungry throughout the day either plan snacks into your food allowance or cut your meals down so smaller portions but say, 5 meals a day. Snacks aren't a bad thing though, it depends what you have and what's in them that's the important thing! Definitely make sure you eat back exercise cals too, otherwise you're not getting enough in your net allowance and if you've earnt them, eat them!

    Also, I'm a binge eater too. It feels sucky when you do it but if it happens just dust yourself off and concentrate on getting back on track. Once you start getting healthier and seeing benefits it definitely helps you get in the mindset of staying healthy =)

    Hope this helped even a little bit, feel free to add me if you like! xx
  • jeskate
    jeskate Posts: 52 Member
    Yep, what Looby said ^

    I have my days where I plan my meals and go the opposite direction.. and then I have days where I approach every meal with a great deal of importance and go pretty well. It's a slippery slope with binging.. I think we all speak from experience!

    I find if I have a few great eating days I'm motivated to continue.

    With snacking, I have to make sure I only have good things on hand, not anything sitting there looking pretty while I'm staring into the fridge and cupboards wondering what to eat!

    I have found so much support and motivation over the past few weeks on these forums, I hope this helps you!
  • Danhra
    Danhra Posts: 77
    I agree with jeskate. I am extremely bad for binging :( and the only thing that works for me is to not have anything tempting on hand. I exercise all my will power at the grocery store rather than at home (and make sure I go with a full stomach haha).

    Also, there are probably some foods out there to help curb your cravings, you just need to find them. For example, when I get an overwhelming urge for a greasy burger and fries the only thing that curbs it is eggs.